Chapter 203 The Horror of the Sun God! Target! Lechram!!

【Solgareo (Super Energy) (Steel)】



[Properties: Metal protection (will reduce the ability due to the opponent’s moves or characteristics)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, One Special Attack)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Teleportation, Cosmic Power, Meteor Flash, Metal Claw, War Roar, Iron Head, Metal Sound, Mind Hammer, Cannon Light Cannon, Morning Light, Bite, Metal Explosion, Crazy Volt, Daylight Beam, Flaming Charge, Light Domain Defense, Ultimate Impact, Spirit Strength, High Speed Movement, Light Wall, Reflection Wall, Mysterious Guardian, Iron Tail, Foreknowledge of the Future, Meditation, Iron Wall, Spirit Impact, Spirit Tooth, I Motivate, Cannon Light Cannon, Sleep, Iron Hoof Ray, Meteor Beam, Wide Area Combat Strength, Iron Roller, Destruction of Dead Light, One Hundred Thousand Volts, Jet Flame】

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: God】

Looking at the 98-level Solgareo, Gu Yu’s eyes were full of joy.

“It is worthy of being a first-level god, and there are 98 levels just after evolution!”

“A year ago, Mengyao said that the frozen bird of the Dragon Kingdom champion Fang Jianming was only level 2.”

“Now in terms of strength, Solgareo has not broken through level 100, and I am afraid that there is some gap between him and the adult Divine Beast.”

“But under the Divine Beast, it is already invincible!”

The boss refers to the champion in each region, and there is a championship (hoarding can be called the elf leader, the king, the strongest champion, )

The condition for obtaining is to defeat the champions and kings of each region, and to beat all the challenges to stay.

At present, no one in the world has been able to complete this condition.

Therefore, the leader of the figure is a champion among champions in some ways.

This is also why the elven qualification is not a fence leader.

“After waiting for a while, Terra Ola absorbs the power in the broken tail of the lightning cloud, and the wind speed dog absorbs the Yang Potion.”

“It’s just a six-on-six situation, and I’m full of firepower, even if it’s my future father-in-law, it is estimated that the Tuan Tuan will be my opponent!”

“Solgareo! Let me see your current strength! Cast the teleportation to take me back! ”

Gu Yu knew very well that the movement just now must have been noticed by the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance and the trainers in the Secret Realm.

There may be bold trainers who are now trapped and are on their way to the undeveloped area.

Although Terraora is also a divine beast, it is an esper in terms of race value.

It is completely stuck with the concept of a first-level god.

Once Solgareo was exposed, it would inevitably cause Gu Yu great trouble.

Therefore, Gu Yu was now sleepy and prepared to leave.


Solgareo let out a roar and then began to gather superpower powers.

At the moment when Gu Yu put away all the elves.

An invisible force wrapped Gu Yu around, and in the next instant, Gu Yu and Solgareo disappeared directly into the same place.

When Gu Yu appeared, he had already come to the swimming pool at the back of the villa.

“Teleport tens of kilometers in one breath, although it is prepared in advance, but such a teleportation distance.” ”

“As long as I am careless, no one in this world can threaten my life!”

Gu Yu then took Solgareo back into the elven ball.

Since Gu Yu had left earlier, it was only 8:40 a.m. now.

After simply cleaning up, Gu Yu left the dormitory to take Leo Lu, Ghost Si and the fairy elf to class.

And because of the evolution of Cosmosm, the huge storm caused by it is still rapidly fermenting!

The news of what sun appears in the secret realm of Qiandao Lake directly confronts the top ten of the network hot search.

Countless netizens launched a heated discussion.

“The regiment knows why, when I saw that it was the secret realm of Qiandao Lake, I thought of Gu Yu for the first time!”

“I also felt that Gu Yu had made it before, but the students of Zhejiang University had already refuted the rumors, and Gu Yu was taking classes at Zhejiang University.”

“That’s right, the secret realm of Qiandao Lake is also 40-50 kilometers away from Zhejiang University, and even if Gu Yu can rush back, it is impossible not to be seen, and it is not Gu Yu at all.”

“Investigation results of the headquarters of the Elven Alliance of the Dragon Kingdom.”


Gu Yu, who was facing the elven field battle class, was also affected at this time.

Expedition squad chat group.

“Lin Xuan: @Gu Yu, the news of the secret realm of Qiandao Lake, the trapped will be made by you, right?”

“Yan Siyu: I see that Zhejiang University has already had someone to help dispel rumors, but I know why, I always feel that I have something to do with Gu Yu.”

“Ning Qiyun: Is it really related to Gu Yumian?” @Gu Yu. ”

“Su Qingjun: @Gu Yu, is it really fake?”

“Ye Mengyao: Just now I saw Gu Yu go to class, it should have nothing to do with him!”


Gu Yu also had to say that the speculation of these sand sculpture friends was really accurate, but he would certainly not admit it.

“Gu Yu: It really has nothing to do with me, I’m in class right now.”

“Lin Xuan: I don’t believe it.”

“Ning Qiyun: +1.”

“Su Qingjun: +1.”


The essence of human beings is a repeating machine!

Gu Yu once again had a deep understanding of this sentence.

Immediately decided to take care of this group of sand sculpture friends!

Although the matter of the secret place of Qiandao Lake has caused a lot of turmoil.

But as the dishes passed, the storm gradually calmed down.

On January 7th, it was time for Zhejiang University to take the winter vacation.

It’s the end of the semester.

Most students are preparing for the end-of-semester exams.

The exam has not changed from before, and the focus is on the cultivation of elves by students this semester.

According to the evaluation of each student at the time of the last exam, trapped with the elves.

At the end of the new semester, a comprehensive evaluation is carried out based on the elf level, skills, and the quality of cultivation.

Examining the degree of cultivation of the elves, Gu Yu was naturally trapped and may not be qualified.

Therefore, Gu Yu put most of his energy into training elves.

Learn to swim in the pool with the wind dog, run with the Kirby Beast, learn skills with the Monarch Snake…

Consider the fact that the place in his home is relatively small, and after Solgareo evolved, he could not live at all.

Gu Yu decided to find a place to train for a month before going home.

This year’s New Year is February 12.

On the 7th, there was a holiday, and Gu Yu completely trained in front of time.

It’s just that the location is a bit troublesome, after all, he has too many elves.

Candice invited Gu Yu to train in Turkey, but Gu Yu directly refused knowing that Candice had a problem, and Gu Yu might go with Candice in the natural trapped country.

Just when Gu Yu didn’t know where to go to train.

Ye Mengyao helped Gu Yu solve the problem of sleepiness.

“My family has a 2,000-square-meter villa on the outskirts of Modu, I used to play in the past, and now no one should live there.”

“I’ll let you give you the key in a few days, and then you can go directly to the villa to live, and then go to the Huangpu River Secret Realm to train.”

At this moment, Gu Yu once again felt the sweetness and deliciousness of the soft rice!

January 7.

Today is the day of Zhejiang’s holiday.

Before Gu Yu left, he came to the table where the trophies were placed.

“It looks like when I come back next semester, I may have to add another table!”

At this time the table day is placed, three photos of the winner, the Little Dragon Trophy, the Little Lokia Trophy, the Hippopotamus King Trophy, and the Mini Dragon Medal, the Hackron Medal, and the Fast Dragon Medal.

Discover the dream medals of the new elves and rent eight dojo badges.

Next to the table where the trophies are placed, there is a gray horn thirty centimeters long.

It is the crown of the Czech Röm horn that has been completely absorbed into the energy.

Take the elves together on the high-speed train to the magic capital.

Gu Yu began his training life again.

January 8.

The secret of the Huangpu River, undeveloped zone.

In the dense forest that covers the sun, a lake of thousands of square meters is enclosed.

Originally, this place was a drinking place for many elves in the undeveloped area, but today there were no elves who dared to come close.

“Kirby Beast, keep running around the lake!”

“Monarch Serpent, you began to teach Solgarreo the skill of holding on!”

“Pokkis, you train with the fairy elves!”


As Gu Yu issued one order after another, the elves also began their own training.


Leo Lu shouted, and the right side of his claws was instantly covered with red flames.

One accelerated, rushing directly to the side of the ghost.


After dodging Leolu’s flame fist, Leolu stuck out his long tongue and licked at Leolu.

[Tongue Licking: Use your long tongue to lick your opponent to attack. It can paralyze the opponent. 】

A flash of electricity!

Leolu turned into a blue streamer and dodged the licking of Ghost Spy’s tongue.

Gu Yu supervised the elves’ respective training while observing the elves’ status.

The next Gu Yu repeated the boring and tedious training in this way.

January 21.

Gu Yu, who had finished training, had just returned to the villa of the Mengyao family in Gangye to prepare for a rest.


Hearing the sound of the mobile phone ringing, Gu Yu subconsciously picked up the mobile phone.

Dragon Temple Chat Group.

“Number Seven: Almost back!”

“Number Seven: @ Number One, I went to the secret place of Mt. Fuji and made sure that Lechram was trapped in it and fell asleep.”

“Number Seven: It’s dangerous! I almost can’t come back! I am now admiring the number eight invectives more and more! ”

“Number Seven: Big Man Eight can retreat in the face of two top divine beasts, Gurador and Regichkas! What a strength! ”

“Number One: I see, I’ll find someone to send you the elven egg of the single-headed dragon later.”

“Number Seven: I’m finally going to have a quasi-god trainer, right number one, if it’s convenient, find me a top elven doctor, my Kirby Beast Secret Realm is a little badly injured.”

“Number One: No problem, I’ll contact you as soon as possible.”

“Number One: @ All members, Lahiram has decided to sleep in the secret place of Mt. Fuji, and the preliminary plan is to launch a plan to subdue Lechram next August and October.”

Look at the messages sent by the first and seventh.

Gu Yu’s eyes flashed with a fine light, and he said to himself, “Has the Dragon Shrine’s action finally begun?” ”

“However, why is No. 1 or Yuan Hanhai so confident?”

In the group chat field, the sixth helped Gu Yu ask his question.

“Number Six: Can Number One, relying on our words alone, really be able to subdue Brother Lehiram?”

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