Chapter 204 Ghost Stone! The second champion beast! Terra Ora!!

Divine beasts are only a general term at this time.

In the elven game, according to the race value of the mythical beast.

Divide the elves into first-level gods, second-level gods, and espers and ultimate beasts.

Although the world is not clearly divided at present.

However, many great forces and trainers knew that there was a gap between the strength and weakness of the Divine Beasts.

Reggie Lock, the lightning bird figure species belongs to the lowest echelon.

Terra Aura is barely the second echelon.

Not counting MEGA evolution, the original return to the state of the group.

Leshiram, Gulado, and Regichkas are the first echelons.

The difficulty of subduing the sample level Divine Beast can be said to be extremely high.

Even if it is a crazy spiritual organization, it has not tried to accept it, which can be seen one or two.

“Number one: Many people don’t know one thing, that is, most of the divine beasts sleep because they have no choice.”

“Number One: When the Divine Beasts descended on the Tu world, a battle broke out, and many Divine Beasts had to go into a deep sleep to recover.”

“Number One: Even if I woke up Lechram and a battle broke out, I wasn’t facing a fully fitting Lehillam.”

“Number Six: Even if it is still a complete body, the Divine Beast is not something we can resist, right?”

“Number Three: The regiment should overestimate the Divine Beast, and the reason why the Divine Organization has been failing is not because the Divine Beast is really so terrible, and the Elf Ball cannot subdue the Divine Beast.”

“Number Three: If the Divine Beast really destroys half the world with a single blow, we naturally don’t dare to have the idea of subduing.”

“Number Three: One Elf may not be able to deal with a Divine Beast, but what if it were a hundred?” A hundred is enough, but what about a thousand? ”

The strength of the Divine Beast is certainly terrifying!

But the Divine Beast represents really the invincible of the strong.

The average elf, even as strong as Bangira who claims to be walking in natural disasters.

Destroying several mountains at once is basically the limit.

And to be clear, Bangira is already the top elf under the Divine Beast.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that if the level is below 100.

It is difficult to say whether the lightning bird and the second-level god of Yan Di can hammer Banjira.

Reggie Locke is a second-level god who strikes the earth’s crust like a meteor in one blow, as if the end of the world had come.

But in the end, it is from destroying several big mountains to destroying a mountainous area, or half a secret place.

Of course, the power is increased by ten times.

But that’s not to say, it’s really invincible!

As far as the pure destructive power was concerned, if a thousand quasi-king-level elves were allowed to perform the ultimate impact together, it would not be worse than the power of Reggie Locke at that time.

“Number Seven: The Divine Beast is indeed invincible, but the difficulty is still to be subdued, and the Divine Organization has also injured the Divine Beast, and even seriously injured it more than once, but it cannot be subdued at all!”

“Number Seven: Wait, the Spirit Order’s elven ball that can subdue the Divine Beast was created?”

“Number Three: No, and even if it is made, people may give it to us.”

“Number One: The God Organization will name the Elf Ball that can subdue the Divine Beast as the God Stroke Ball, and this opportunity has entered the late stage.”

“Number One: The reason why I set the time for next year is also to wait for the Ball of God to be completely perfected.”

“Number Seven: Number One, can you get the Ball of God with the God Organization?” If we can get it we do have a liking to take in Lehiram. ”

“Number One: Got it, can’t we grab it yet?”

With the news of the first number, the Dragon Temple chat group briefly fell into a dead silence.

Gu Yu looked at the message sent by Yuan Hanhai, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Take the group and grab it!”

“Just like I thought, Yuan Hanhai is indeed a guy who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal.”

“But can these people in the Dragon God Temple really snatch the God Ball from the hands of the God Organization?”

Ants bite dead elephants!

Even the Divine Beasts would be seriously injured by the siege.

What about Yuan Hanhai and others?


“Number One: How to snatch the God Ball from the hands of the God Organization, I will arrange it when the time comes, and the specific plan will wait until after the end of the year!”

With Yuan Hanhai’s words, the group chat of Tu ended completely.

Gu Yu immediately stopped thinking about it and continued to lead the elves to level up.

On February 8, I finished all my training and prepared to go home.

This month’s training, the biggest change is naturally the ghost.

The ghost of this has evolved into Ghost Stone.

Ghost Stone evolved two claws from the appearance of Ghost Stone, and there were three groups of thorny protrusions on both sides of his face, which seemed to be a strand of unkempt hair hanging from it.

There are triangular white eyes with black pupils inside.

【Ghost (Ghost) (Poison)】



[Characteristics: Floating (floating from the ground, so trapped will be attacked by ground attribute moves)]

【Personality Talent: Timid (+ Speed, – Attack)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (27), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Strange Light, Tongue Licking, Hypnosis, Black Gaze, for Tooth, Curse, Shadow Ball, Poison Strike, Night Shadow, Venom Shock, Evil Not Alone, Raid, Shadow Fist, Spirit Strength, Sludge Bomb, Poison Strike, Ghost Face, Hold, Flame Fist]

【Carrying: Curse Charm】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

Young Kiras is upgraded to Vice Level 15 and learns Iron Tail, Iron Wall.

Leo Lu upgrades to level 22 and learns skills to pierce and dig holes.

The fairy elves are upgraded to level 40, only half a step away from the quasi-king level, and learn skills to destroy the death light.

Monarch Snake upgrades the sub-level 50, learns the Daylight Beam and destroys the Death Light.

The Kirby Beast is upgraded to level 50 and learns the ultimate shock and rain begging.

Menas learns to tighten the bundle, and Shadow Field is separated.

Wind speed dogs learn daylight beams. (This can indeed be learned in the game)

Pokékis learned to trap millions of tons of heavy punches and spew flames.

Sticky Meron learns 100,000 volts, frozen beams.

Terra Ola learns to shadow doppelganger, reverse scales, and flame fists.

Solgareo learned to hold on, electromagnetic waves, earthquakes, shadow doppelgangers.

It can also be seen from here that Solgareo is a first-class god.

Talent is really outrageous!

And the trapped light is like this, Sol Galeo is still absorbing the light and making himself stronger!

It can also be seen from the level increase of elves such as Kirby Beasts.

If there is no system plug-in, and the rapid lifting of various props.

The speed at which the sprites get stronger will only get slower as the circle level increases.

Therefore, it is recognized that the initial peak of a trainer is generally in the age of 28-30.

After ten years of honing and progress, the elves have initially developed to a peak.

Taking Ye Mengyao as an example, except for her fiery roaring tiger and fanged land shark, the strength of the kami turtle is only elite level.

You must know that Ye Mengyao’s resources have never been lacking!

This is also the reason why Lin Xuan, Yan Siyu and others will say that Gu Yu is perverted.

Because, in one and a half years, Gu Yu had completed the road that most trainers could only walk in seven or eight years.

Even if Solgareo is training, as long as he continues to absorb light, he can continue to become stronger!

It can be said that the terrible and powerful of the first-level gods is vividly embodied in Solgareo!

After finishing training, Gu Yu rode Zheng Pokkis on the road home.

Looking at the city that had become small under his feet, Gu Yu said to himself.

“It’s because the speed of trying Solgareo before the regiment is too fast, and it always feels like Pokkis is a bit slow.”

In the Secret Realm, in addition to normal training, Gu Yu also experienced the flight speed of a Solgareo.

Pokkis with a divine speed can reach the speed of two Mach, that is, twice the speed of sound.

Solgareo’s speed after performing high-speed movement can reach Mach ten.


When Pokkis heard Gu Yu’s words, he immediately began to be stunned.

After shouting, the direct cast of the god speed began to accelerate.

Fortunately, Pokkis wrapped Gu Yu with his mind power, and Gu Yu’s riding experience was absolutely poor!

Thanks to the speed of Pokkis, Gu Yu only spent half an hour returning to the Shanshui Community.

With Gu Yu home, there was another burst of chicken flying dog jumping.

“Old Gu! The son is back! Go buy something delicious! ”

“I know, I’ll go now!” What do you buy? ”

“Ribs, fish, crabs…”

Gu Yu, who returned home, also had a rare rest for half a month.

This year Chinese New Year’s Eve a little later than last year is February 10.

After Gu Yu and his parents’ family finished their lives, they stayed together until February 26.

Then Gu Yu took Shen Yuezhu back to Zhejiang University with him.

The varsity team will start training on March 1 to prepare for the crazy April.

But this year’s crazy April, Gu Yu did not participate.

Since Gu Yu wanted to prepare for the qualification tournament, Xia Pengyu had already discussed with Gu Yu that the state had asked Gu Yu to participate in the crazy April.

After all, the strongest opponent of Crazy April, the strongest is the quasi-king level.

For Gu Yu now, it doesn’t mean much to fight this kind of opponent.

Time went day by day, and Gu Yu continued to train the elves.

March 15.

Qiandao Lake Secret Land Undeveloped Zone.

Terra Aura has now been upgraded to Vice Level 68.

After a long period of training and observation, Gu Yu was sure that Terra Ola had reached the reward of becoming stronger again.

“Gera Ola absorbs the power inside and becomes stronger!”

Gu Yu said as he took out the severed tail of the lightning cloud from his backpack and handed it to Gera Ola.

Gera Ola connected, with a severed tail shaped like a chain of meteor hammers, and nodded.


In the next instant, blue lightning bolts emerged from the broken tail of a chain meteor hammer.

Then it quickly poured into the body of Terra Ola.

The dense system prompt sound kept ringing in Gu Yu’s ears!

【Ding! Gera Aura absorbs the broken tail of the lightning cloud and gains a lot of experience points! 】

【Ding! Upgrade to level 69 with Gera Aura! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 70! 】


【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to Vice Level 81! 】

In terms of strength, Raiden Cloud is definitely inferior to Czech Roma.

But the horned crown of the Czech Röm is only thirty centimeters long, and the severed tail of the lightning cloud is nearly one meter.

Moreover, the energy of the Horned Crown Dragon System is significantly stronger than that of the Electric System.

Therefore, even if the broken tail has been absorbed, it is in the perception of Gu Yu’s waveguide.

The electric energy contained in the broken tail is still higher than that of the horn crown!

This energy also succeeded in transforming Gera Aura into a champion elf!

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