Chapter 205 Heavenly King-level Trainer Gu Yu! Kapu moo’s golden bell!!

【Ding! Gera Aura comprehends the skill Electric Shock Wave! 】

[Electric shock wave: Quickly send an electric shock to the opponent.] The attack is bound to hit. 】


The surface of Gera Aura is wrapped in blue and gold lightning!


With a loud roar from Terraora, it seems that there are countless birds hissing, and the sound of thunder instantly reverberates through the clouds!

Then the blue lightning quickly turned golden and returned to Gera Ola’s body.

Feeling the strength to become stronger again, Terra Ola glanced at her paws and then let out a voice of excitement!

“Ora! (×1)”

Gu Yu walked in front of the deputy Gera Ola, and while touching the head of the Gera Ola, he praised.

“The change is stronger! A Jela Ola! ”


Terra Ola enjoyed Gu Yu’s touch and shouted happily.

Gu Yu then checked the information of Terra Ola.

【Terra Aura (Electric)】



[Features: Charge up (when attacked by the electric attribute’s move, it will take damage, but will restore)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, One Special Attack)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Grasp, electric flash, electric light, high-five, roar, enhance punch, random grab, volt replacement, charging, lightning fist, high-speed movement, 100,000 volts, electromagnetic waves, thunder, etc. away from the field lightning fist, bodybuilding, iron tail, resurrection, sleep, snoring, dream words, hold on, retaliate, split, grind claws, electric balls, power grid, melee combat, electrical field, crazy volts, power rising, volt replacement, million tons of heavy punches, wave missiles, shadow doppelgangers, reverse scales, flame fists, electric shock waves]


【Potential: God】

The upgrade of Terra Ola was completed, and Gu Yu continued to start training.

In addition to the training of the elves, Gu Yu did not let go of the waveguide’s cultivation.

Since there is no one to guide, he currently relies directly on groping to practice waveguides.

Gu Yu was constantly using waveguides every day to probe the terrain, or penetrate objects finally, in early April.

For the first time, Gu Yu felt the mood swings of other creatures.

After a few days of exercise, Gu Yu has been able to skillfully use the waveguide to sense the other party’s good intentions or malice, as well as happy, painful and other emotions.

Zhejiang Yin.

Trainer Professional, Director’s Office.

Xia Pengyu was talking at this time, and Yuan Hanhai’s voice came out of the mobile phone.

“I’ve already completed your new passport!”

“Zhejiang University has a summer vacation, so you use the identity on your new passport to go to Turkey and Australia to wait for the opportunity.”

After all, Xia Pengyu was a Heavenly King-level trainer, and if he entered the Tu’ao Kingdom under normal status.

Turkish and Australian officials and the Holy Organization may not have reacted.

Xia Pengyu asked, “I see, but can we really snatch the God Ball from the Divine Organization Base Camp?” ”

Yuan Hanhai on the other side of the phone did not speak, as if thinking, and seemed to be hesitating.

“Forget it! Even now, I am afraid to tell you the truth! ”

“The God Organization has already set its sights on Gu Yu’s Gera Ola, and wants to use that juvenile Gera Ola to blackmail Gera Aura into being used by the God Organization!”

Elves are also wise, and even wisdom is not weaker than that of humans.

Even if the God Order’s God Ball is completed, if Gera Ola is willing to give in, the God Organization will not be able to drive Gera Ola.

“I let Gu Yu participate in the qualification tournament, and even put the venue in Hai Province to attract the God Organization to take the bait!”

“As long as the Divine Organization takes a shot at Gu Yu, considering that there are many masters in the qualification tournament, even if it is not pouring out, it will inevitably mobilize most of its strength.”

“That’s when our chance comes!”

Hearing Yuan Hanhai’s words, Xia Pengyu’s face also became solemn, and his eyes were even more full of surprise.

He also didn’t expect that Yuan Hanhai would directly use Gu Yu as bait!

“That Gu Yu’s safety.”

Before Xia Pengyu could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yuan Hanhai’s cold voice.

“Then it depends on his creation!”

“If you want to achieve great things, how can you not sacrifice?”

“In the Dragon God Temple, you have been with Gu Yu the longest.”

“I know, he is your student circle, and you watched Gu Yu grow up step by step!”

“But at this time, sleepy can be soft-hearted, and you can’t let him know about this!”

Do you understand? ”


“Get ready, and start the reward in early June.”

After hanging up the phone with Yuan Hanhai, Xia Pengyu sat in a chair and could not calm down for a long time.

Bitter, helpless, sleepy…

All kinds of emotions flashed in Xia Pengyu’s eyes.

The most solidified into a helpless sigh.


The corners of Xia Pengyu’s mouth revealed a bitter smile: “Number One, I am very grateful to you and the Dragon God Temple for cultivating me, I can have your help today!” ”

“Therefore, even if I am too sleepy to stay as a department head at Zhejiang University because of your order, I have not objected.”

“But how old is Gu Yu now?”

Thinking back to the various things with Gu Yu, the hardships of the two training together, the joy of winning the trophy of the National University Wai Elf League………

Finally, Xia Pengyu’s eyes flashed a hint of determination.

Jingle Bells!

Gu Yu, who was training the Kirby Beast in the front playground, heard the mobile phone ringing and directly picked up the phone.

Xia Pengyu’s voice came out of the mobile phone field.

“Gu Yu, where are you now, if it is convenient to come to my office to send out what’s going on?”

Hearing the solemnity in Xia Pengyu’s voice, Gu Yu replied, “I am training in the playground, and I will go over when I am trapped.” ”

Hang up the phone and retrieve the elves such as the Kirby Beast that you are training.

Gu Yu went straight to Xia Pengyu’s office.


As soon as there was a knock at the door, Xia Pengyu’s voice also came from inside the house.

“Please come in!”

With a creak, the door was pushed open, Gu Yu entered the room, closed the door again, and Xia Pengyu signaled Gu Yu to sit down, and then took out a large iron box from under the table.

Opening the box, a bell more than half a meter high appeared in Zhuang Guyu’s eyes.

The whole body of the bell is golden, with black lines on it.

The moment Gu Yu looked at the bell, the message of the bell appeared in his eyes.

【Kapu? Moo’s Golden Bell: Kapu? The golden bell dropped by the moo due to the battle contains grass and goblin energy and can be absorbed by elves with two attributes. 】

Kapu? Moo!

The patron saint group of “Merlot Island”!

Kapu? Moo has a large black body with thick arms but no legs.

The middle part of the face has a golden nose that looks like a bull’s nose.

There was a white ring piercing the nostrils.

The tail is mainly a golden bell, with two thin black lines surrounding it and a wavy black line winding underneath.

At the top of the head is a pair of curved black horns, each with a thick yellow logo on the upper part of the horn and a wooden shell attached.

At this time, Xia Pengyu opened his mouth with a serious face.

“Gu Yu, this is what I gained from an expedition, is it the Divine Beast Kapu?”

Mooe part of the body. ”

“It contains grass and goblin energy, because I don’t have these two elves in my hands, so I haven’t used them before.”

“Now I’m going to give you this thing!”

Hearing the solemnity in Xia Pengyu’s voice, Gu Yu asked, “Teacher Xia, what big thing is going to happen next?” ”

“Such a precious prop, you actually gave it to me!”

Gu Yu is still a fool, Xia Pengyu’s expression and actions now all show that the next big thing is bound to happen, and the probability is related to him!

Xia Pengyu heard Gu Yu’s words and fell directly into silence.

He opened his mouth and wanted to tell the truth, but thinking about Yuan Hanhai’s words, Xia Pengyu couldn’t open his mouth.

Xia Pengyu’s face stopped changing, one moment blue, one white.

After a moment, Xia Pengyu’s eyes were full of solemnity as he looked at Gu Yu.

“Waiting for the qualifiers, be careful!”

“I can’t tell you any more!”


Recall what Yuan Hanhai said in the E chat group.

Gu Yu guessed it instantly!

“Teacher Xia’s kindness, I remember it!”

After speaking, Gu Yu picked up the iron box on the table and left directly.

Looking at the back of Gu Yu’s departure, Xia Pengyu showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Some groups use more to say.

For smart people, one sentence is enough.

“I hope you survive!”

After returning to the villa, Gu Yu sat on the sofa.

The look in his eyes was already cold.

“Combined with the Thunder Heaven Fang that appeared in the Taklamakan Secret Realm, the plan of Yuan Hanhai to prepare to attack the Divine Clan, and Xia Pengyu’s abnormality.”

“It’s hard to guess! Yuan Hanhai, this old guy, actually used me as bait! ”

“It’s not surprising that the group has passed, after all, this old guy is a person whose interests are paramount.”

“In other words, I may also try to choose, after all, this is a chance to get the Divine Beast Elf Ball.”

“However, this situation is really making me sleepy!”

“However, even Xia Pengyu and Yuan Hanhai probably didn’t expect it, and I will surround the strength of the overturn!”

As he spoke, Gu Yu touched the elven ball containing Solgareo around his waist.

“Am I bait?” Sleepy, I’m the one who wants to fish! ”

When he took over Terra Ola, Gu Yu promised to help Gera Aura rescue her family.

Now is an opportunity!

In Xia Pengyu’s view, although this time the situation is a dangerous situation.

But in Gu Yu’s view, it was really something.

With Solgareo present, as long as the Divine Beast did not come out, no one could hurt him.

After having a rough idea of the plan, Gu Yu picked up the golden bell placed in the iron box.

Go to the pool behind the villa and release the monarch snake.

Then Gu Yu handed Teda’s golden bell to the monarch snake.

After this period of training, the Monarch Snake has been upgraded to level 51.

“Monarch snake, absorb the grass energy in the picture and make yourself stronger!”


The moment the monarch snake Shinda Fuji whip catches the golden bell.

A burst of cyan light emerged from the golden bell and then enveloped the monarch snake.

【Ding! Monarch snake absorbs Kapu? Moo’s golden bell and get a lot of experience! 】

【Ding! Monarch Snake upgraded just level 53! 】

【Ding! Monarch Snake upgraded to level 54! 】


【Ding! Monarch Snake upgraded level 62! 】

Gu Yu’s sixth Heavenly King-level elf was born!

From the moment of marriage, Gu Yu was a Heavenly King-level trainer for a long time!

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