Chapter 206 Heavenly King-level Immortal Elves! Upcoming Competition!!

【Ding! Monarch Snake comprehend skill gastric juice! 】

[Gastric juice: Spit gastric juice into the opponent’s body. Staining it with gastric juice will eliminate the characteristic effect of the opponent. 】

【Ding! Monarch Snake comprehends skills to troubles farming! 】

[Seeds of Trouble: Plant seeds of restlessness.] Prevents opponents from falling asleep and changes the feature to sleep. 】

Wait until the cyan glow has dissipated.

The monarch snake felt the powerful force in its body and cried out with joy.


Then he wrapped his slender body around Gu Yu, and his head was broken and rubbed Gu Yu’s chest, expressing the joy of becoming stronger.

Touching the blue body of the Monarch Snake, Gu Yu immediately checked the information of the Monarch Snake.

【Monarch snake (grass)】



[Features: Singing the opposite tune (the change in ability will be reversed, the original improvement will be reduced, and the original decrease will be increased)]

【Personality Talent: Introverted (+ Special Attack, – Attack)]

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Impact, Glare, Vine Whip, Field Chief, Grass Blender, Tight Beam, Sword Dance, Parasitic Seed, Super Suck, Poison, Wrestle, Hold, Pick Up the Baton, Shadow Twin, Coil, Ultimate Suck, Tie the Knot, Flying Leaf Storm, Mysterious Guardian, Energy Ball, Force of Nature, Awakening Power, Charming, Digging Holes, Photosynthesis, Planting Bombs, Strangle, Daylight Beam, Destruction of Dead Light, Gastric Juice, Troublesome Seed]

【Carrying: Miracle farming】

【Potential: Champion】

Looking at the information of the monarch snake, Gu Yu secretly thought to himself.

“The elves who first followed me, except for the Kirby Beast and the Fairy Elf who have both become Heavenly Kings, the Immortal Elves are good to say that after all, the Golden Bell still has goblin energy left.”

“The Kirby Beast can only come slowly step by step!”

There are very few divine beasts in the general department.

‘Creator God’ Arzeus, ‘Pillar King’ Regichkas, Meloieta, and at most one more controversial silver companion war beast.

The idea of playing the ‘creator god’ Arzeus, this is almost not much different from finding death.

Gu Yu actually saw the ‘Holy Pillar King’ Regichkas.

But Regiccas didn’t lack arms and legs either.

Meloeta is like a dream, appearing directly from time to time.

The Silver Companion War Beast was created in the anime by Ethereum Secret Lab A.

Whether there is such an elf in this world, Gu Yu is sure.

Therefore, the Kirby Beast can only start training step by step, and there are no shortcuts.

After the monarch snake evolved, Gu Yu immediately left Zhejiang University.

At this time, the crazy April has begun, and the dense audience has affected Gu Yu to some extent.

Although Yuan Hanhai arranged some candidates for Gu Yu to help him train.

However, after knowing that he had become a ‘fish bait’, Gu Yu was also wary of the people arranged by Yuan Hanhai.

Therefore, Gu Yu came to Guangdong Province to find Leng Rufrost to train with.

After the Jinhui Taoist Hall is on the right track, it is very cold as frost.

Hearing that Gu Yu wanted to find her for training, he directly agreed to come down.

Ye Mengyao was also very cooperative in giving his villa to Gu Yu to use.

Gu Yu lived again, training in the morning, and finding cold as frost in the afternoon, which lasted for April 23.

Today’s Gu Yu was forced to stop training.

Because Ye Mengyao is here!

Without Gu Yu, Zhejiang University finally fell in the crazy April.

The school that defeated Zheyin was none other than Hangdian, led by the ‘Battle Princess’ Ning Qiyun.

Ye Mengyao’s strength was not weak.

Blazing roaring tigers, fanged land sharks, and water arrow turtles that swallow mysterious water droplets evolved.

But Hang Electric Hoard is very clever.

Ye Mengyao played in the singles match, and Hangdian directly chose to give up.

Ning Qiyun won the team tournament and the doubles tournament with all his might, and directly eliminated Zhejiang because he avenged last year’s elimination!

Ye Mengyao, who lost the game, was obviously not in a very good mood.

Even with Gu Yu’s comfort, there was still not much smile on his face.

The day after Ye Mengyao came to Guangdong Province, he joined Gu Yu and Cold as Frost training.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Giant Pliers Mantis and gains 140,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Pokékis defeated the Aluminum Steel Dragon and gained 150,000 experience points! 】


Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye came May 24th.

During this time, Gu Yu’s elves had made a lot of progress.

Young Kiras upgrades level 22, learns to stomp his feet, maliciously pursue, and chop tiles.

Leo Lu upgrades to level 26 and learns skills to emulate, bodybuilding, and hammer.

[Imitation: Imitate the move that the opponent has just made, and use the same move.] If the opponent has not yet made a move, he will fail. 】

Fairy Elves upgrade 46 upgrades, become quasi-king-level elves, learn to bite, and the mist explodes.

The Kirby Beast is upgraded to level 54, learns 100,000 volts, and is mentally strong.

Monarch Snake upgrades to level 64, learns to be sunny and provocative.

Menas upgraded to Vice Level 65, Learning to Seal, Iron Head.

Wind Speed Dog upgrades to level 66 and learns loud noises for the ultimate shock.

Pokékis upgrades level 65 and learns signal beams and magic reflections.

[Signal Beam: Shoots magical rays to attack.] Sometimes it confuses the opponent. 】

[Magic Reflexes: When an opponent makes a move that becomes an abnormal state or holds a seed, it will reflect the opponent’s move back. 】

Gera Ola, Sticky Meron and Solgareo appeared in front of the people because of their sleepiness, Gu Yu did not take the three elves to train and fight with Cold Frost.

Therefore, the three elves are mainly about learning skills.

Gera Aura learns to surround the real gas bomb, kick down, provoke, flame kick, million tons of heavy kick.

Sticky Meron learns trapped water tail, true gas bomb, electric shock wave, ultimate shock.

Solgareo learns loud noises, melee combat, high temperature and heavy pressure, sleeping, snoring, dreaming.

Due to the lack of enclosure system external assistance, Gera Ola and Sticky Meilong can only rely on their own growth.

The speed at which the two elves became stronger slowed down significantly, although each went straight up by 1 level.

But in terms of the speed of getting stronger, it is obviously inferior to other elves.

And Solgareo, who can become stronger as long as he absorbs light, has been upgraded to level 99.

There is only one step left to break through level 100 and become a true divine beast!

The Tenno Challenge qualifiers opened on June 8 in Hai Province.

Now Gu Yu still had about 10 days left in the training room.

Gu Yu felt that the time was ripe.

May 25.

In the morning, the golden sun pierces the night sky.

At this time, Gu Yu was still sleeping in the villa of Ye Mengyao’s family.

To the left of the pillow was a fairy elf that had shrunk into a ball but wrapped its tentacles around Gu Yu’s left arm.

The side of the pillow hoard was replaced by Leo Lu.

Below the fairy elves is the sleeping Gera Ora.

Next to the bed is the wind dog.

Ghost is habitually floating in mid-air.

Jingle Bells!

With the mobile phone elf ringing, Gu Yu also woke up from sleep.

Along with them woke up a multitude of elves.

“Everyone! Good morning! ”





Spirit Yang also responded to Gu Yu…

After feeding the elves, Gu Yu took the fairy elves to the training room under the villa.

Unleash the fairy elves and put Kapu? Moo’s golden bell is taken out.

“Fairy elves, absorb the energy in the golden bell and make yourself stronger!”

Gu Yu’s goblin elves, in addition to fairy elves, are also pokkis.

Among Pokékis and the fairy elves, Gu Yu finally chose the latter.

The reason is also simple.

Elf battles don’t just look at levels.

Because of attribute restraint, race values also have skill matching.

Leads to a battle between elves, not that high-ranking elves necessarily win.

Take the simplest example if the opponent is a two-axe dragon.

It was this two-axe battle dragon, 10 levels stronger than Pokkis, and Gu Yu was sure to win easily.

After all, at the speed of Pokkis, plus the two-axe battle dragon flew again.

The two-axe dragon is a living target against Pokkis.

The level gap, unless the difference is more than 10 levels, is not a gap at all.

Solgareo is Gu Yu’s bottom card, so he is sleepy about letting Solgareo appear in the qualifiers.

Kirby Beasts can’t level up quickly, so the Fairy Elves are the best choice.


The fairy elf cried out, stretched out a tentacle like a ribbon, and took the kapu from Gu Yu’s hand? Moo’s golden bell.

In the next instant, a pink light emerged from the golden bell, enveloping the fairy spirits.

【Ding! Fairy Elves absorbing Kapu? Moo’s golden bell and get a lot of experience! 】

【Ding! Fairy Elves upgraded to sub-level 47! 】

【Ding! Fairy Elves upgraded to level 48! 】

【Ding! Fairy Elves upgrade to sub-level 49! 】


【Ding! Fairy Elves upgraded just level 61! 】

【Ding! Fairy Elves comprehend the skill Wall of Light! 】

[Light Wall: Use the Magic Wall for a certain period of time to reduce the damage of special attacks from your opponent.] 】

【Ding! The fairy elves comprehend the skill shadow doppelganger! 】

[Shadow Twin: Creates a doppelganger by moving quickly, disturbing opponents and thus improving dodge. 】

After the inverted pink light was absorbed by the fairy elves.

1.0″ Boo! ”

The fairy elf’s happy voice sounded, and ran in front of Gu Yu’s body, wrapping his silk-like tentacles around Gu Yu, and his head kept rubbing Gu Yu’s arm.

Gu Yu touched the head of the fairy elf while checking the information of the fairy elf.

【Senda Elf (Fairy Ibu) (Goblin) (Flash)】



[Features: Goblin Skin (The general attribute of the move becomes the goblin attribute. Power will be increased slightly)]

【Character Talent: Calm (+ Special Attack, One Speed)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Impact, Scream, Sand Splash, High Speed Star, Round Pupil, Hole Digging, Stand-in, Charming, Charming, Shadow Ball, Enchanted Mass Sound, Imitation, Electric Flash, Magic Shine, Suction Kiss, Mist Field, Feature Exchange, Self-Suggestion, Loud Sound, Iron Tail, Meditation, Goblin Wind, Hold, Spirit Shock, Mental Strengthening, Mind Shifting, Destruction of Death Light, Bite, Mist Bursting, Shadow Splitting, Light Wall]

【Carrying: Goblin Gems】

【Potential: Champion】

After the Immortal Elf became a Heavenly King-level Elf, Gu Yu then took out the Yanyang Potion, and then released the Wind Speed Dog from the Elf Ball!

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