Jiang Han ran all the way from home to school, just in time.

As soon as Su Qingyi got off the summit stage, he heard the host call his name.

I had no choice but to walk up.

Looking at the many students under the stage who looked at him enviously, Jiang Han’s heart trembled.

At this time in the last life, there were no Mizuki University students in the entire school, so there was no session where student representatives spoke.

Although Su Qingyi’s score line was enough to go to Mizuki University, in order to help Su Hao overturn the case, he finally chose the NPC.

It’s just that this life is under the influence of Jiang Han.

Su Qingyi chose Mizuki University, and he also became a national champion.

Killed from the army of millions of examinees across the country.

Feeling the gaze of so many people in the audience, Jiang Han took a deep breath and said: “Leaders, teachers, students, hello everyone, I am Jiang Han, the national champion this time!” ”

The audience immediately broke into warm applause.

Whether it is for teachers or students, the results of the college entrance examination are always the most critical link.

No matter what Jiang Han’s previous grades were, at this moment, he was the brightest one in the entire school.

In the previous life, even if Jiang Han lived for more than forty years, he had never been treated like this.

But at this moment, he is not the person he was in the previous life.

After his hands were slightly pressed, making the applause in the audience smaller, Jiang Hanfang continued: “Before I went on stage, I wrote a speech, but I finally gave up. ”

“Instead of struggling with beautiful words, you can just talk about your feelings.”

“Before I start today’s speech, I want to ask you a question, have you ever wondered what you will be doing when you are forty or fifty years old? Is this job something you enjoy? ”

“The college entrance examination is a hurdle that every student must go through, step over, step on the ground, and be considered successful.”

“Compared with the joy after the college entrance examination, I am more concerned about the study life before the college entrance examination.”

“Here, I would like to specially thank my homeroom teacher, Teacher Liu Qian.”

Jiang Han’s voice spread throughout the auditorium through the sound.

It also reached the ears of Liu Qian and the three who came out of the backstage.

Everyone was stunned at the same time.

People who don’t know about that are okay to say, but people who know about that are full of weirdness at the moment.

Thanks to Liu Qian? Thanks to her for sending herself into a second book?

The teaching director turned his head to look at Liu Qian, frowned slightly and did not speak.

“When Teacher Liu Qian first came, everyone questioned her, thinking that she was young and incapable of leading a high school junior class.”

“But after getting along for a long time, I can understand what kind of person Teacher Liu Qian is.”

“I’m thankful to have met such a teacher in my final year of high school.”

“Without her, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

Really thanks?

The teachers in the audience listened to Jiang Han’s words, and couldn’t help but wonder in their hearts, could it be that what they heard was false? It shouldn’t be.

“In fact, in my opinion, the college entrance examination should not blindly pursue scores and try to get into prestigious schools.”

“There are not so many geniuses in this world, and the vast majority of people are ordinary people.”

“Since you don’t have enough brains to compete with those geniuses for the only spots, it’s better to find your own path.”

“As long as you find your own path, everyone is a genius.”

“People only see the top part of the pyramid and ignore that the cornerstone at the bottom is the most important thing.”

“Of course, I am not advising you not to study, but to persuade those students who do not study well to find a path that suits them to study.”

“No one is perfect, including me.”


Jiang Han talked endlessly above, and the students below listened with relish.

Jiang Han did not instill those useless poisonous chicken soup.

If you work hard, I will work hard, and we will definitely get into Mizuki in the end.

Jiang Han listened a lot in his last life, and naturally understood what was useful and what was useless.

Instead of persuading everyone to work towards the few elite school places, it is better to persuade them to work towards their favorite fields.

If you clarify your interests as early as possible, you can clarify the direction you should work towards as soon as possible.

The major chosen by the university is not necessarily the job after graduation.

The job you choose after graduation doesn’t have to be the job you like.

In the previous life, Jiang Han changed many jobs, and it was not until he was almost forty years old that he knew what he liked.

Although it is a country with a large population, it is extremely short of talents in many partial industries.

It’s not that people don’t have talent in these industries, but nearly 100% of people don’t consider these industries when they choose.

It is for this reason that later countries have vigorously developed vocational education.

If you choose the right path, you can make a difference.

“When I volunteered to fill out the application before, I chose Mizuki, not because Mizuki is the number one university in the country, but because Mizuki has the soil that can make me grow.”

“In the end, no matter what path you will choose in the end, like it or not, I hope you will persevere.”

“I send you two sentences, I hope I can remember when you are disappointed in yourself.”

“The first sentence is: life is not only about the present and the present, but also about poetry and distant places.”

“The second sentence is: May you run away for half your life and return as a teenager.”

“Thank you.”

Jiang Han finally quoted two sentences that were very famous in later generations, which were regarded as an encouragement to many students.

Both sentences convey similar meanings, in addition to living hardships, we must also maintain hope.

And after hearing Jiang Han’s last two words, everyone was slightly stunned.

After carefully tasting it, I feel that it is very meaningful.

The applause broke out suddenly, and it intensified.

Jiang Han also got off the stage amid the applause of everyone, and saw Su Hao and others with a shocked face in the background.

“Life is not only about the present, but also about poetry and distant places.” Liu Qian carefully recalled Jiang Han’s words just now, and her heart was inexplicably complicated.

If you still didn’t believe that Jiang Han could get such a high score in the exam before, I wanted to find him to confirm.

That Liu Qian had been completely defeated by Jiang Han’s talent at this moment.

Even with that, all the previous misunderstandings about Jiang Han disappeared.

For a young woman like Liu Qian, the wealth of the family cannot impress them, but an inadvertent sentence will make them sink.

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