This is a bit difficult, but as long as you follow the path given by Jiang Han, you can still complete the acquisition.

  I don't know what happened to Su Hao.

  "How is it? Has that game company acquired it?"

  Su Qingyi's feet were very cold, Jiang Han simply placed it directly on his chest.

  "My brother said that the game company in the country has decided to sell the company, and now the two sides are negotiating the price."

  "Oh? Are you really going to sell it?"

  "Well, but something happened over there." Su Qingyi said again after typing on the keyboard twice on the computer.

  "The acquisition should have been completed a long time ago, but on the Tianchao side, another game company passed by, forcibly intervening and disrupting the rhythm."

  "And the game company in Bangzi Country is also up for sale, and plans to ask for a high price."

  Another game company has passed over here in China?

  Jiang Han moved in his heart.

  It should be grand.

  Jiang Han did not expect to collide with Shanda.

  But even so, there is nothing to be afraid of.

  A small Shanda wants to wrestle with him now?

  "Tell Su Hao and ask him to raise the price to five million Chinese coins, the legend must be taken down!"

  Shanda's start-up capital is only about [-].

  And what Shanda got in the last life was only the agency of Legend in the Celestial Dynasty.

  The price of five million is enough to buy the sticky country game company that is on the verge of bankruptcy.

  [-] million in exchange for the future income of [-] billion, it is a steady profit.

  Therefore, it is impossible for the legendary Jiang Han to give it to others.

  "Okay." Su Qingyi didn't hesitate, after Jiang Han finished speaking, he sent a message to Su Hao through QQ.

  However, sending QQ messages across borders is still very slow.

  Penguin now does not have a server abroad. Sending such a cross-border message must be over the wall.

  When Penguin occupies more than [-]% of users in China, Jiang Han will start a profit plan, and then promote Penguin to the world.

  A minute or two after Su Qingyi's message was sent, Su Hao's message came back.

  After confirming that Su Hao knew, Jiang Han called Zhao Yu and asked him to transfer another [-] million to Su Hao's bank card.

  Adding the previous five million, Su Hao's funds have reached seven million.

  Acquiring a legendary development company, plus spending back and forth, is definitely enough.

  And Su Qingyi had finished the phone call at this moment. After closing the laptop, she turned over and rushed towards Jiang Han.

  But after hugging Jiang Han, Su Qingyi frowned slightly and sniffed twice.

  "Why do you smell like perfume 々"?"

  Su Qingyi looked up at Jiang Handao.

  "Where did the perfume smell come from? Is it yours?"

  Jiang Han said helplessly.

  "I never wear perfume, you know." Su Qingyi said quietly.

  Jiang Han was stunned when he heard the words.

  Su Qingyi does not wear perfume, but she has a faint scent on her body.

  Jiang Han's body has been strengthened, and his sense of smell and hearing have also been strengthened.

  If you smell it carefully, you can indeed smell the faint fragrance on his body, which is different from Su Qingyi.

  Does this smell seem to belong to Guan Jin?

  It must have been stained while eating.

  But the question is, he has to smell it carefully before he can smell it. How did Su Qingyi smell it?

  Jiang Han looked down at Su Qingyi's eyes.

  Then he caught the hint of cunning in Su Qingyi's eyes.

  Immediately understood.

  "I don't care, you have the smell of other girls on you anyway."

  With that said, Su Qingyi threw Jiang Han onto the bed directly.

  It was also the reason why Jiang Han did not resist.

  As soon as Su Qingyi exerted force, he fell down.

  "Then tell me what to do." Jiang Han said with a smile.

  "Why don't you sleep on the sofa tonight?"

  A blush appeared on Su Qingyi's face.

  Having said that, how could Jiang Han still not understand?

  It's twelve o'clock in the evening, it's time to turn off the lights and go to bed.

  Jiang Han didn't sleep on the sofa tonight, the two hugged tightly, but they didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

  After all, both of them have some psychological cleanliness.

  This kind of thing, especially for the first time, is better not to stay in the hotel.

  Jiang Han intends to find time to buy a house.

  Beijing's current housing prices are also extremely high.

  But it was nothing to Jiang Han.

  Especially compared with the house prices of later generations, the house prices in the capital at this moment are almost the same as the price of cabbage.

  It is best to buy this house near Shuimu University.

  In this way, Jiang Han can move out after he goes to college.

  Living in school is still a bit troublesome, and Jiang Han doesn't know if his future roommates have any strange habits.

  What Jiang Han couldn't stand the most was snoring at night.

  As long as someone snores, he will never fall asleep.

  In case the roommate snores in the future, Jiang Han can't imagine that kind of scene.

  Therefore, it is necessary to buy a house before enrolling in school. Even if it is a fixed asset investment, it is still profitable.

  The next morning, Jiang Han's cell phone was connected, and a loud ringing of the phone woke up both Jiang Han.

  In a daze, he grabbed the phone on the bedside, and Jiang Han pressed the answer button.

  "Hello? Who is it?"

  "Xiaohan, it's me, when will you come to the general hospital? We old guys are still waiting."

  Old Zhang's voice sounded over the phone.

  And Jiang Han's original drowsiness has all disappeared at this moment.

  ".¨Uh, Mr. Zhang, I'll be there soon. I'll be there soon."

  After saying a few words, Jiang Han hung up the phone.

  Earning money looked at Su Qingyi, Jiang Han smiled wryly.

  Last night, the two of them were a little excited. Although they only slept with each other for one night, the feeling was really annoying.

  So much so that Jiang Han didn't fall asleep until the middle of the night.

  And Su Qingyi was also woken up by the phone at the moment, rubbed the corners of her eyes and looked at him.

  He reached out and stroked Su Qingyi's hair.

  "If you're sleepy, go to bed again, and remember to eat breakfast by yourself."

  Su Qingyi nodded, then sat up.

  He was wearing pajamas and helped Jiang Han change his clothes.

  After helping Jiang Han tie his tie and tidy up the corners of his shirt, Su Qingyi said leisurely, "I'll wait for you, come back early."

  At this moment, Su Qingyi is acting like a little daughter-in-law.

  But it is precisely because of this that Jiang Han's heart is touched.

  He is not short of money now, not short of fame and fortune.

(Nuo Zhaohao) There is only one person who can wait for him to go home.

  And Su Qingyi was just such a person chosen by Jiang Han.

  Su Qingyi's gentleness like water was what Jiang Han cared about the most.

  After bowing his head and kissing Su Qingyi's forehead lightly, Jiang Han just went out.

  For the next few days, Jiang Han and Su Qingyi both lived in the capital.

  Every day, Jiang Han went back to the General Academy to discuss the feasibility of mobile communication technology with those academicians.

  In fact, everyone has already passed this technology, and now I just want to discuss it more.

  This is also a big improvement for them.

  Every night Jiang Han was invited to go to one of the academicians' house to swell.

  After a few days, the relationship with these academicians was extremely harmonious.

  But from the third day, Jiang Han never saw Elder Zhou again.

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