I don't know what he's doing.

  On the fifth day, Elder Zhou came to Jiang Han with a middle-aged man.

  "Xiao Han, this is from the Ministry of National Telecommunications. I'm here to talk to you about the allocation of shares in mobile communication technology.".

Chapter 233

  The country came to the door.

  Jiang Han had already expected it.

  And if the matter involves a market of hundreds of billions of dollars, it will definitely not send anyone over here.

  The big guy in front of him already belongs to the top part.

  The Ministry of Telecommunications will be reorganized and renamed the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  At the moment, the Ministry of Telecommunications manages all the communications services of the Chinese Empire, including landlines, mobile phones, and networks.

  Even these domestic Internet companies are under the management of the Ministry of Telecommunications.

  In the previous life, PHS, when the market was at its largest, had an annual income of more than [-] billion.

  But it is such a huge existence.

  It has been suppressed by the Ministry of Telecommunications for several years, and it can only operate in second- and third-tier cities.

  The reason why PHS has been suppressed is actually because PHS technology is too backward, which is not conducive to the healthy development of the market.

  It was not until the market pressure could no longer hold that the Ministry of Telecommunications released the restrictions on PHS, allowing PHS to enter the market in first-tier cities.

  Sounds like a happy ending.

  But a few years did not allow PHS to enter the market in first-tier cities.

  The income of PHS was reduced by nearly [-] billion!

  This is a dimensionality reduction attack from the national level, and it is the one in front of me who made this decision!

  Through the understanding of the previous life, Jiang Han can roughly guess what this person is thinking.

  Make every effort to promote the development of the 977 mobile communication field of China Mobile.

  Even if it interferes with the normal development of the market for this reason, it will not hesitate!

  This is an existence whose status is not lower than that of Zhou Lao.

  "Hello Jiang Han."

  The big guy opposite stretched out his hand to Jiang Han.

  Jiang Han hurriedly held it up.

  "Hello, Mr. Duan." In the face of a boss of this level, Jiang Han naturally couldn't show his arrogance any longer.

  Seeing Jiang Han's attitude, the other party nodded and smiled.

  There are only the three of them in the conference room at the moment, so there is no need to worry about the presence of other people who can't say anything.

  "I believe you already know my purpose, but I still have to explain one point."

  Mr. Duan let go of Jiang Han's hand, and then said solemnly, "I personally highly approve of your ability to develop this level of mobile communication technology."

  "But my current identity represents the country."

  "So this time around, I'm not going to back down when it comes to discussions."

  Mr. Duan's words are somewhat contradictory, and even a little chaotic.

  But Jiang Han understood the meaning.

  After the system deduced Mr. Duan's life, Jiang Han discovered that Mr. Duan's personality was actually very similar to that of Zhou Lao.

  The only difference is that Elder Zhou has stepped back behind the scenes.

  There won't be too many worries when helping Jiang Han.

  Even if Mr. Duan wants to help Jiang Han, he has to consider his position.

  His status did not allow him to do that.

  "I understand, and in the same way, I will not make any concessions. Please forgive me."

  In the future, Jiang Han will have many opportunities to communicate with Mr. Duan, and it is better to maintain a friendly relationship.

  "Since that's the case, then I'll show the country's attitude first."

  Mr. Duan nodded and said, "You know very well that this market is about people's livelihood."

  "There is no precedent for private entry in this market country, but because you are the developer of this technology."

  "The state can grant you access to the market."

  "However, whether it is a newly established fusion company, or other forms of cooperation."

  "All control must be owned by the state."

  "This is absolutely impossible to compromise!"

  When it comes to business, the expression on Mr. Duan's face becomes a lot more serious.

  Jiang Han also frowned slightly.

  He had already told Zhou Lao before.

  What he wants is absolute control, because absolute control represents absolute rights and huge profits!

  In the nearly trillion-dollar market, [-]% and [-]% are taken away.

  The difference in the middle is not hundreds of millions, but hundreds of billions!

  "Mr. Duan, I have told Elder Zhou about this before."

  "To jointly establish a new company, I want absolute control. Otherwise, I will not cooperate with this technology."

  "After all, I'm not short of money now."

  The [-] billion US dollars in cash in foreign countries is Jiang Han's current confidence.

  With this capital, Jiang Han has enough strength and capital to promote the development of an industry.

  Mr. Duan is clearly aware of this.

  It is precisely because of this that he is so afraid in his heart.

  Instead of unilaterally and forcefully informing Jiang Han.

  "Mr. Jiang has any good ideas, you can say it."

  Mr. Duan just frowned slightly and said.

  He couldn't believe that Jiang Han didn't think about it these days.

  With Jiang Han's IQ, it is estimated that he has already figured out this matter.

  Sure enough, after Mr. Duan said this, a smile appeared on Jiang Han's face.

  "It's not a good idea, just want to borrow some people from the country and go to Europe."

  Both Mr. Duan and Mr. Zhou's eyes narrowed slightly.

  Borrow someone to go to Europe?

  Jiang Han is planning to give up the Celestial Market?

  Or, he does not intend to cooperate with the state?

  Especially Mr. Duan, after hearing Jiang Han's words, he inevitably thought a little more in his heart.

  "Mr. Jiang is planning to take the technology abroad to do it?"

  If Jiang Han really chooses to cooperate with foreign communication operators because of his controlling interest, then this matter will be a big problem.

  China finally had the opportunity to overtake on a curve, so should it be handed over to others now?

  "It is inevitable for technology to be carried out abroad. If such a global leading technology cannot be spread globally, how much will be lost."

  Jiang Han said slowly, as if he did not understand the meaning of Mr. Duan's words.

  After speaking, seeing Mr. Duan's face change, he just reacted.

  Can't help but laugh a little: "Mr. Duan, don't worry."

  "I will definitely not give up the Chinese market."

  "Since I want the controlling stake, the state is not willing to give it to me, so let's do this."

  "In the market of the Celestial Dynasty, I do technology authorization and only take [-]% of the profit, how about it?"

  As soon as Jiang Han said this, Mr. Duan and Mr. Zhou knew exactly what Jiang Han was thinking.

  Technology authorization is different from technology shareholding.

  The latter needs to assume corresponding responsibilities, just like capital investment.

  If you can't get a controlling stake, it means that the technology will be owned by the largest capital.

  And technology authorization means that the technology is still in Jiang Han's hands, but it just gives you the right to use the technology.

  Moreover, in Jiang Han's words, it is very likely that the authorization is only the right to use within the territory of the Celestial Empire.

  "The right to operate within the scope of the Celestial Dynasty is handed over to the country, including the Celestial Dynasty Xiangjiang, the Celestial Dynasty Casino, and the Celestial Dynasty Treasure Island."

  Jiang Han said lightly.

  "I don't care how to operate it, I only need [-]% of the profit."

  Not only in the Celestial Dynasty Jiang Han intends to do this, but even abroad, Jiang Han also intends to do so.

  It's just that this profit ratio is much higher than the price to the Heavenly Dynasty.

  Jiang Han didn't want to get involved in the entanglement at the national level, but he didn't mind giving the Heavenly Dynasty some help if he could. .

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