"Hello Mr. Jiang, my surname is Liu, and I will be the chairman of the mobile company."

  "Hello, Mr. Jiang, my surname is Zhao, and I will be the chairman of the telecommunications company."

  Two big guys again.

  Two bosses that Jiang Han could never have had contact with in the previous life.

  But in this life, when the two faced Jiang Han, they behaved extremely cordially, like people of the same class.

  Zhao Yu has been sitting on the side, after hearing these two self-introductions, his heart trembled. .

Chapter 238

  Mobile and telecommunications have not yet been formally established.

  But that's only for ordinary people.

  Zhao Yu's identity is naturally not ordinary people.

  At least in terms of information acquisition, he wants to come much faster.

  In any case, he was a senior employee of Jinling Bank before.

  It is precisely because of this that he is very clear.

  What exactly does mobile and telecommunications do?

  A bold idea came to Zhao Yu's mind, and then was thrown out by him.

  It's impossible, and it's just too absurd.

  It's just that Jiang Han didn't notice Zhao Yu's strangeness.

  Looking at the two bosses sitting opposite, he smiled and said, "You two come at the same time, do you want to compete for agency?"

  The two big brothers came together, and it seemed that this was the only possibility.

  As an epoch-making mobile communication technology, the authorization in Jiang Han's hands is worthy of their coming together.

  It is precisely because of this that the two did not cover up after hearing Jiang Han's words.

  After nodding, the two bosses looked at each other and the CEO of Telecom spoke first.

  "Mr. Jiang, I am very optimistic about your technology, so I plan to exclusively operate this technology by Telecom."

  "In terms of licensing fees, I can give you a billion in cash, which is just a year's worth of patent licensing fees."


  Telecom is still in the leading position in China.

  Unlike moving this newly formed division.

  Telecom has been operating as a near-monopoly in China for a long time.

  It is precisely because of this that the price of one billion is directly offered with such a wealth of money.

  At present, the domestic mobile communication field is not developed.

  Mobile phone users add up to barely over [-] million.

  The annual turnover is only a few billions.

  The price offered by the telecommunications boss seems to be extremely fair now.

  After all, [-]% of the net profit is less than one billion.

  But Jiang Han smiled after hearing this.

  One billion is indeed a lot, but it depends on what market it is compared to.

  The number of mobile phone users in China will double in a few years.

  The number of users exceeded [-] million in the last two or three years.

  By then the market will not be in the billions.

  Jiang Han is not stupid enough to give up tens of billions to ask for one billion.

  More importantly, the meaning of the other party's words is to buy out the rights of this technology on a global scale.

  If Jiang Han really agrees to this offer, it means that this right can only be handed over to Telecom for operation.

  As long as Jiang Han is not a fool, it is impossible to agree to this matter.

  "Mr. Zhao, I personally prefer that [-]% of the net income is the authorization fee."

  "Furthermore, the scope of this authorization is only within the territory of the Celestial Empire."

  "If you want a worldwide mandate, don't talk about it."

  Jiang Han's words were very calm, but the meaning of the words was unquestionable.

  Although telecommunications is well-capitalized, its influence is limited to the territory of the Chinese Empire.

  It doesn't even have much influence in places like Xiangjiang.

  Even if the technology is fully licensed to Telecom, they will not be able to spread the technology to the world.

  The biggest possibility is to work behind closed doors, confining technology to the Celestial Dynasty and not leaving it out.

  This has seriously violated Jiang Han's original intention.

  To be rejected by Jiang Han, in the eyes of outsiders, is a reasonable thing.

  But that Mr. Zhao looked surprised.

  In this world, there are still people who are not interested in one billion?

  In Mr. Zhao's view, the price of one billion yuan is already very high.

  He doesn't think Mobile can pay more than that price for licensing.

  I also don't think Jiang Han can make other markets besides the Celestial Market.

  After all, many countries will protect their own national enterprises.

  Even whether Jiang Han's technology can go out of the Chinese market is unknown.

  In this case, if it was him, he would definitely choose one billion yuan instead of [-]% of the net profit.

  "Mr. Jiang, I hope you can think about it. After all, it's more than one billion yuan, and my sincerity is very good."

  Mr. Zhao looked at Jiang Han and said.

  Is it sincere enough?

  If you change to another company, it is estimated that you will be extremely excited and agree.

  But Jiang Han is no other company.

  Hearing this, he shook his head and said, "Sorry, Mr. Zhao, I don't lack the billion, and I don't think that such a technology is only worth one billion."

  Does Jiang Han lack this billion?

  The total assets reached [-] billion US dollars, which is more than [-] billion in Chinese currency.

  To put it mildly, one billion sounds like a lot, but now in front of Jiang Han, it's nothing.

  Even those industries that Jiang Han plans to enter, if you pick one at random, the profits in the next year will definitely exceed one billion!

  Mr. Duan just listened quietly and did not express any opinion.

  He knew exactly where Jiang Han's confidence was.

  Naturally, he knew that Jiang Han would never agree to this proposal.

  Seeing what Mr. Zhao wanted to say, Jiang Han simply turned to look at Mr. Liu, the mobile boss who had not spoken.

  "I don't know what Mr. Liu's plan is here?"

  Jiang Han said.

  The current mobile volume is worse than that of telecommunications, and it is obviously not comparable in terms of financial resources.

  But it is precisely because of this that Jiang Han attaches so much importance to it.

  Weakness means giving up more things.

  And the fact that mobile is weak now does not mean that it will be weak in the future.

  In the field of mobile communication, the period of mobile development has not yet come.

  According to Jiang Han's understanding.

  Without his intervention, China Mobile will unswervingly develop the 2G market in the future.

  And China Telecom and China Unicom turned to the development of PHS technology.

  That is, the PHS market.

  In the short term, PHS has indeed made the two telecom companies a lot of money.

  But after the arrival of 3G, it is time for mobile to exert its strength.

  At that time, telecommunications, as a leading enterprise, will have to turn their attention to the home broadband business to temporarily avoid the edge of mobile.

  And now this technology in Jiang Han's hands is far ahead of 2G technology, and even slightly inferior to 3G technology.

  In this case, whoever can come out on top will be able to take the absolute initiative.

  Jiang Han doesn't mind licensing the patents to both China Mobile and China Telecom.

  But the price given must satisfy him.

  Jiang Han's bottom line is [-]% of net profit.

  The mobile Mr. Liu obviously did his homework before coming over.

  Unlike Mr. Zhao from Telecom, he knows exactly where Jiang Han's confidence lies.

  Jiang Han is not short of money, and [-]% of the income from this technology is definitely higher than one billion!

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