Jiang Han only mentioned one mobile communication technology.

  But he didn't let him see the real thing.

  And this investment is expected to reach the level of [-] billion, the amount is too large.

  Zhao Yu couldn't help swallowing, but in order not to expose the fact that he didn't know anything.

  Zhao Yu did not choose to ask questions, and planned to wait until he went back to find Jiang Han to ask clearly.

  An investment of hundreds of billions of dollars, and future market transactions of trillions of dollars, was determined by Jiang Han.

  Zhao Yu has only one feeling at the moment, that is madness! .

Chapter 241

  What is the concept of [-] billion-level transactions in the Celestial Dynasty?

  Now the richest man in China is worth only [-] billion.

  The top private enterprises in China have assets of only [-] billion.

  In other words, an investment of [-] billion level, even if the top [-] richest people in the country are tied together, cannot be completed.

  This is simply not the kind of financial pressure that private companies can afford.

  This level of transaction, even ordinary state-owned enterprises can not afford.

  Take Jinling Bank as an example.

  It is extremely difficult for Jinling Bank to take out [-] billion in cash now.

  Not to mention taking out [-] billion.

  It is only possible if you want to move the super-large state-owned enterprises that determine the livelihood of the people.

  But judging from Mr. Zhao's previous attitude towards this matter.

  Even if it is mobile, it is extremely difficult to come up with this hundred billion!

  With this level of cooperation, anyone should be extremely cautious.

  Because once something goes wrong, it represents a loss of hundreds of millions of yuan.

  No one can afford such a loss.

  Even if you look at the whole country, except for the four major banks, no other bank has done such a large transaction!

  But Jiang Han so lightly planned to hand over the deal to him.

  Zhao Yu felt a little cowardly in his heart.

  Jiang Han naturally noticed Zhao Yu's strangeness, but didn't say anything.

  All the roads have been paved.

  He has already contacted Mr. Liu for all the things that should be negotiated and determined.

  All Zhao Yu needs to do is to deal with some tedious things.

  At this point, Zhao Yu is obviously much more professional than him.

  After all, Jiang Han had never studied systematically.

  And Zhao Yu, a high-level student of Shuimu who came from a major, is obviously the perfect fit.

  Jiang Han and Mr. Liu talked from time to time.

  Both parties have already settled.

  After Jiang Han obtains the patent, he will allow China Mobile to exclusively operate the market of this technology within the scope of the Celestial Dynasty by means of patent authorization.

  The mobile will take out [-]% of the profit after deducting the cost to pay for the patent licensing fee.

  As for how much cost is deducted from this deduction cost.

  Further discussions are required.

  But there is one thing worth mentioning.

  Mobile allows Jiang Han, or Jiuhuang Technology to send a special person to the mobile company to check accounts at any time.

  In this way, it can be ensured that the mobile company cannot cheat on the turnover.

  Not only that, Mr. Liu also promised to lend Jiang Han two hundred technicians to accompany Jiang Han on a trip to Europe.

  This is a surprise to Jiang Han.

  Originally, Jiang Han expected to be able to borrow about [-] people.

  After all, they are technicians, not ordinary employees.

  Each is extremely important.

  Moreover, Mobile is about to start a large-scale infrastructure project. At this time, he is willing to lend to Jiang Han so many people, it is enough to see.

  President Liu still attaches great importance to Jiang Han.

  But since the other party has shown good intentions, Jiang Han naturally won't say anything more.

  At this point, the two parties should have signed a contract.

  However, because the patent application has not been filed, the signing of the contract can only wait for the patent to be issued.

  Fortunately, everything was in front of Jiang Han's plan.

  The production of the patent certificate has also come to an end, and it will be over in two days.

  It's time to sign the contract.

  At noon, Mr. Liu wanted to invite Jiang Han to have a meal with Mr. Duan, but Mr. Duan had something to do, so he refused.

  On Jiang Han's side, Su Qingyi had told him before that Su Hao had successfully acquired the game company in Bangzi Country.

  Got the legendary source code.

  It is estimated that we will be able to return to Beijing by noon.

  I haven't seen Su Hao for a month. This time, Su Hao has completed such an acquisition task which is not too difficult but not too difficult.

  Jiang Han intends to wash the dust off Su Hao.

  Seeing this, Mr. Liu naturally couldn't say anything else.

  But this matter is not in a hurry, and it is the same when we get together again when the contract is officially signed.

  It was not until twelve o'clock in the afternoon that everyone separated.

  Jiang Han took Zhao Yu back to the hotel.

  I didn't sleep last night, and at this moment Zhao Yu was obviously sleepy.

  But he still held on strong and didn't want to go to sleep.

  Can't sleep at all.

  With such a heavy burden on him, Zhao Yu didn't dare to sleep at all.

  "Jiang Han, what technology did you develop?"

  Zhao Yu followed Jiang Han into the elevator and couldn't help asking aloud.

  This sentence has been in his heart for a long time, and he was worried about the presence of Mr. Liu and others, so he didn't ask it.

  Jiang Han turned to look at him and said with a smile, "Didn't I tell you before?"

  "It's a mobile communication technology."

  "Mobile communication technology?" Zhao Yu curled his lips involuntarily: "The mobile communication technology of the Celestial Dynasty is so far behind the world, it is equivalent to a blank."

  "Even if you have developed a mobile communication technology that is in line with the world, it won't cost you such a big price for mobile, right?"

  "I've never heard of a state-owned enterprise giving up so much profit directly, especially for such a large investment."

  Mobile communication technology has only been around for half a century since its birth.

  From the most open bb machine to the big brother generation, and then to the current Nokia generation.

  Although the mobile communication market has been expanding, in the final analysis, the high price is unacceptable to many people.

  A mobile phone can easily cost thousands, which is almost the income of a Chinese family for several months.

  In the eyes of many people, the fixed line is actually quite convenient.

  Now the total mobile communication market has just exceeded [-] billion.Mobile dared to spend [-] billion to jointly develop this technology with Jiang Han.

  It's just too incredible.

  The reason why PHS can develop is because PHS directly cut off the price of mobile phones lazily 033!

  When a Nokia flagship machine was priced at five or six thousand to make huge profits, PHS directly cut the price to two thousand!

  And unlike 2G communication, PHS adopts one-way charging.

  The party who dials the number pays for the call.

  To a large extent, it satisfies the situation of some users who are shy.

  So the development of PHS will be so fast.

  However, this is naturally not a big problem for Jiang Han.

  PHS can cut the price of mobile phones in half, and so can he.

  PHS charges one-way, so of course he can!

  Even the quality of the call is far superior to PHS.

  Jiang Han's goal is to swallow all the 2G and PHS markets!

  Let the world enter the mobile Internet era in advance!

  Let Nokia, the leader in the manufacture of mobile communication equipment, collapse ten years ahead of schedule!

  Jiang Han's mouth slightly raised.

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