In other words, Mobile wants to make this technology a monopoly within the celestial empire!

  Monopoly means huge profits!

  "Mr. Jiang, I can raise your share ratio to [-]% to [-]%, but I want the exclusive authorization of this technology within the scope of the Celestial Dynasty!"

  Mr. Liu hesitated for a long time, but finally spoke out.

  Although this half of the profit is ceded, it is likely to represent a net profit of [-] billion or even higher in the future.

  But as long as the exclusive license can be won, it is definitely earned for mobile!Small.

Chapter 240

  "Old Liu! You are crazy!"

  After hearing Mr. Liu's words, Mr. Zhao couldn't help but say: "The risk of taking out [-]% of the net profit is too great!"

  "You are really confused!"

  Infrastructure construction plus daily operating expenses is an extremely large number.

  According to the mobile first capital investment of [-] billion to calculate.

  At least [-] billion must be invested in the entire infrastructure!

  According to the current speed of technological development, the construction of this new technology has officially started from the establishment of the project.

  On to the final delisting.

  There is less than ten years, even if it is counted in ten years.

  Mobile has to earn more than [-] billion a year to earn back those basic investments.

  Every time even one percent of the net profit is surrendered, it represents an infinitely extended payback period.

  It is very likely that the half profit that Mobile has given up will determine whether Mobile can make a return!

  In Mr. Zhao's eyes, the annual fixed licensing fee of one billion yuan for this technology is enough.

  Doing it is naturally the best for telecommunications.

  Even if you can't do it, the loss will not be too much, and you can even terminate the contract in the second year.

  But moving this step is equivalent to blocking all his retreats.

  There is no way to retreat, you can only sink the boat!

  Mr. Liu naturally heard Mr. Zhao's words, but he didn't respond, just looked at Jiang Han quietly.

  Jiang Han naturally understood what Mr. Liu meant.

  Monopoly is good for Mobile, and it is also good for Jiang Han.

  After monopoly, it represents absolute profit.

  Because monopoly at some point, represents absolute pricing power.

  When there is only one product on the market, how to price it is up to you.

  But doing so will hurt the market a bit.

  But these are obviously not what Jiang Han should consider.

  Mr. Liu who moved was not a fool.

  Even if it achieves a monopoly position, it is impossible to really kill the chicken and get the egg and harm the user.

  Thinking of this, Jiang Han no longer hesitated.

  He nodded and said, "Since President Liu is so confident in this technology, I naturally agree."

  Jiang Han really agreed!

  Mr. Liu was overjoyed when he heard this.

  He wasn't afraid that something might go wrong with the technology.

  I was afraid that Jiang Han would not be willing to give Mobile this chance.

  If Jiang Han really does not agree, then Mobile will have to settle for the next best thing. Although he still earns a lot of money, there will always be two large companies that are eyeing him.

  Now that Jiang Han has agreed, it is naturally the best result for mobile.

  "Then I would like to thank Mr. Jiang for giving me this opportunity." Mr. Liu said with a smile.

  Obviously, it was China Mobile who sent money to Jiang Han, but it seems that China Mobile took a big advantage.

  Zhao Yu, who was sitting beside Jiang Han, looked blank.

  However, in the entire room, except for Mr. Zhao and Zhao Yu from Telecom, who had some doubts, the rest of Jiang Han and the others knew exactly what this sentence meant.

  It seems that Mobile is losing money, but in fact it gives up half of the profits, but it is likely to bring more than [-] billion profits to Mobile!

  And Jiang Han also really got the benefits.

  After all, although the entire mobile communication market is large, mobile still has the strength to eat the whole.

  Therefore, there is no difference between only giving one mobile phone and three companies.

  There is still so much Jiang Han can earn.

  So in the end it will lose, only telecommunications and mobile.

  Don't look at Mr. Zhao's indifference to Jiang Han's technology now.

  After he reacts, it is estimated that he will regret his bowels!

  But this has nothing to do with Jiang Han.

  The intentions of both parties have been reached, and the rest is naturally to discuss the details.

  The two of you speak every word, and treat everyone around you like air.

  Mr. Duan was happy to see this situation.

  After all, being able to promote the development of this technology is an absolute good thing for China.

  And Zhao Yu still doesn't understand why Mr. Liu cares so much about Jiang Han.

  So he never spoke.

  It was Mr. Zhao from Telecom who was embarrassed.

  Sitting there not knowing what to say.

  Listening to Jiang Han and the two discussing the details, I felt that the two of them were intentional.

  Usually, such things are discussed in front of competitors.

  So Mr. Zhao couldn't stand this scene, so he took the initiative to say goodbye to Mr. Duan and left.

  But when he was about to leave, he gave Jiang Han a deep look.

  After Mr. Zhao left, the atmosphere in the entire conference room became more harmonious.

  "By the way, Mr. Liu, I may have to move the contact person in a while." Jiang Han said.

  When Mr. Liu heard the words, he nodded and said, "Mr. Duan told me about this."

  "As long as Mr. Jiang wants, it doesn't matter how many people there are."

  "Even if I personally follow Mr. Jiang to Europe, there is no problem."

  Jiang Han's intention to borrow someone is obvious, that is to make it clear that he is going to take advantage of the communication operators in Europe.  …

  And the technology in Jiang Han's hands is a killer!

  As long as the three operators in Europe are not sick, they will be able to discover the benefits!

  Rejecting Jiang Han is equivalent to being abandoned by the market!

  So they will definitely agree.

  The rest is about the distribution of benefits.

  What Jiang Han wanted to borrow was to put enough pressure on Europe.

  The income that Jiang Han wants must be [-]% or even more than [-]%!

  Without some unconventional means, it is impossible to make them submit.

  Even if necessary, Jiang Han can spend hundreds of millions of dollars to go out first, so that they will feel the absolute pressure!

  What Jiang Han wants to do is to frantically squeeze the living space of European telecommunications companies.

  Just like what they did a hundred years ago.

  Crazy fortune!

  Jiang Han will never give up until a piece of meat is cut from them!

  It is precisely because of this fact that Mr. Liu and Mr. Duan support Jiang Han so much.

  Jiang Han's suppression of foreign companies is basically equivalent to supporting companies in China.

  On this point, they can still distinguish clearly.

  That's why Mr. Liu said this.

  "Mr. Liu can lend me some people. You don't need to bother Mr. Liu to make a trip in person."

  Jiang Han naturally knew very well that Mr. Liu wanted to give him favors.

  But this kind of thing is really in the middle.

  "By the way, Mr. Liu, this is Zhao Yu 3.8, the president of Jiuhuang Technology. After I leave, you can connect with Zhao Yu for all matters here."

  Jiang Han will not forget this matter.

  When Mr. Liu heard the words, he also expressed goodwill to Zhao Yu and shook hands with Zhao Yu.

  Several people are prepared for this matter, but Zhao Yu is not.

  He doesn't even know what he's responsible for until now.

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