At this time, under Jiang Han's gaze, cold sweat broke out.

  In fact, these two groups must find Jiang Han to cooperate, and the most fundamental purpose is to covet China's huge market.

  These two groups want to take advantage of Jiang Han's influence in China to occupy the market share of high-end cars in China.

  In the aspect of the Chinese market, the group development philosophy of BMW and Aoti is unified:

  "Instead of letting the Benz family dominate, it's better to continue the three-legged situation."

  In today's sluggish Southeast Asian market, China's market is simply a huge cream cake.

  How could the executives of Palmer and Otty pass up the chance to over-bake the cake?

  It is precisely driven by this kind of thinking that the contract for the agency of the Celestial Empire formulated by these two groups naturally has something more.

  In fact, Jiang Han saw that there was no particularly excessive agreement.

  It's just a point more than Benz in profit sharing.

  A point is not much though.

  But Jiang Han knew very well how huge the demand would be in the Chinese market in a few years.

  A difference of one point is likely to make Ben Chi lag behind in the future, breaking the three-legged situation that Jiang Han also wants to maintain.

  Jiang Han would not give Otti and Baoma this possibility!

  Therefore, Jiang Han did not intend to let Baoma and Otido make this point.

  "Open the sunroof and speak eloquently, I won't let it go."

  Jiang Han spread the contract out on the table.

  "I believe that there are many car companies in the world today..."

  Seeing the silence of the two vice presidents, Jiang Han said something under pressure.

  But it's true.

  There are so many car companies around the world, without BMW, Otti and other brands of cars.

  Even with Jiang Han's current net worth of more than [-] billion, he can open a family in a blink of an eye.

  However, due to other considerations, Jiang Han has no plans to open a car company by himself.

  This sentence awakened the two vice presidents - now they are not talking about cooperation with other ordinary investors.

  What they negotiated was Jiang Han, who had already stood in line with Ben Chi.

  Even if you can't stand on the same line, you can't stand on the opposite side of Jiang Han.

  Baoma and Otty finally realized at this moment that the initiative was in Jiang Han's hands from beginning to end.

  The current Jiang Han is equivalent to the father of Party A.

  After Vice President Otty figured it out, he put a smile on his face and reached out to take the contract back on the table.

  "Mr. Jiang, in terms of the agency of the Celestial Dynasty, I think our group can accept the same conditions and share as the Benz Group."

  As soon as Vice President Otty spoke, Vice President Baoma naturally couldn't let this hard-won opportunity go to waste.

  After all, it's like what Jiang Han said.

  Even in Germany, there are more than three BBA car companies.

  It's just that these three car companies are more developed than other companies and have better prospects for development.

  Besides, a Celestial Dynasty agency can expand the Group's market in the Celestial Dynasty and squeeze into the circle of dividing the cake.

  This is what these two groups and even Benz Group care about most.

  After there were no problems with the two contracts, Jiang Han didn't waste time and signed them directly.

  In general, both parties are satisfied with this cooperation.

  Jiang Han has a cooperation and investment relationship with bba, and has successfully won the agency rights of these three car companies in China.

  With the blessing of [-]% of the shares, Jiang Han can have as long as he wants to have the power of proxy in the Celestial Dynasty.

  This also means that every high-end car under the BBA brand purchased by the high-consumption group in the Chinese market in the future.

  The final profit will flow to Jiang Han's pocket.

  Jiang Han returned to the presidential suite and found Su Qingyi who was sorting out the documents during this period.

  He handed over the share transfer letter of the three major auto companies and the agency contract to her.

  "All three have been transferred?" Su Qingyi sorted out the contract.

  "Are you going to attack the auto industry?"

  Su Qingyi sorted out the contract and put it in the safe to ask.

  "That's right, there have been more and more cars driving on the roads of the Celestial Dynasty in the past few years, and the development prospects of this industry are good."

  Jiang Han explained.

  Su Hao, who was packing his luggage beside him, turned his head suspiciously and asked directly:

  "Why go into the auto industry and not just start a company yourself?"

 420 Before Jiang Han spoke, Su Qingyi, who was next to him, pursed his lips and smiled, and explained to his brother:

  "Actually, the market demand in the domestic auto industry is still very large, and everyone will not focus on the same brand."

  Jiang Han listened and nodded silently. At this point, Su Qingyi has been by her side for a long time, and she still understands what she sees.

  Even if it is to open a super large car company, it is impossible to take into account the needs of more than one billion people in China at the same time.

  At most, only half of it was eaten.

  Moreover, there are many Chinese consumers, and they will also desire to have more brand choices.

  Instead of creating a super enterprise so effortlessly, there is no way to completely monopolize the market.

  It is better to directly acquire a few companies and let these companies compete benignly in the market.

  Another reason why Jiang Han did not start a car company is:

  Anything is motivated by competition!

  When a super car group monopolizes the industry market, there will be less and less competitive pressure.

  This can easily lead to the stagnation of the auto group's own level.

  Instead, it is better to let three brands of cars enter the Chinese market at the same time.

  At least on the bright side, these three brands are still competitive.

  Under the comparison of sales volume and quality, it can promote each other's continuous research and development of new technologies.

  Moreover, the three brands belong to three groups, which will also make buyers have more choices. .

Chapter 335

  After listening to Jiang Han and his sister's explanation, Su Hao suddenly realized and nodded.

  Actually, Su Hao's way of thinking is quite common.

  It is also the most popular choice for people who get rich in this era.

  However, Jiang Han, who has experienced the prosperous future economy of later generations, is equivalent to looking at the world from the shoulders of giants.

  Those economic principles that have been rotten in later generations are not well known today.

  This is why Jiang Han can step on the shoulders of the waves with precision step by step.

  "If that's the case, aren't we going back to China soon?"

  Su Hao looked at the bustling night scene outside the floor-to-ceiling windows and said.

  Jiang Han nodded: "After the shares of these three groups have been transferred to me, we can return to China."

  A happy smile appeared on Su Qingyi's face.

  "Why, don't you like it here?" Jiang Han caught Su Qingyi's look a little puzzled.

  Su Qingyi shook her head. During this time in Ouzhou, she and Jiang had the sweetest memories, how could she not like it?

  She said with a gentle smile: "Actually, it's not that I don't like it here, the main reason is that I still want to go back to the Heavenly Dynasty, and those who are in foreign countries are still homesick."

  Next to him drinking beer, Su Hao nodded fiercely: "Yes, I'm not used to eating Western steaks here. We still have more delicacies from the Celestial Dynasty!"

  Jiang Han laughed dumbly, but he thought that these two were really cute.

  In fact, when I think about this trip to Ouzhou, my harvest is simply amazing.

  The giants in the future communication industry of Ouzhou have all been acquired.

  Accidentally found the bronze statue of the animal head that disappeared for a hundred years and 7 pieces of priceless Chinese antiques.

  He also successfully won a large order for Warwick.

  Not to mention the upcoming bba shares.

  Only this trip, Jiang Han's net worth directly exceeded [-] billion.

  Sipping the red wine in the glass, Jiang Han looked at the light outside the window.

  He thought silently in his heart: "This is just the beginning, don't worry."

  Share transfers in three bba businesses, plus a redrafted submission of proxy contracts.

  Such a complicated thing has been done in just 4 days.

  This is the power of capital!

  After getting the shares, Jiang Han immediately informed Thor that he was going to return to the Heavenly Dynasty.

  You must know that Jiang Han's worth is terrifying now, and the incident at the airport not long ago still caused the media to talk a lot.

  Although Prince William has always represented the Eagle Kingdom royal family to visit and express his apology during this time.

  He even proposed to use a royal flight to escort Jiang Han back to China.

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