But Jiang Han still refused.

  Because before Prince William came to visit, Thor quietly told Jiang Han a message.

  "This time, Zhou Lao personally sent a secret flight, I wonder if Mr. Jiang wants to choose the flight from Tianchao"? "

  Jiang Han was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Zhou Lao would send a secret flight to pick him up this time.

  However, it seems that he was also impressed by the security of Eagle Country at the airport last time.

  "In terms of safety and confidentiality, it is natural that our flight from China is better."

  Jiang Han said with a smile while holding the wine glass.

  Thor nodded lightly: "Then I'll go and communicate with the person on the other side of the flight now."

  At the same time, the German media also learned about the changes in the shares of bba car companies.

  The first reaction in the mind of every media person who heard the news turned out to be:

  Jiang Han?

  It's Jiang Han again!

  How powerful is this Jiang Han?

  In just a few days, from Eagle Country to Germany, almost all of these transactions exceeded [-] million, or even broke [-] billion.

  And the communications industry and the auto industry don't seem to have any connection whatsoever.

  But this Jiang Han didn't play cards according to the routine.

  Like a wolf smelling blood, the German media has almost blown the phone at the front desk of the hotel in recent days.

  They just wanted to make an appointment for an interview with Jiang Han.

  It's not so much that these media are interested in Jiang Han, causing such frenetic behavior.

  It would be better to say that some other capitalists in Ouzhou behind these media became interested in Jiang Han.

  Now in the eyes of Ouzhou people, Jiang Han is really like a cash cow.

  The capital world of Ouzhou has not seen such a bright figure for a long time.

  Those who know the latest news about Vodafone and Mannesman have a keen sense of smell and have long wanted to meet Jiang Han.

  Even if the super-rich with such a net worth does not cooperate, it is good to make friends.

  In business, only interests are eternal friends.

  But the plans of these big and small capitalists are doomed to fail.

  Jiang Han is not interested in dealing with these capitalists now.

  However, I would like to thank the media sent by these capitalists.

  Because Jiang Han happened to have a piece of news that he wanted to pass on with the paper and pen of these media.

  Johnny didn't expect that he was the lucky guy who could interview Jiang Han.

  Although Jiang Han only said a few words.

  But this is a billionaire!

  Especially when meeting Jiang Han himself, Johnny never expected to be such a young and handsome man.

  Handsome and a lot of gold, I have extraordinary popularity!

  Johnny doesn't think he'll ever interview another super-rich like this again in his life!

  The next day's Ouzhou Daily had Jiang Han on the cover.

  And the information Jiang Han wanted to convey was also in this newspaper.

  After Johnny's praise throughout, there is a piece of news:

  Jiang Han wants to use the mysterious technology in his hand to bid for regional authorization!

  The influence of Ouzhou Daily was extraordinary, and people soon saw the news.

  But all the communication operators who saw this newspaper went crazy.

  Vodafone and Mannesmann immediately sent people to communicate.

  The communication technology in Jiang Han's hands is enough to change the communication strength of any country and promote the historical process!

  This news is not limited to spreading within Ouzhou.

  Soon most of the operators around the world knew the news.

  However, these operators in Ouzhou are the most well-informed and the ones who act the fastest.

  Some operators take people directly to the door of the hotel.

  It's a pity that they didn't know at this time that the secret flight of the Celestial Dynasty had already landed at Ying Country Airport in the early morning.

  Thor's ability is extremely strong, and he has done a good job in keeping the airport security secret.

  The news never came out.

  This also made Jiang Han more and more want to bring Thor under his command.

  In addition to the secrets he hides, it's just the man's meticulous arrangements and his never slackening vigilance.

  It has enough value to make Jiang Han tempted.

  Su Qingyi was only carrying a small suitcase, Su Hao was even more careless and didn't carry anything.

  This flight is just to bring the three people back to the heaven safely and secretly.

  As for some other luggage and items, there will naturally be a special flight from Ouzhou to transport them back to China.

  In Su Qingyi's suitcase were the spoils of this trip to Ouzhou -- all the contracts.

  Few people can sign a contract as much as a suitcase in less than a month.

  Not to mention the contract in this suitcase, in the next few decades, any one will be enough to shake the capital world. .

Chapter 336

  "Mr. Jiang, please." A young man in a black tunic brought Jiang Han to his seat in person.

  On this secret flight, even the flight attendant of Duan Shui was disguised by special security personnel.

  There were nearly 50 people on the plane, all of whom were sent to protect Jiang Han like Thor.

  Jiang Han sat in the first-class cabin with satisfaction, closing his eyes and resting.

  This time it was just a small trip.

  With such a large market as the Celestial Dynasty, this will be the main battlefield for Jiang Han in the future.

  These days in Germany, almost every day near the hotel where Jiang Han lives.

  All the media are squatting with cameras.

  Today is no exception, but unlike in the past, there are some other people.

  At this time, the cafe opposite the hotel was also full.

  Early in the morning, as soon as the waiter at the cafe opened the door, a group of people in suits rushed in.

  Looking at the clothes and aura, none of them are ordinary people.

  But it looks like they have been waiting for a long time. Everyone's faces are full of ambition, but their expressions are a bit complicated.

  Like excitement, like anticipation, and a hint of tiredness.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, many regional communication operators in Ouzhou actually saw their opponents and partners in these coffee shops.

  Sure enough, everyone came from 423 in order to authorize the special communication technology in the cold hands.

  Even the top communication companies in many regions, the communication talents come directly in person.

  Looking at the hotel entrance blocked by the media in the distance, the atmosphere among the major operators is not warm.

  Although everyone is acquaintances, it is even a little embarrassing at this time.

  After all, in this technology, everyone is in a delicate competitive relationship.

  At nine o'clock in the morning, a person Jiang Han deliberately stayed behind told everyone that Jiang Han had returned to the Celestial Dynasty with an apologetic face.

  "Damn..." whispered curses one after another in the cafe.

  "Arrange me the nearest flight, I'm going to China!"

  The waiter at the coffee shop was surprised to find that there were a lot of people saying this today.

  "The Celestial Dynasty? A very magical place?" the waiter thought silently.

  Whether or not the Celestial Dynasty is a very magical place.

  At this time, it is the most wanted place by the world's major communication operators.

  When the flight landed smoothly at Modu Airport, Jiang Han just woke up from his sleep.

  Walking out of the airport, I felt the familiar streets and familiar languages, which made the faces of these dusty people full of smiles.

  "Thor, do you want to follow me next?" Jiang Han asked while looking at Thor.

  Thor nodded solemnly and said, "Old Zhou means that I will still protect your safety for the time being!"

  Jiang Han nodded reassuringly.

  At this critical time period, even Elder Zhou wanted to recall Thor.

  I'm afraid I can't let anyone go.

  "Finally back, it's better for us to stay here!" Su Qingyi said with a gentle smile, looking at the pedestrians in the distance.

  "Where are we going next?" Su Hao stood at the airport gate a little dazed.

  Jiang Han hooked his lips and smiled: "Go home."

  Thor drove a low-key black car and sent Jiang Han home directly.

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