When Jiang Qi finished ordering, He Bufan started making it in the kitchen.

In Jiang Qi's live broadcast room, the number of people watching online is also increasing.

These people are looking forward to He Bufan's latest fish-flavored shredded pork.

And those fans who followed Jiang Qi to the small shop rubbed their restless hands excitedly.

They will taste this fish-flavored shredded pork as soon as Jiang Qi tastes it.

Soon, He Bufan made the fish-flavored shredded meat, and Jiang Qi came to pick up the meal by himself.

Sit down, Jiang Qi first showed the audience in the live broadcast room the appearance of this fish-flavored shredded pork.

"As you can see, this plate of fish-flavored shredded meat is brown and red, which makes people appetite at a glance!"

The audience in Jiang Qi's live broadcast room kept drooling expressions, urging Jiang Qi to try it quickly.

"Old Jiang, don't grind and chirp here!".

"That's it, upstairs is right, hurry up and eat it and tell me, how does it taste?"

"Do you still have to guess? It must taste great, haven't you ever been to Boss He's shop, has he let us down?


Qi smiled, sniffed the taste hard, and gave a thumbs up and said

, "One word, incense!"

Then, Jiang Qi began to taste.

I saw him pick up a piece of shredded meat, put it in his mouth, and taste it carefully.

"Hmm... The shredded meat is very tender and delicious!

"Old ginger, I can only use one word to describe this fish-flavored shredded pork."

"That is, it has all the color and flavor!"

"At the same time, Lao Jiang wants to tell everyone here."

"This meat is the most tender tenderloin on the pig, with low fat content, you can let go of it and eat it, don't worry about gaining weight!"

I saw another wave of screen swipes in Jiang Qi's live broadcast room, and many viewers who lived near here bluntly said that they would arrive immediately.

Then, Jiang Qi put his mobile phone away, called a bowl of white rice, and said with a smile

, "Everyone, then I'm the beginning!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Qi couldn't wait to eat.

This gobbling up the appearance made many viewers in the live broadcast room swallow their saliva.

And several fans who had been waiting for a long time immediately ordered fish-flavored shredded pork to He Bufan.

"Drop, sell six servings of fish-flavored shredded pork, wealth +600."

The wealth is worth it, why not smile and get busy.

At the same time, more and more viewers who watched the live broadcast came to the store to try this newly launched fish-flavored shredded pork.

After they ate it, they all admired the deliciousness of this fish-flavored shredded pork!

Of course, not only the fish-flavored shredded pork, but also the sour and hot shredded potatoes are also their must-order dishes.

The entire shop is packed with people, and the enticing scent wafts through the shop.

He Bufan is very busy, and Wu Yingying is even busier.

Empty plates kept coming to her hands, and she couldn't stop at all.

At this time, there is another person who is also busy, and that is Zhao Qing, the owner of the store next door.

Zhao Qing was very happy during this time, and his income in one day now is more than five times that of before.

If it were a Sunday, his earnings would have doubled.

And Zhao Qing also knows that this is all thanks to He Bufan's hot business.

Therefore, Zhao Qing is the most positive person in the whole street to respond to He Bufan.

No, when he saw that He Bufan's store was crowded with customers again, he began to shout again.

"Guys, I still have a vacant seat over there, hurry up!"

Of course, this is what Zhao Qingzai shouted to those customers who came for the first time.

However, even with Zhao Qing's help, many customers at the scene still did not have a place to sit.

No way, there are too many people coming!

There were even people at the scene who brought their own big bowls.

After taking the meal, they put it in the bowl they brought, scooped it, and took it home to eat.

Moreover, there are quite a few such people.

Seeing this, many people have begun to follow suit.

At the peak of the noon meal, the two hundred catties of tenderloin prepared by He Bufan were sold out directly.

Those who come a little later will not be able to eat at all.

At the same time, more than 500 copies of sour and hot shredded potatoes were sold at noon.

And the Golden Egg Fried Rice sold 1,000 copies!

In other words, why not fan's income at noon is as high as 180,000 yuan!

Since it's a Sunday, customers still come in from time to time after the peak dining season is over.

Therefore, why not be busy all the time.

But he has an invincible physique, so he can keep doing this.

And Wu Yingying can't do it, she has already washed the dishes and is about to collapse, but she is still gritting her teeth and insisting.

Seeing this, He Bufan asked Wu Yingying to hurry up and rest.


At the end of the day's business, He Bufan has gained a lot today.

Wu Yingying on the side was also about to be paralyzed.


He Bufan asked with a smile.

With today's workload, not to mention Wu Yingying, a girl, even if she changes to a strong boy, she will not be able to bear it!

Wu Yingying counted the two thousand yuan in her hand, and said weakly

, "Boss, your business is so good, why don't you hire a few more employees?"

He Bufan smiled and said

, "Invite more people, then you will have to spend more money!"

"Money is a good thing, I need to save more!"

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