As expected, on the first day of Labor Day, Shendong Amusement Park welcomed a large number of tourists.

An hour before the official opening of the park, many tourists have already gathered in Fountain Square.

The circus performers also came to the square in advance to start their performances.

But around eight o'clock, there were so many tourists that the performance had to be interrupted.

"Open the door in advance, otherwise I'm afraid there will be some danger!" Wang Yue said, standing near the main entrance, looking at the tourists in the square.

In Yang Fan's absence, it was she who took charge of the overall situation.

As the gate of the amusement park slowly opened, tourists flooded into the amusement park.

As usual, visitors walked to different areas as soon as they entered the park.

It can be seen that they all came prepared and prepared strategies in advance.

Yang Fan also hurried to the amusement park at this time.

During Labor Day, because employees in various positions are relatively busy, no meetings are scheduled.

In comparison, he is the most leisurely person during Labor Day.

But early in the morning, after he divided up the amusement park area, he had a new job.

"Sister Yue, please come with me and walk around the amusement park in a while. I want to study how to change the location of the amusement facilities."

"OK, all right."

Yang Fan originally planned to see how the amusement facilities moved directly on the map, but after thinking about it, he felt that it would be best to go and conduct an on-site inspection in person.

After all, in addition to the quality of the location of the amusement facilities, many other factors must be considered, such as whether it looks beautiful, whether the surrounding supporting facilities are complete, etc.

These are details that cannot be seen on the map, but they play a big role in tourists' experience.

Yang Fan and Wang Yue walked all morning, and they walked all the roads in the amusement park.

He also had a relatively reliable idea in mind as to how each amusement facility should be moved.

After lunch, Yang Fan felt sleepy after not sleeping all night, so he returned to the principal's office and lay on the sofa to catch up on his sleep.

As the last fireworks disappeared in the sky, Shendong Amusement Park also ended its business on the first day of Labor Day.

The vast majority of tourists began to leave the amusement park one after another.

But more than a hundred tourists did not leave. They were the lucky ones who had booked hotel rooms.

These tourists also became the first batch of tourists to spend the night in Shendong Amusement Park.

Huang Biao is a tourism self-media person from Funan Province in southern China.

His biggest hobby is traveling, and his dream is to visit all provinces and cities across the country before he is thirty.

Now, this dream is about to come true.

During Labor Day, his tourist destination is Ninghai Province.

As the capital of Ninghai Province, Shendong City is naturally his first stop.

Although Shendong Amusement Park disappeared in the past few years, it has indeed been making news in China recently.

This also aroused Huang Biao's interest. He wanted to see what was so special about this amusement park. Even celebrities like Li Lingli had to sing the theme song themselves and advertise on the spot.

After watching videos on the Internet, he felt that he would never be able to experience all of Shendong Amusement Park in just one day.

It happened that the amusement park announced that the tourist hotel was open to the public at this time, so he grabbed a guest room.

During the day, he followed the flow of people and experienced several rides in the morning.

At noon, we watched the float parade and circus performance, and also had lunch at the Fairy Tale Castle Food Court.

In the afternoon, we experienced a few more rides, and in the evening we watched a fireworks show.

Overall, he made almost no detours and successfully experienced most of the rides.

If things go well, it won't take a full day the next day to experience all the rides.

Huang Biao redeemed his room card at the front desk of the lobby on the first floor of the hotel and went to his room.

After placing his backpack on the table, he left the room and planned to go to the lobby on the first floor to take a look.

There were already many tourists gathered in the lobby on the first floor, most of whom came out to chat and relax.

There are also some tourists who are hungry again and come to have some midnight snacks.

Huang Biao also bought a bowl of noodles and started eating them.

He can't play billiards and has no interest in game consoles. As for watching movies, he doesn't want to waste time.

After eating the noodles, he bought a cup of coffee to take away and returned to his room. Then I took out my computer and prepared to write down what I saw today.

"This Shendong Amusement Park is much better than I imagined! Although it is not number one in the country, it can still be ranked in the top ten." Huang Biao said to himself.

His fingers tapped on the keyboard,On the computer screen, a few words appeared: "Guide to Shendong Amusement Park..."

On the first night in the tourist hotel, some people were still working, some were chatting, some were drinking tea, some were watching movies... the atmosphere was peaceful.

At this time, the tourist hotel is more like a warm harbor. Tourists from all over the world sat together and chatted.

This further proves what Yang Fan said: "Amusement parks are places where people can relax, enjoy themselves and eliminate fatigue. They are not slaughterhouses."

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