May 2nd, the second day of the Labor Day holiday.

The tourists who stayed in the tourist hotel for one night got up early. After washing, they came to the canteen on the first floor of the tourist hotel to have breakfast.

There are many types of breakfast, including staple foods such as fried dough sticks, steamed buns, gluten cakes, and fried cakes, as well as soy milk, tofu curd, salted duck eggs, pickles, etc.

Although it can't be called a luxurious morning, it can be regarded as quite local in Shendong City.

After breakfast, tourists began to check out.

After completing the process, some tourists choose to rest for a while in the lobby on the first floor, while others choose to queue up for the rides they want to ride in advance.

On the second day of Labor Day, the number of tourists will definitely not be less than on the first day.

On the night of May 1st, countless videos of how to visit Shendong Amusement Park were uploaded on Douyin and other platforms.

In fact, not only Shendong Amusement Park, but also tourist attractions in Shendong City, Ninghai Province or across the country are crowded with people.

Of course, Shendong Amusement Park can definitely be regarded as a dark horse in the tourism industry this time.

Nowadays, the living conditions of Chinese people are better, and their spiritual pursuits are also higher. Coupled with the world's number one high-speed railway, transportation is convenient and travel is convenient. Let more qualified and thoughtful people join the tourist brigade.

Someone once said: "Traveling is to go from a place where you are tired of living to a place where others are tired of living."

Traveling can relieve all kinds of stress in work and life and completely relax the spirit. You can also broaden your horizons, increase your knowledge, and learn knowledge that cannot be learned in books.

We can also see and experience the rich cultural landscape with our own eyes, and understand the cultural customs, eating habits and customs of various places.

This can help people get rid of their boring life and experience the atmosphere of a foreign land!

After opening, the amusement park quickly reached saturation.

Perhaps because of the hot weather and the large number of people, there have been more complaints from tourists, especially about long queue times.

Long lines at amusement parks have long been a problem during the holidays.

Many people queue for more than an hour or two just to experience the rides for a few minutes.

"Oh, it's the queue that's causing trouble again."

Yang Fan was sitting in the food court on the third floor of the fairy tale castle. While eating, he looked at the message board in the amusement park app and sighed.

Most of the messages on the message board are praising the fun amusement park rides, delicious food, and cute peacocks and mandarin ducks.

But those comments complaining about long queue times are very jarring.

"This is simply unexplainable. It's really frustrating. It seems we can only wait until the water park opens."

In fact, tourists complain about long queue times for more than a day or two.

Yang Fan knew that when the water park opened, some tourists from the main area could be diverted away, which would effectively relieve the pressure on the main area.

But this method cannot be implemented in a short time.

Although the water park opened in July, it did not have many rides.

It would take at least a year to build all the water amusement facilities that appear in the system mall.

Therefore, this state must be maintained for at least one year. More importantly, no one can guarantee that the water park will divert some tourists.

"Hello, is there anyone here?"

A magnetic male voice pulled Yang Fan out of his thoughts.

"Ah, no."

Yang Fan replied subconsciously.

"That's great. There are too many people in the amusement park, and there is really no empty space. Do you mind if I sit here? I eat quickly and will be done soon."

The person who spoke was Huang Biao, a self-media person in the tourist area. In the morning, he went to experience Soaring in the Sky and Escape from Alcatraz Island.

Because there were too many people in line, he came to the food court in time for his meal and had no space.

"It's okay, sit down, I don't mind."

Yang Fan had a good impression of the man carrying a large backpack.

After all, when most people encounter this situation, they will answer "There is no one here, so I will sit here."

But the man in front of him asked him if he minded and said he would leave soon.

This kind of conversation can easily make the other party feel good, and the other party will feel that you take him seriously, even though the other party is just a stranger.

Huang Biao placed the dinner plate on the table, then took off his backpack and placed it next to the chair, then sat on the chair and prepared to eat.

"Brother, you came to the amusement park by yourself too?"

Huang Biao saw that Yang Fan was eating alone, and he seemed not very interested.


Before Yang Fan could finish speaking, Huang Biaocontinued.

"Brother, don't be depressed. There are so many people in the amusement park, and a lot of time is wasted waiting in line. It's true that you can't play a few things in a day."

"...What happened today? The less I want to hear about the queue, the more likely I am to hear it." Yang Fan thought to himself. His mind was now filled with messages complaining about the queue.

"It would be great if there were detailed recommended itineraries for amusement parks. At least it would save a lot of trouble for first-time tourists. Many large amusement parks in China have them, although Shendong Amusement Park also has them, but now this recommended itinerary is really It’s too amateurish and it doesn’t work.”

Huang Biao shook his head and said, taking a bite of rice.

"Oh? Brother, you said the recommended route at Shendong Amusement Park is amateurish?"

Yang Fan's eyes lit up, and he felt that Huang Biao seemed to have a lot of ideas.

Shendong Amusement Park actually has recommended routes on the park guide map. The original purpose of planning the recommended routes was to divert traffic.

After entering the main entrance, four routes will be recommended, leading to the artificial lake, Soaring Sky, Shendong Eye and Cupola Tower respectively.

"At least it should be planned clearly, right? The current route is too rough, with only one name and type of rides. People who come here for the first time can't see the characteristics of different routes at all. It seems like they are just for diversion. It was done randomly.”

Huang Biao took a sip of cabbage and meatball soup and said to Yang Fan.

"I think so too, brother, do you think there is anything that can be improved?"

Yang Fan suddenly became interested in Huang Biao.

“First, plan each route in detail and indicate the reasons and purposes for recommending this route.”

"For example: Warm journey route: carousel, soaring in the sky, rotating cup, fairy tale castle, Ferris wheel. Warmth index: five stars, stimulation index: one star."

"Then add a warm and romantic message, and the same goes for other routes. If possible, make a promotional video for each recommended route and publish it online."

Huang Biao talks eloquently. As a self-media person in a tourist area, when it comes to strategies or plans for scenic spots, he can't stop talking.

Yang Fan nodded. He felt that what Huang Biao said made sense.

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