The day after a successful test flight of the hot air balloon.

The customer service department of Shendong Amusement Park has received feedback from countless tourists, hoping that the amusement park can open the hot air balloon project to tourists in advance.

After learning the news, Yang Fan immediately asked the Propaganda Department to issue a notice explaining in detail why the hot air balloon could not be opened in advance - for the safety of tourists.

Among the many tourist feedbacks, one caught Yang Fan's attention.

"This hot air balloon is really romantic. It's great for proposing and getting married." It's a pity that the price of the proposal ceremony is too high. I hope it can be cheaper, but I really don't have that much budget. It would be great if the amusement park could hold weddings, and it had a castle and a hot air balloon. Then I would definitely make a reservation because the food court on the third floor happens to be where you can eat! 』

“A wedding at an amusement park?”

Yang Fan thought for a while and felt that this idea could indeed be tried.

So at the high-level meeting that afternoon, he discussed the feasibility of holding weddings in the amusement park with the amusement park executives.

Many amusement park proposal ceremonies have been held before, and the whole process has been very perfect.

To this end, the amusement park logistics department has also set up a special team to be responsible for the planning and organization of the proposal ceremony.

Perhaps the cost of a proposal ceremony in an amusement park is indeed very high, making it difficult for most people to afford it.

Although Yang Fan also considered whether to lower some prices, he took into account the manpower and material resources consumed.

For example, airships, floats, etc. need to be prepared in advance, and the cost is very high. The current price has been reduced to the lowest.

In this way, although the amusement park lost some customers, it also gained an important thing - connections.

Due to the high cost, a considerable number of people who apply for the marriage proposal ceremony are bosses in various industries or the second generation of wealthy officials.

These people have all interacted with Yang Fan or the amusement park.

After all, no one knows who may use whom in the future. Whether multiple friends can provide an extra path is not discussed for the time being, but at least it is much better than multiple enemies.

Yang Fan does not expect these people to be of much help to him in the future, as long as they do not become obstacles to his development.

The proposal ceremony has almost no impact on the normal operation of the amusement park and the normal play of tourists. Many tourists are even willing to watch the proposal ceremony.

But holding a wedding is different from a proposal ceremony. The wedding needs to occupy the first floor hall of the fairy tale castle. If you want to hold a banquet in an amusement park, you even need to occupy the food court on the third floor.

Holding a wedding during the day will definitely have a great impact on the normal operation of the amusement park.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to hold it during the day and can only be held at night.

The fairy tale castle closes at 4 pm every day. After the castle closes, even if the employees immediately decorate the lobby on the first floor and the food court on the third floor, it still takes two hours.

Therefore, if you want to hold a wedding, it must be held at 18:58 in the evening.

"If weddings can be held at amusement parks, then people who have proposed at amusement parks are more likely to continue to choose to have their weddings at amusement parks."

This was the view expressed by everyone at the meeting.

In short, Yang Fan also handed over the task of wedding planning to the logistics department, striving to implement it and start accepting reservations within half a year.

After the meeting, Yang Fan returned to the principal's office and wanted to take a rest.

[Host, amusement facilities - the main part of the kart has been constructed]

[Please host select the kart track type and corresponding vehicle type]

[Ordinary runway/ordinary vehicles [free]]

[Sand and gravel track/off-road vehicle [10,000 tourist spot]]

[(Recommended) Solar Runway/Solar Tram [30,000 Visitor Spot]]


"System, what does this mean?"

[The main parts of the kart, such as stations, lounges, warehouses, etc., have been built. Next, there are still runways and vehicles, the specific types need to be selected by the host]

"Why do you recommend solar energy? Is it expensive?"

【Of course not! The ordinary type is the most common go-kart, with no highlights; the gravel track is more difficult to clean, and requires regular cleaning and replacement of gravel]

[The solar track not only has a strong sense of technology, but is also energy-saving and environmentally friendly. The vehicle does not require gasoline and can directly use electricity converted from solar energy]

"Well, then let's choose the solar track."

[Solar runway/solar tram selected]

[Thirty thousand tourist points have been deducted]

[Each lap of the solar track is 1,200 meters long and 3.5 meters wide]

[Obtained 30 electric karts, including 20 single-person racing cars and two-person couple cars.10 cars]

[Construction time: 15 days]

The working principle of the solar runway is that sunlight passes through the light-transmitting layer and is converted into direct current through the photoelectric effect of the solar cells in the power generation layer.

Then it is converted into alternating current through the inverter and stored in the connection layer for the operation of the electric cars on the solar runway.

The excess electricity can also be stored or connected to the power grid through roadside electric piles for use in street lights, toilets, food stores, etc. near the karts.

The top layer of the solar runway is a new translucent material similar to frosted glass with a high friction coefficient.

It can not only ensure that the tires of the kart do not slip, but also maintain a good light transmittance.

The electromagnetic induction coil under the runway, with the supporting use of the wireless technology of the electric kart, can realize the simultaneous charging of the kart during driving.

In addition, the solar runway can also convert light energy into heat energy.

In winter, the ice and snow on the road are removed, and the melted snow water flows out of the runway along the drainage outlets on both sides of the runway to ensure the safety of the electric kart during driving.

It is worth mentioning that on December 28, 2017, the world's first highway photovoltaic pavement test section was opened to traffic in Quanshui City, Shandong Province, China.

This marks a breakthrough in China's progress in this field.

"System, can we extend the kart track and increase the number of karts in the future?"

[Yes, after the kart track is built, you can buy solar tracks and karts in the system mall]

"Well, I know."

Yang Fan suddenly had an idea. If there is a chance in the future, maybe he can hold a kart race in the amusement park.


After finishing the chat with the system, Yang Fan looked at the calendar on the desktop.

"Ah~ There is only one week left until Children's Day. I don't know what happened to Jiahui's design of the forest maze."

Yang Fan stretched and prepared to take a nap.

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