For most scenic spots, the status of Children's Day cannot be compared with that of National Day, Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and other festivals.

It can even be said that Children’s Day cannot be called a holiday.

However, it is different for amusement parks. Children's Day is definitely a very important holiday.

After all, when most adults travel, their first choice is not to go to an amusement park.

But children, of course, are willing to go to an amusement park or zoo.

Yang Fan greeted the amusement facilities in advance. Except for the roller coaster, jumping machine, cupola, big pendulum, and pirate ship, other amusement facilities will operate slowly and gently, so that children can also experience it.

This is why Shendong Amusement Park issued a notice in late May titled "The intensity of some rides has been adjusted and can be opened to children."

Of course, children under 1.2 meters tall are still unable to ride on most rides.

But it is different for children with a height of 1.2 to 1.5 meters. Many amusement facilities that were originally inaccessible can be used normally this time.

This has also made many families who originally did not want to go to the amusement park change their minds.

After all, I spent hundreds of dollars to come to the amusement park, only to be able to enjoy a few tourist attractions such as the rotating cup, naughty castle, and double-decker carousel. That was a bit of a loss.

As for Shendong Amusement Park, it has also made full preparations to welcome Children's Day.

The entire park has been carefully decorated, and signs, road signs and even manhole covers have been replaced with the mascot's cartoon image.

Not only that, the amusement park also ordered 20 sets of doll costumes in various cartoon animal shapes from the Cute Rabbit Toy Factory.

In addition to those five mascots, there are also other cute animals, such as rabbits, hedgehogs, deer, etc.

At that time, employees will dress up in doll costumes and walk around the amusement park to create a festive atmosphere.

The amusement park also pays great attention to some details.

Take tickets for example.

The children's tickets this time are limited edition, that is, only tourists who purchase them at the ticket office on June 1st will get them.

This children's ticket was designed by professionals at the amusement park. It is 10 cm long and 5.5 cm wide. It looks like a delicate card and has a plastic protective layer on the surface.

A total of seven different children's tickets will be on sale, and visitors who purchase tickets will receive any one of them at random.

The tickets are printed with photos of the five amusement park mascot dolls at seven popular locations in the amusement park, including the main entrance, fairy tale castle, Ferris wheel, cupola, big pendulum, wishing tree, and roller coaster.

In the corner of the ticket, there is a row of small words "Shendong Amusement Park Children's Day Limited Edition Ticket", which looks very collectible.

In terms of amusement facilities, the forest maze, circus, double-decker carousel upgraded to an intermediate level, and fairy tale castle are the top attractions of this amusement park.

First is the forest maze.

In addition to the decorations such as tree demons and flower demons that Yang Fan had previously purchased in the system mall, the purchasing department also purchased many cute decorations according to Liu Jiahui's ideas.

Not only that, Liu Jiahui also had a sudden inspiration and applied to Pan Lili, the Minister of Propaganda Department, hoping to borrow the white horse and a circus trainer from the circus.

At first, Pan Lili didn't know what kind of medicine Liu Jiahui was selling in her gourd, but after some communication, she felt that Liu Jiahui's imagination was too rich.

It turned out that Liu Jiahui had originally thought of adding some mysterious creature decorations to the forest maze, and also thought of dryads and the like.

However, whether she went to the Cute Rabbit Toy Factory to order a dryad doll or decorated the eyes and mouth on an existing tree, the effect was very mediocre, and she even gave up the idea for a while.

But after she received a photo of a dryad flower demon, she felt the need to pursue the idea of ​​incorporating the mythical creature.

The borrowed white horse was naturally decorated with a spiral horn on its forehead to look like a unicorn.

The circus animal trainer is disguised as a forest hunter. But its main purpose is to hold the "unicorn" to prevent the "unicorn" from being frightened and causing accidents, and at the same time, it can also deal with the "unicorn's" eating and excretion problems.

So in fact, he doesn't need to do anything. He just needs to wander around the forest maze with the "unicorn" and occasionally take photos with the children.

In short, after several days of preparation, the forest maze has been decorated and ready to welcome tourists at any time.

The promotional video for the forest maze has also been produced. After it was uploaded to the Internet, there were many comments from netizens below the video., they all expressed great expectations and would definitely bring their children to play.

the other side.

The members of the circus are also gearing up and planning to perform well.

The performance of the circus has been tepid before. At each circus, the audience can only be half filled.

Especially after Shendong Amusement Park became more and more perfect, the number of visitors to the circus became less and less.

Every month, Shendong Amusement Park will have a work summary and release various data for each amusement facility or amusement project.

Take the past April as an example. Compared with other amusement facilities or entertainment projects, the number of tourists who came to experience the circus was pitifully small.

The number of tourists ranks second to last, only slightly higher than the cruise terminal.

The reason why there are so few people at the cruise pier is because the weather was a bit cold in April and it was closed for a week at the end of the month.

Su He, the circus leader, felt that he could not go on like this.

Just after Labor Day, he summoned all the troupe members, held an important meeting, and put forward new requirements for the quality of circus performances.

"Amazing, fun, interactive, innovative"

These eight characters have been hanging on the wall of his office.

The circus performers also felt that Su He's words were very reasonable, so they arranged many new and interesting shows.

In addition to the performers, there is also good news from the animal trainers.

Except for the python, the animals that had been adopted from the animal rescue center were basically ready to perform on stage.

Especially the two cute little golden retriever dogs, they are very smart and everyone likes them very much.

New acrobatics, new jokes, new magic, new animals.

At the door of the circus tent, a huge and cute clown-shaped balloon was hung, which could be seen from a long distance away.

There are various signs that the circus is fully prepared to perform well on Children's Day.

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