Not long after the airship was moved into the warehouse, the system sounded a prompt again.

[The fancy fountain has been built]

"Finally finished!"

Yang Fan was very happy to hear the news.

In the past ten days, the small square in front of the main gate has been building this fountain. Iron fences and construction materials occupy a lot of space, and occasionally there are large trucks parked on the roadside.

This makes the already small square look even smaller and more crowded.

Since September, the amusement park has received about 20 complaints every day.

At least 10 of them are about the inconvenience caused to everyone queuing for tickets or entering the park during the construction of this fountain.

[Please go to the fancy fountain to learn how to set it up]


Yang Fan came to the small square in front of the main gate and saw the security guard standing in front of the fountain and observing something.

"Uncle Wang (^~^;)ゞ!"

Yang Fan shouted to the security guard Uncle Wang.

"Oh, Director Yang. Just now a group of people dismantled the iron fence, so I decided to see what they were doing. It turned out that they were building a fountain."

Uncle Wang saw Yang Fan coming over and said slowly.

"Well, this fancy fountain is newly built. Isn't the Mid-Autumn Festival coming in a few days? I decided to add a festive atmosphere. Uncle Wang, I want to start this fountain for a test. Do you want to come and see it?"

"Okay! Haha, you are a young and promising kid. You are so young and have such a big industry. You will definitely be a pillar of the country in the future."

"Uncle Wang, you are too kind. You are..."


After a round of commercial praise, the system may not be able to bear it anymore and issued a prompt sound.

[Host, please go to the ticket office. The fountain control room is in the ticket office]

"Oh, OK, OK."

"Uncle Wang, please watch here first. I'll start it. The control room is in the ticket office."

Yang Fan entered the ticket office. There was not much change here. He really couldn't see where the control room was.

[Host, please go up the stairs to the roof of the ticket office]

[The control room is on the roof of the ticket office]


Yang Fan climbed up to the roof of the ticket office and saw a small house that could only accommodate one or two people.

He walked in. The layout inside was somewhat similar to the control room of other amusement facilities.

There are three different areas under the big screen in front of him. They are: default setting area, music fountain area, and voice-controlled fountain area.

[Host, please pull down the power switch and click default setting]


Yang Fan clicked on the default setting.

The fancy fountain is divided into five layers, and the highest point is about three or four meters high.

The bottom layer is a circular pool with a diameter of ten meters and a depth of about 50 centimeters. The nozzles at the edge are slightly tilted toward the center by 10 to 30 degrees, and the angle can be changed rhythmically. The water column is about 50 centimeters high, and the interval between the water columns is about 40 centimeters.

Because it is at night, there is a circle of purple colored lights at the bottom of the pool, which looks very beautiful.

The diameter of the second-to-last layer is much smaller than the smallest layer, about only about three meters. However, the height is at least more than two meters, supported by a silver-white column with exquisite patterns carved on it.

This layer is more like a waterfall than a fountain.

After the water gushed out from this layer, it became a piece. Part of it formed water mist, and most of it flowed directly into the pool at the bottom layer.

The third layer, which is the middle layer, has a smaller diameter.

Each water column sprays around in a flat or upward throw of 30 degrees, and finally falls into the pool at the bottom layer.

This layer radiates green light from the center to the surroundings, and the splashes of water around are like emeralds, dazzling.

The second layer is similar to ordinary fountains, basically mainly spraying water columns of at least two meters diagonally upward. The water column is sometimes large and sometimes small, changing unpredictably. The yellow light emitted is extremely conspicuous.

The first layer is a vertical water column with a total of three nozzles. The middle nozzle can spray up to more than 60 meters in the air, which is equivalent to the height of a 20-story building.

Although it cannot be compared with those famous fountains at home and abroad, considering the area and water storage capacity of the fancy fountain, this height is already quite good.

Uncle Wang was stunned by the fountain in front of him, and bursts of "Wow" came.

[The default setting is the most commonly used setting for the fountain. Except for the nozzles on the first layer, other nozzles spray water regularly, and the nozzles on the first layer spray water once every three minutes]

"This is great, but I feel a little sorry for the water bill."

Yang Fan looked at the fancy fountain through the monitoring screen and felt very satisfied.[Host, please set the music first, then click on the music fountain]

"Oh, OK."

Yang Fan first set a song "Love You" sung by Ling Ling, which has become popular recently, and then clicked to start.

"If you suddenly sneeze, it must be because I am thinking of you..."

A beautiful melody full of memories of the post-80s and post-90s music sounded, and the fountain also started to work with the rhythm of the music, and the water column danced under the music.

"Not bad, does the water column automatically spray water with the rhythm of the music?"

[Yes, host]

The song of less than four minutes ended, and the fountain stopped, and Yang Fan felt unsatisfied.

[Next is the last one, please click on the voice-controlled fountain]

After Yang Fan clicked to start, there was silence around, as if nothing had happened.

[Host, please move to the front of the fountain]

Yang Fan left the control room and came to the front of the fountain, and Uncle Wang was also next to him.

"Director, is the experiment finished? I was shocked just now. It's the first time for me to see such a powerful fountain at such a close distance."

"Uncle Wang, just now we saw the default mode and the music fountain mode. Now we have the third mode - voice control mode."

"Oh? Voice control mode?"

[The voice control mode is that the fountain sprays water according to the decibels of the surrounding sound, but only the first layer sprays water. The minimum sound is 50 decibels, with no upper limit]

"Uncle Wang, cover your ears."

"Oh oh."

The security guard Uncle Wang didn't know what Yang Fan wanted to do, but he still covered his ears obediently.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Yang Fan shouted.

The fountain began to spray water after receiving the sound, and the water column of the first layer was about seven or eight meters high.

"If many people shouted together, it would probably spray higher."

After confirming his guess, Yang Fan took out his mobile phone and first sent a few photos of the fountain in the employee WeChat group.

Then he called Ma Tao, the director of the engineering department, and asked him to send two people to learn how to operate the fountain, and also asked Pan Lili to send someone to shoot a video of the fountain.

Just as Yang Fan was immersed in the wonderful fountain performance, Wang Yue called him.

"Hello? Sister Yue, what's up?"

"Director Yang, are you free tomorrow? I have arranged for several catering brands that are interested in entering the amusement park, and they want to discuss the specific details of the contract with you."

"Well, okay. Let's have them come to the amusement park at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."



Yang Fan hung up the phone and thought for a while.

"System, is there a video about the airship? If so, please send it to me."

[OK host]


Yang Fan turned on his mobile phone and looked at the airship screen playing on the phone screen.

"With the airship, the amusement park can better promote those brands, and it is estimated that some additional conditions can be added."

Yang Fan whispered, with a smile on his lips.

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