City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 340 The Confident Liu Xin [For Flowers, For a Monthly Pass]

Chapter 340: The Confident Liu Xin

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the surprised expression on Liu Qing's face, Lin Qing suddenly asked in doubt.

"Hey, look at it, daughter-in-law!

When Liu Qing heard it, he simply browsed through the Winter Games process and events posted by Teacher Tutu, and then handed over his mobile phone to Lin Qing to say.


Seeing this, Lin Qing hummed, then took Liu Qing's cell phone, held Liu Qing's hand, and strolled out of the yard, bowing his head to browse.

"Is the original activity also participating in the three kindergartens together?""

After seeing the notice of the Winter Games from Teacher Tutu that the first one was the three-school league, Lin Qing turned his head to look at Liu Qing and asked.

"That's right, daughter-in-law!"

Seeing Li Linqing's suspicious eyes, Liu Qing replied with a smile, "The original activity was a parent-child activity for kindergarten children and their parents!

"But, I didn't expect that this time, three kindergartens will report this sports meeting together!

Liu Qing changed the subject and looked at Lin Qing and continued.

After all, whatever activities are held in the kindergarten are held in the form of parent-child activities, increasing the activities between parents and children.

But I didn't expect that this Winter Games, there was nothing to do with adults, it was just the comparison of the children in the three kindergartens.

"It should be the reason in the district!"

After hearing his husband's answer, Lin Qing nodded, then continued to look down to see why the three kindergartens jointly held the Winter Games this time.

I saw that the district propaganda department where Liu Xin Kindergarten is located, and for the comprehensive and healthy development of the children, joined two other kindergartens to hold the Winter Games together.

"Well, it should be!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing nodded and agreed.

Because when he just browsed quickly, Liu Qing also saw what Lin Qing said about the district propaganda department.

"That's still interesting.!

Seeing this, Lin Qing said with a smile, "After all, this is a competition between children!

"I don't know, how will these little guys behave?"

Lin Qing then said with some expectation.

"Haha, daughter-in-law, all the competitions in this sports meeting are participated in by the class, it's actually not bad!

When Liu Qing heard this, he smiled and said, "I just don't know how everyone's teamwork is going!


When Lin Qing heard this, he was stunned and said, "I thought it was a competition between the children!

"Hey, keep looking down!

Seeing the surprised expression on Lin Qing's face, Liu Qing said with a smile.

"It really is!

After hearing her husband's reminder, Lin Qing turned to the end and saw the sports that Liu Qing said.

For example, one of the sports is called monkey transporting corn, which is to transport a prepared basket of corn cobs to another basket in the shortest time through the concerted efforts of children, and the one who spends the least time wins.

"Giggle, the competition items of this sports meeting are really interesting!"

After simply flipping through the winter games, Lin Qing couldn't help but cover his mouth and snicker: "I don't know who put so much thought into it!

"What? Daughter-in-law, do you think Xinxin's sports games are our common running, long jump, and swimming?"

Seeing the happy expression on Lin Qing's face, Liu Qing asked with a smile.

"Hmm! 35

Hearing Liu Qing's question, Lin Qing nodded and nodded.

After all, Little Jelly is still young and has not yet entered kindergarten, so Lin Qing has never participated in any kindergarten activities, thinking that the so-called sports events are professional track and field, selection, swimming, etc.

But after all, they are kindergarten children, and their bodies are still developing. How could they be these professional sports, so the so-called sports are "monkey carrying corn", "frog crossing the river" and so on.

Its main purpose is parent-child interaction, or to increase the unity and cooperation between children, such as this three-school league!

"Yeah, the parents in the group are talking so lively!

After reading the notice of the Winter Games that Tutu honestly sent, Lin Qing withdrew. Seeing the heated discussions in the parents group of Liu Xin's class, Lin Qing immediately exclaimed in amazement.

"Haha, daughter-in-law, I think everyone is complaining about why they didn't participate in this sports meeting!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing smiled and guessed.

After all, the sports meet or other activities organized by the kindergarten are all parent-child activities.


When Lin Qing heard this, he nodded.

"Baba, Mama, hurry up!"

While Liu Qing and Lin Qing were discussing the Winter Games, Liu Xin and Little Jelly, who were running at the front, saw Liu Qing and Lin Qing walking slowly behind, and the two little guys turned back again. One to the left and one to the right, respectively pulling the two of them and saying urgingly.

"Okay, Mom and Dad go faster!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing and Lin Qing couldn't help but glance at each other, then put the phone back in their trouser pockets, and nodded in agreement with a smile.

As soon as they were talking, Liu Qing's family dispersed.

Later, because the sports meeting was held on the weekend, Liu Qing took Liu Xin to buy a pair of sports shoes and professional sports sweatpants in the rest of the time. This was according to the notice of Liu Xin's class teacher, Tutu. of!

Because this three-school league winter sports meeting is held in an indoor venue (by Zhao), and it is winter now, and there are ten sports, wearing ordinary clothes is not convenient, and it is particularly hot, so I bought it. professional sportswear.

Then there are all kinds of training, because it is a class team sports competition, which has never been before, and this training is naturally inevitable by taxi.

For example, in handling corn, in addition to training with classmates in kindergarten, Liu Xin also trains teleportation with Liu Qing, Lin Qing and others at home.

Time flies so fast, and in a blink of an eye, the day comes when the three-school league winter sports start on Sunday!

In Liu Xin's bedroom, looking at Liu Xin who was wearing red sports clothes, pants and a pair of white sneakers, looking energetic, Liu Qing smiled and asked: "Xin Xin, how are you? Do you think your class can win?"

Hearing this, Liu Xin replied confidently:


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