City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 341 The battle begins [seeking flowers, asking for a monthly ticket]

Chapter 341

"Haha, let's go, let's go down for breakfast! 35

Seeing the confident and high-spirited look on her baby girl Liu Xin's little face, Liu Qing smiled and reached out and touched Liu Xin's little head.


When Liu Xin heard this, he smiled brightly and hummed.

Then the father and daughter went downstairs to the dining room.

"Yeah, let's obediently dress really nicely today! 35

Seeing Liu Xin in a sports attire walking into the dining room, Mother Liu, who was busy serving porridge for everyone, immediately praised with a smile.


Hearing Liu's mother's praise, Liu Xin hurriedly called out sweetly.

"Son, the temperature is so low today, it's okay to be dressed like this at home, you will definitely catch a cold outside!"

Father Liu saw that Liu Xin was wearing red sweatpants, looked up at Liu Qing who was standing behind Liu Xin and reminded: "It's better to put on a coat! 99

"Dad, don't worry, isn't the weather getting colder every day, when Lin Qing and I took Liu Xin to buy this sportswear, we bought her and Xiao Jelly an identical down jacket!

When Liu Qing heard it, he immediately smiled and saw Father Liu explain and answer.

"That's right, Dad, Jelly is wearing this!"

When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Well, Grandpa, Little Jelly and Sister Xinxin's clothes are exactly the same!

Seeing this, the little jelly with two cute meatball heads looked at Father Liu, and said with a milky voice.

"Okay, if my sister has a coat to wear!"

When Father Liu heard this, he immediately said cheerfully.

As for Liu Ling, who looked valiant when she saw a sports suit, Liu Xin quickly smiled and encouraged: "My dear little niece, cheers for today's sports meeting!"5


When Liu Xin heard this, he gave a heavy hum.

"Okay, don't talk about it, this meal is ready, let's have breakfast, and we'll go to the sports field after eating! 35

When everyone's porridge was filled, Liu's mother hurriedly greeted everyone with a smile.


When Liu Qing, Liu Xin and others heard it, they all smiled and nodded in agreement.

Then Liu Qing's family sat around the dining table and ate breakfast with relish.

time flies.

Eight in the morning.

"Come on, let's go!"

After eating breakfast and sobering up the dishes, Liu Qing smiled as he looked at the family that was already dressed and ready to go.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Liu Xin and Little Jelly, who were already wearing off-white knee-length down jackets, immediately cheered when they heard this.

Seeing this, Liu Qing and the others couldn't help but smiled at each other, then walked out of the door one after another, closed the door, followed behind Liu Xin and Little Jelly, and walked to the parking garage.

After all, I was about to participate in the sports meeting, and I was very excited when I came to the garage. After Liu Xin and Little Jelly, who were jumping around, saw Liu Ling come to the garage, they immediately said crisply: "Aunt, aunt, Xinxin and Little Jelly. Can my sister take your car?

"Haha, you two little guys are still fond of the new and hate the old. Knowing that my aunt drives a new car, why don't you take the car driven by your parents?"

It's just that Liu Xin hasn't answered yet, when Liu Qing heard it, he immediately spoke first.

"Xinxin and Little Jelly, be good, my aunt only got the driver's license, so I can't blame you!

When Liu Ling heard this, she quickly squatted down and looked at Liu Xin and the little jelly sisters and explained patiently, "Wait until my aunt's skills are better, I'll plant you all!

"The other is that my aunt is going to take your father's car today!

Liu Ling went on to explain.

After all, he has only got his driver's license for a few days and has been driving for two or three days, but Liu Ling feels that his driving skills need to be further improved.

Of course, there is another reason that there is no child safety seat installed in Liu Ling's new car, so he did not agree to the request of the two little guys!

"All right!

After hearing Liu Ling's explanation, Liu Xinhe and Little Jelly nodded obediently.

"Haha, Xinxin and Little Jelly are so good, my aunt will take you to eat delicious food every day from now on! 55

Seeing this, Liu Ling immediately smiled and reached out to touch the little heads of the two little guys.

"Hee hee, good!"

Hearing Liu Ling's promise, Liu Xin and the little jelly sisters nodded with a smile as if they had eaten honey.

"It's over, daughter-in-law, I can't believe that our two daughters are getting closer and closer to the road of foodies!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Liu Qing turned his head helplessly and looked at Lin Qing who was standing beside him.

"What's wrong with eating? Son (ciba)!

It's just that Lin Qing hadn't opened his mouth yet, and Liu Qing, who was standing beside her, couldn't help hearing it. Liu Qing said with a glance, "Although your mother hasn't read much, she also knows that eating is a blessing!"

"I didn't say anything, Mom!" 5

When Liu Qing heard this, he said angrily.

"Okay, don't talk about it, ma'am, we should go, doesn't it mean that the sports venue for the competition is a 40-minute drive away from us, and it's just right to go there now! 39

Seeing this, Father Liu, who was standing beside him, quickly persuaded him.

"Then let's go!

Hearing Father Liu's reminder, Liu Qing smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, get in the car, Xinxin, little jelly!

Liu Qing then carried the two little guys into the driveway of his daughter-in-law.

"Okay, daughter-in-law, let's go!"

When the two little guys were carried into the car and placed in a child safety seat, Liu Qing closed the car door and looked at his daughter-in-law and said finally.

As for Liu Ling, who sat in the co-pilot seat of Lin Qing's car, while Liu's father and mother were in Cullinan, which was driven by Liu Qing!

"Well, then I'll go ahead, husband!

When Lin Qing heard this, he responded with a smile.


Seeing this, Liu Qing nodded.

Then the husband and wife both turned around and went to the main driving position of their respective cars to open the door and get in the car. After they fastened their seat belts, they saw Lin Qing driving out of the garage first.

Seeing this, Liu Qing also hurriedly followed behind in the car.

The car galloped all the way, and just 40 minutes later, Liu Qing and Lin Qing drove to the stadium of the three-school league of today's Winter Games.

After all, it was the district propaganda department and three groups of kindergartens to hold this sports meeting. There were so many children and more parents who came to cheer, so this venue with the largest area in Liu Qing’s area was specially chosen.

"Fortunately, today I know that the parents are driving here and have a zero-hour parking lot, otherwise the car will not be able to park!"

Seeing that the parking lot not far away was full, Liu Qing got out a huge zero-hour parking lot and couldn't help sighing.

Then Liu Qing followed Lin Qing's car and slowly drove into the zero-hour parking lot. Then the couple found two adjacent parking spaces and parked the car one after the other.

"Get out of the car, Dad, Mom!"

After parking the car firmly, Liu Qing smiled and looked at Liu's father and Liu's mother in the back seat.


When Liu's father and Liu's mother heard this, they hummed in unison, and immediately opened the door and got off the bus together.

As for Liu Xin and Little Jelly, Lin Qing and Liu Ling had already taken them out of the car.


Just as Liu Qing's family was about to walk into the sports venue, a little girl with a round face got off a black Honda car not far away. After seeing Liu Xin, she immediately waved her hands warmly and greeted her.

"Yuanyuan! 35

When Liu Xin heard this, he fixed his eyes and found that it was not someone else who called him, but his classmate and good friend Yuanyuan, so he responded quickly with a smile.

Of course, in addition to this, there are Yuanyuan's father and mother.

"Hey, Xinxin Dad, your family is really huge!

Seeing Liu Qing's family in front of him, Yuanyuan's father immediately smiled and exclaimed: "And even the clothes are the same!

"They are all here to cheer and cheer for Xinxin and the others!

Yuanyuan's father continued.

"Haha, you are the same! 95

When Liu Qing heard this, he immediately responded with a smile.

Just as Liu Qing's family and Yuanyuan's parents smiled and said hello, a black Land Rover suddenly stopped beside them, the window opened, revealing a little girl with pigtails, shouting crisply. : "Heart, round and round!"9

"Moon Moon!

When Liu Xin and Yuanyuan heard it, they quickly responded with a smile, because the little girl with cute pigtails was their good friend and classmate Yueyue.

Then I saw the other side of the car door open, Yueyue's mother got out of the car, and while carrying Yueyue out of the car, she looked at Liu Qing and others and said hello: "It's a coincidence that we came here, Xinxin Dad. , Yuanyuan Dad!"

"Haha, isn't it! 35

When Liu Xin and Yuanyuan's father heard this, they laughed and responded.


In the cab, Yueyue's father greeted Liu Qing and others when he saw him.

"Then I'll park the car, please wait for me a moment."

Yueyue's father continued: "Let's go in together!"9


Liu Qing, Yuanyuan's father and others all nodded and responded.

In less than two minutes, I saw Yueyue's father parked the car, then quickly walked in front of Liu Qing and others, and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's go in!"

Liu Qing's family and Yuanyuan's family immediately followed the road signs and walked into the sports venue.

"There are so many people today!

Arriving at the gate of the sports venue and looking at the parents who were waiting in a long line with their children for the security check, Mother Liu couldn't help but exclaim: "And it's still so strict!

"That's not it, after all, the children from the three kindergartens are competing together, and there must be a lot of people!

When Father Liu heard this, he nodded in agreement and said, "What if the security check is not strict? After all, what if there is an accident! 99

When Liu Qing and others heard it, they nodded in unison to express their agreement!

Because of such a big sports meeting, safety measures must be taken well. Liu Qing just saw two ambulances parked on the roadside, to prevent any accidents!

After waiting for a few minutes, it was finally Liu Qing's turn to go through the security check.

"Xinxin, Yuanyuan, the moon and the moon are coming!"

When the three little guys were going through the security check, the head teacher, Mr. Tutu, saw the three little guys and hurriedly waved with a smile: "Let's gather with the teacher!"

"Go, Xinxin, come on!

When Liu Qing and others heard it, they encouraged Liu Xin one after another.

As for Yuanyuan's father, mother and Yueyue's father and mother, they are also cheering for their daughter.

"Hmm! 35

Seeing this, Liu Xin hummed.

Then, after waving goodbye to Liu Qing and others, he followed the head teacher, Mr. Tutu, to the reunion with other classmates.

"Let's go, Xinxin Dad, let's go in too!"

After seeing the three little guys disappear, Dad Yuanyuan, who had completed the security check, said with a smile.


When Liu Qing heard this, he responded with a smile.

Then Liu Qing and his party followed the signs and walked into the stadium.

After passing through a small door, Liu Qing and others appeared in front of a huge indoor sports field.

While everyone was still looking at the sports field in front of them, the sharp-eyed Liu Xin looked around, and immediately saw the place where Liu Xin's classmates were going to sit not far away. The location is there, go over there!


Hearing the reminder from the old sister Liu Ling, Liu Qing smiled and nodded, then looked at Lin Qing and Liu's father and mother and said, "Let's go, let's go up!""

Because the parents are sitting in the stands.

"Haha, let's go, Dad Xinxin, Dad Yuanyuan!"

Seeing this, Yueyue's father hurriedly said with a smile: "Let's find a front seat while there are not many people now!"

When Liu Qing and others heard it, they stepped onto the stands and walked to the marked positions where the parents of Liu Xin's kindergarten class were sitting.

I saw that the parents of Liu Xin's class were sitting at this time. Some parents have already sat down in the front row. Due to the large number of people, Liu Qing's family can only sit in the third row.

"Okay, it's pretty clear!

After sitting down, Mother Liu looked at it and said with a smile.


When Father Liu heard this, he hummed.

"Hey, look, bro, Xinxin, this time the three schools are jointly organizing this Winter Games, there is even a TV station video, it seems that the above attaches great importance to it! 99

Liu Ling, who was sitting next to Liu's mother, said in disbelief when she saw the TV station staff who were debugging the video recorder not far away.

"That's not!

When Liu Qing heard this, he said with a smile.

Time flies.

Nine in the morning.

When the stands were full of parents, the host then came on stage and delivered an opening speech.

Afterwards, the leaders and the kindergarten dean made speeches. Accompanied by the sound of music, a group of kindergarten children lined up neatly and began to enter the venue.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qing immediately smiled happily and said:

"The game is about to start!!!

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