City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 343 Wagyu has arrived [for flowers, for full order]

Chapter 343 Wagyu has arrived

"One, two, three, eggplant!"

Inside the empty sports venue, a group of children in sportswear were holding a trophy and said with a bright smile on their small faces.

The shutter sound of the camera clicked for a while, and the happy and natural expressions of the children who won the first place were frozen.

"Okay, the filming is done, everyone can leave!

When the middle-aged photographer with glasses hunched over and took more than ten photos in a row, he put down the camera immediately, stood up and said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's done!"

After hearing the middle-aged photographer say that the photo was taken, the children who took the photo immediately relaxed, and then with a burst of cheers, they turned into Nian beasts and dispersed, ran to the surrounding waiting for the parents and said: "Grandpa, Nurse...

"Zero Twenty Seven"

"Oh, run slowly and be careful not to fall!"

Seeing a little boy in sportswear with two balls on his head and running towards him with a smile, a middle-aged woman with gray hair in her early fifties and less than sixty years old quickly said with a heartache.

"Mom, don't worry, Xinxin is wearing sneakers!

A young man standing beside the middle-aged woman saw this and said with a smile.

"That's right, brother is right!"

When a girl with a pair of ponytails and a strange appearance heard it, she followed suit.

It turned out that the group in front of them was none other than Liu Qing's family, and it was Liu Xin, Liu's mother, and Liu Qing and Liu Ling who were talking.

The reason for this scene is because the sports meeting has already been held, and Liu Xin's class won the championship of the small class in the three-school league, so they are taking pictures!

"Can Baba, Mama, Xinxin and Little Jelly eat KFC today?

The smiling Liu Xin ran forward, looked at Liu Qing and Lin Qing with big watery eyes, and said excitedly.

"Well, little jelly sister also wants to eat, little jelly sister also eats!"

The little jelly who was standing by the side heard it, and immediately agreed with her milky voice.

But before Liu Qing, Lin Qing and his wife could answer, Mother Liu, who was standing beside her, heard it, and immediately looked at Liu Xin and Little Jelly with a smile on her face and said, "Xin Xin, Little Jelly, be nice, this is the case. It's already five o'clock. Grandma comes home and cooks something delicious for you, okay?

Because in Liu's mother's opinion, KFC is not very healthy, and children should eat less, so she persuades them.

"Mom, why don't you buy some for the two of them!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Qing immediately smiled and persuaded: "After all, Xinxin won the championship, and they don't eat this often!"

"That's right, old lady, just buy some for the two darlings!"

When Father Liu heard this, he nodded and said, "That was the reward at that time!"

"Well, buy them for them!"

Hearing what her son and her husband said, Mother Liu nodded in agreement.

"Haha, then I'll buy it, I'll buy a KFC family bucket, place an order with my mobile phone, order takeout, and then go home, it's estimated that the takeout will be delivered!

After seeing Liu's mother nodding and agreeing, Liu Ling said happily.

"Don't buy them so much, buy them less!

When Lin Qing heard this, he looked at Liu Ling with a smile and shook his head.


When Liu Ling heard this, he stomped his feet.

Because Liu Ling bought the whole family bucket naturally because he wanted to eat with his two good nieces!

"Why, my daughter, your mother's food is not delicious, so you have to eat KFC tonight!

Seeing this, Mother Liu gave Liu Nian a blank look and said.

"there is!

When Liu Ling heard this, he could not help shrinking his neck and muttered in a low voice.

"Hey, if your daughter wants to eat, let her buy it!

When Liu's father, who was standing beside Liu's mother, heard this, he sighed and persuaded: "After all, she is such a big person!"

"Okay, okay, then I won't say it!

Hearing Liu's father's persuasion, Liu's mother glared at him and said, "You are a good person!

After saying that, he left angrily.

"Thanks, Dad!"

Seeing that Liu's mother agreed, Liu Ling suddenly looked at Liu's father with a smile and said thanks.

"Thank you, your mother was mad at me and ran away!

When Father Liu heard this, he couldn't help but say with a tangled face.

"However, girl, if you want to eat these things in the future, just buy them directly, don't say anything!

Father Liu turned around and looked at Liu Ling and then reminded him.

After he finished speaking, Father Liu chased him out.

"Let's go, let's go home, Xinxin, little jelly!

When Liu Qing and Lin Qing saw this, they couldn't help but smile at each other, then put their eyes on Liu Xin and Little Jelly in front of them, and said with a smile.

"Yes, dear niece, let's go back to eat KFC!""

When Liu Ling heard this, he echoed with a smile.

"Really? Auntie!"

When Liu Xin and Little Jelly heard this, they immediately looked at Liu Ling and said in disbelief.

"Haha, of course it's true, my aunt has already ordered takeout, we can eat it when we get home!

Seeing the disbelieving expressions of the two little guys, Liu Ling explained seriously.

"Yeah, go home and eat KFC!

Seeing Liu Ling was no joke, the two little guys immediately danced and cheered.

Then Liu Qing's family walked out of the stadium and towards the zero-hour parking lot.

"Come on, get in the car!"

In front of the car parked in the parking lot, Liu Qing smiled and carried the two little guys into the driveway.

As for the bickering father Liu and mother Liu, they also got into the car!

"Let's go, daughter-in-law, you still drive ahead, and I'll follow you!

When the two little guys were carried into the car and seated, and the seat belts were fastened, 1.0 Liu Qing, who closed the door, smiled and looked at Lin Qingdao who was standing beside him.

"Okay! Husband! 9

When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and nodded in agreement.

Then open the door and get in the car, start the car!

Seeing this, Liu Qing also hurriedly opened Cullinan's car door, sat up, and started the car.

After seeing his daughter-in-law driving the car slowly away from the parking space, the phone in Liu Qing's trouser pocket, who was about to follow, suddenly rang.


When Liu Qing heard this, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

When he took out his mobile phone, he realized that Meng Fei was calling, Liu Qing hurriedly answered the channel with a smile: "Hey, Meng Fei! 35

When Meng Fei on the other end of the phone heard this, he immediately laughed and said:

“Liu Qing, the wagyu you bought has arrived!!!!”

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