City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 344 Professionals 【For Flowers, For Monthly Pass】

Chapter 343 Professionals


When Liu Qing heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked in disbelief.

"Haha, of course it's true!

Meng Fei on the other end of the phone answered with certainty.

"But I heard from my subordinates that the wagyu you bought has just arrived at the port! According to our country's customs clearance procedures, it has to be inspected and quarantined, and then quarantined!"

Meng Fei's conversation changed, and he continued: "So it's estimated that you will have to wait for a while to get to your farm!"

"This is no problem, as long as you arrive safely!

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing said happily.

After all, the cattle farm here is still under construction, and the quarantine period just expired. Maybe the cattle farm here is also built.

"Meng Fei, then send me the bill for their customs clearance fee, and I'll transfer it to you directly! 35

Liu Qing went on to say.

You must know that the customs clearance and quarantine of live cattle and sheep are very strict, and the related expenses are naturally a lot of money, so Liu Qing will ask Meng Fei for the bill.

"Okay, who are we and who, don't mention this!"

Meng Fei on the other end of the phone refused with a smile.

"When the time comes, just remember to get me a high-quality ginseng!"

Meng Fei then said with a smile.

After all, this ginseng is a longevity thing, and money is hard to buy. Meng Fei felt that his money and Liu Qing's ginseng were nothing at all.

"Well, then 28 will definitely give the best team!

Seeing this, Liu Qing immediately smiled and nodded in agreement.


Seeing Liu Qing agree, Meng Fei said happily.

"Okay, I won't tell you, I'm going to get off work here and pick up my girlfriend for dinner!"

Meng Fei continued with a smile.

"Hmm! 35

When Liu Qing heard this, he hummed: "Okay!

Then the two hung up the phone.

Sitting in the back seat, seeing Liu Qing hanging up the phone and putting away the phone, he couldn't help asking: "Son, who are you chatting with? So happy?"

"What's real or fake? And the bills?

Mother Liu continued.

As for Liu's father on the side, seeing this, he also cast a suspicious look at Liu Qing.

"Mom, there is no one else, and the person who is talking to me is Meng Fei who went to Australia to buy wagyu beef!

Hearing his mother's questioning, Liu Qing explained with a smile: "He just called me and said that the wagyu beef and sheep that I bought have just arrived at the port, so I'm so happy!


When Liu's mother and Liu's father heard it, they nodded in unison, indicating that they understood.

"Then let's drive, son!

Father Liu looked at Liu Qing and then urged: "After all, Xiao Lin has no idea how far he has gone!"

"Okay, Dad!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing responded with a smile.

As soon as I saw the conversation, I started the car, drove out of the parking lot, and drove home.

Time flies, when Liu Qing drove his mother and father Liu home in a car, Lin Qing had parked the car firmly in the garage.

"Mom and Dad! 99

Seeing Liu's father and Liu's mother take the lead in walking into the yard, Lin Qing suddenly cried out sweetly.


Upon hearing this, Mother Liu snorted, looked at Lin Qing with a smile and asked, "Xiao Lin, what do you want to eat tonight? Mom will make it for you tonight!

"Mom, I'm not a picky eater, as long as you cook it, I like it!"

Hearing Mother Liu's question, Lin Qing immediately replied with a smile.

"Haha, what a good daughter-in-law of our family!"

When Mother Liu heard this, she said happily.

"Then let's go, Lao Liu, let's go into the house and cook!"

Mother Liu looked at Father Liu who was standing aside and continued.


When Father Liu heard this, he readily agreed and walked into the house immediately.

When the back of Liu's father and Liu's mother disappeared, Liu Qing, who had parked the car, walked over from the garage. When Lin Qing saw this, he couldn't help but ask with a smile, "What? Husband, are you stuck in the back of the traffic?"

After all, Liu Qing drove home ten minutes later than him.

"No, daughter-in-law!"

When Liu Qing heard this, he smiled and shook his head.

"That's right, just Mengfei..."

Liu Qing then repeated the explanation he just gave to his father and mother to Lin Qing.

"So this is ah!"

After listening to his husband's explanation, Lin Qing nodded, indicating that he understood.

"But hasn't the cattle farm been built yet?

Lin Qing looked at Liu Qing and said worriedly: "If the quarantine period expires, where do you put the cattle and sheep?"

"Don't worry about that, daughter-in-law!"

Seeing the worried expression on Lin Qing's face, Liu Qing smiled and comforted: "Isn't there a week left? I'll ask the engineering team to rush to build several cowsheds and close them!"

"If it's too late, you can only put them on the farm temporarily, and then drive them into the cattle farm after the construction of the cattle farm is completed!

Liu Qing continued with a smile on his face.


When Lin Qing heard this, he hummed.

"By the way, what about Xinxin and Little Jelly, and Liu Ling? 35

Seeing this, Liu Qing asked with a smile.

"I'm eating fried chicken in the house!"

When Lin Qing heard this, he pointed his finger inside the room with a smile on his face and said, "Because the KFC takeaway that Liu Ling nodded was already delivered when we first came back!

"So these three guys are eating right!

Lin Qing continued.

"Haha, then let's go in too! 35

When Liu Qing heard this, he immediately said with a smile on his face.

Then the couple walked into the house.

"Baba, Ma Ma, eat, eat!

After seeing Liu Qing and Lin Qing on the sofa in the living room, the couple walked in. On the sofa, Liu Xin and Little Jelly, who had eaten their mouths full of oil and ketchup, immediately hugged and twisted the box containing chicken legs and French fries. With a small butt, he walked quickly to Liu Qing and Lin Qing, and said happily.

"Yes, brother, sister-in-law, why don't you eat some too!

Seeing this, Liu Ling followed suit.

"Xinxin, little jelly, eat it with your aunt, father and mother don't eat this!"

Hearing this, Liu Qing touched the little heads of the two little guys with a smile on his face.

"All right!"

Liu Xin and Little Jelly nodded unanimously when they heard it.

Then he returned to the original road with fried chicken legs and French fries, sat down on the sofa, and watched cartoons while eating with relish.

When Liu Qing and Lin Qing saw this, they couldn't help but smiled and looked at each other.

"Let's go, let's go to the kitchen and help parents make dinner together, there's nothing wrong with 027 anyway!"

Liu Qing looked at Liu Qing with a smile and continued.


Upon hearing this, Liu Qing readily agreed.

Just go to the kitchen.

The next day, Monday.

In the morning, I said hello to my daughter-in-law and my parents. After sending Liu Xin to the kindergarten, Liu Qing drove to the Longjing Village Cattle Farm.

I saw that the muddy road leading to the cattle ranch had been covered by a black, spacious asphalt road with half-person sidewalk trees that had just been planted on both sides.

When Liu Qing drove the car around a corner and came to the end of the road, what appeared in front of him was a huge construction site in full swing.

"Huh, is this cowshed already built??"

Liu Qing said in disbelief when he saw a building that was already rising from the ground not far away.

After all, Liu Qing had just finished the foundation when he left. He didn't expect that the whole house would be built in the past two days, so he was surprised.


After seeing Liu Qing parked the car, Lin Ran, who was wearing a thick cotton coat and a certain red helmet, ran over and greeted him with a smile.

"Okay, you guys are fast enough!"

When Liu Qing heard this, he immediately praised with a smile on his face.

"It's all thanks to the workers!"

Hearing Liu Qing's praise, Lin Ran responded with a smile.


When Lin Qing heard this, he hummed.

Seeing this, Lin Ran looked at Liu Qing with a smile and said:

"By the way, brother-in-law, I want to recommend a professional to you!"

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