City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 364 The whole family picks winter strawberries together [for flowers, for monthly tickets]

Chapter 364

"Ah? Are all the strawberries we planted on the farm ready to be picked?"

When Lin Qing heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said in disbelief.

"If you don't tell me, I forgot about this!

Lin Qing continued.

"Well, it is indeed ready to be picked, daughter-in-law!"

Seeing the surprised expression on Lin Qing's face, Liu Qing nodded seriously and said.

"Hey, I still have pictures on my phone!

Liu Qing went on to say.


When Lin Qing heard this, he immediately said excitedly, "Show me quickly!"

While talking, Liu Qing reached out and picked up the phone on the bedside table to unlock it, then opened WeChat and handed it to Lin Qing.

"Yeah, the strawberries are really ripe!"

After taking the mobile phone that Liu Qing handed over, Lin Qing said in surprise when he saw the big red strawberry in the picture on WeChat.

Seeing the happy expression on Lin Qing's face, Liu Qing explained with a smile: "This is what Sister Tang Ru sent it to me when we went for a walk in the park after dinner just now!


When Lin Qing heard this, he hummed.

Because she saw the person who sent WeChat, and there was still time to send it.

"Then let's go to the farm to pick strawberries tomorrow, husband!

After looking through all the strawberry photos, Lin Qing handed the phone back to Liu Qing, and then said, "After seeing this strawberry photo, people want to eat strawberries too!"

"Of course you can, daughter-in-law!

When Liu Qing heard this, she nodded happily and agreed.

"After all, you have completed the handover of the company's affairs now, it is a remote office, and you can go there wherever you want!

After Liu Qing put the phone back on the bedside table, Huan hugged Lin Qing's arm and continued.

"Hmm! 35

When Lin Qing heard this, he hummed.

Seeing this, Liu Qing smiled and said, "Then let's sleep, daughter-in-law.

"Wake up, have breakfast, and let's go to the farm! 39

Liu Qing continued with a smile on his face.

After turning off the lights, the couple closed their eyes and fell asleep.

The night passed.

the next day.


Inside the dining room.

"What? Do you want to go strawberry picking today? 35

Mother Liu, who was eating, was shocked when she heard that Liu Qing and Lin Qing planned to go to the farm for strawberries.

"Yes, Mom, didn't I tell you just now that the winter strawberries we planted on the farm are already ripe, and Lin Qing wants to eat them, so we plan to go to the farm to pick some. `!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing looked at his mother with a smile and explained.

"That's alright, me and your dad will go too!

After hearing Liu Qing's explanation, Mother Liu nodded in agreement.

After all, Lin Qing is now pregnant with triplets, how could Liu's mother not follow him.

As for Lin's father and Lin's mother, they have returned to Hangzhou after staying in the magic capital for a few days.

"Really, Baba, are we going to pick winter strawberries today?

When Liu Xin, who was eating, heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Liu Qing in disbelief.

"Of course it's true!"

Hearing this, Liu Qing nodded affirmatively and responded, "How could Dad lie to you! 35

"Yeah, great, let's go strawberry picking today!"

After seeing that Liu Qing was not joking, Liu Xin and Little Jelly immediately cheered and said.

"Then hurry up and eat breakfast, and after we finish eating, let's go to pick strawberries!"

Seeing the happy expressions on Liu Xin and Little Jelly's faces, Liu Qing said with a smile.

Because the two little guys only ate a little for breakfast, that's why Liu Qing said this.

"it is good!"

When Liu Xin and Little Jelly heard it, they nodded happily and agreed.

As soon as they were talking, the two little guys picked up their spoons and quickly started to eat breakfast.

Eight in the morning.

After having breakfast, clean the dishes.

Liu Qing's family prepared to drive to the farm.

"Come on, you two little guys, get in the car!

Arriving in front of the car parked in the garage, Liu Qing opened the door, smiled and carried Liu Xin and Little Jelly into the driveway.

"Let's go, daughter-in-law, let's get in the car too!

When Liu Xin and Xiao Jelly were carried into the car's child safety seats, and they were fastened to safety, Liu Qing closed the car door and looked at Lin Qingdao who was waiting for him.


When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and hummed.

Then, together with Liu Qing, they opened the door and got on the bus.

After seeing Lin Qing fasten his seat belt, Liu Qing drove the car, drove out of the garage, and then drove towards Longjing Village Longchang.

As for Liu's mother and Liu's father, they were in another car, driven by Lin Qing's driver.

And because Liu Ling slept too late yesterday and was still sleeping on the bed at the moment, so she stayed at home and could take care of the three guys, Xiaobai, Xiaohei, and Xiaohui.

time flies.

Around eleven o'clock noon.

Liu Qing and his party, who were galloping all the way, finally drove their car to the farm after spending a little over three hours.

When he came to the gate of the farm villa and parked the car firmly, Liu Qing opened the door and got out of the car, then smiled and hugged Liu Xin and Little Jelly in the rear child safety seat from the driveway: "Come down, Xinxin, little one. Jelly, here we are!"

"Come on, Baba, let's go pick strawberries!

After getting off the bus, Liu Xin took Liu Qing's hand, and the monkey said anxiously and excitedly.

"Go, Baba!

Seeing this, Little Jelly took Liu Qing's other hand, and said with a milky voice.

"Let's go, we were originally here to pick strawberries. Since Xinxin and Little Jelly want to go, let's go now!"9

Seeing his husband's inquiring look, Lin Qing immediately smiled and nodded in agreement.


Upon hearing this, Liu Qing hummed.

"Hey, wait a minute, son!"

At this moment, Mother Liu, who got off the other car, saw this, looked at Liu Qing and the others and reminded: "Go pick strawberries, and take a pot too!"

"Later, the strawberries you picked can also be eaten at home! 35

Mother Liu looked at Liu Qing and continued.

"Then I'll go!"

Hearing his mother's reminder, Liu Qing felt that it was reasonable, and couldn't help but nodded in agreement with a smile.

As soon as he was talking, he took out the key, opened the gate of the farmhouse yard, then quickly walked to the inner room, then opened the inner door, and then ran to the kitchen to get three small plastic basins.

"..." Let's go!

After picking up the pots, Liu Qing's family walked to the greenhouse where East strawberries were planted.

A few minutes later, Liu Qing's family came to the greenhouse. When they saw the big red and bright strawberries on the green and green strawberry vines in the greenhouse, Liu's father immediately exclaimed: "Hey, it was planted. So many strawberries, and they still look so good!

"Grandpa, grandpa, these strawberries are planted with heart!

Liu Xin, who was originally attracted by the harvest of strawberries in front of him, immediately recovered when he heard this, blinked a pair of big watery eyes and looked at Father Liu, and said with pride and a smile on his face.


When Father Liu heard this, he suddenly said in disbelief.

"Indeed, Dad!

Seeing this, Liu Qing explained on the side.

Then Liu Xin and Xiao Jello planted strawberry seedlings during the National Day holiday, and told Liu's father.

"Haha, that's what it is!""

After listening to Liu Qing's explanation. Father Liu immediately understood.

"Our two darlings are awesome!"

Father Liu looked at Liu Xin and Little Jelly in front of him, and then praised them.


(Good Zhao)

Hearing Father Liu's praise, Liu Xin and Little Jelly immediately showed bright smiles on their faces.

"Then let's start picking strawberries!"9

Seeing this, Liu Qing looked at his parents, his wife, and two little guys.

As they were talking, Liu Qing's family bent down and happily picked up.

In particular, Liu Xin and Xiao jelly ate them in large mouths while picking. In the end, their stomachs were full, and they didn't pick a few in the pot.

As for Lin Qing, he was too greedy, but as Mother Liu watched, Lin Qing couldn't eat either.

Because there are three little guys in the stomach after all, what should I do if I eat a bad stomach, so Mother Liu strongly asked Lin Qing to wash the strawberries before eating!

After all, there was a bumper strawberry harvest. In just a short time, Liu Qing's family picked a pot full of red and fresh strawberries.

I heard from my son that three strawberry greenhouses have been planted in total, but at least one greenhouse in front of me can harvest at least two thousand kilograms, and a large greenhouse can yield at least several thousand.

Thinking of this, Father Liu immediately looked at Liu Qing and said worriedly:

"Son, you have so many strawberries, what if you don't sell them right away?"

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