City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 365 Husband, farming is pretty cool too! 【For flowers, ask for a monthly ticket】

Chapter 365 Husband, farming is pretty cool too!

"sell away?"

When Liu Qing heard this, he was stunned.

Because Liu Qing really never thought about selling winter strawberries!

"What? Son, don't you want to sell it yet?"

Seeing the dazed expression on Liu Qing's face, Liu's father quickly asked.

"You have so many strawberries planted in your greenhouse, do you think our family can eat them all? 35

Father Liu looked at Liu Qing and continued.

"It's the son, your dad is right!"

When Liu Mu, who was standing beside her, heard it, she nodded and said:

"These strawberries are already ripe in front of me. If they hadn't been picked and sold, they would have been spoiled in this greenhouse! 35

As for Lin Qing, he also nodded after hearing this.

After all, there are so many strawberries that it is impossible to eat them all, so they can only be sold.

"Got it, Mom and Dad!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing nodded with a smile and agreed, "Then I will contact you now to buy them!"

"Hmm! It's good if you know!"

When Father Liu heard this, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's go, Lao Liu, let's go to the vegetable greenhouse next door to get some vegetables and go back to making lunch!

Seeing this, Mother Liu looked at Father Liu and said. 040

"After all, it's already early eleven o'clock!"

Mother Liu continued.

"it is good!

When Father Liu heard this, he nodded and said well.

While talking, Liu's father and Liu's mother walked to the vegetable greenhouse on the side.

"Husband, who are you going to sell these strawberries to?"

After seeing his parents-in-law leave, Lin Qing looked at Liu Qing with a smile and asked curiously.

"If you don't sell it, like Mom said, it'll be ruined here!

Lin Qing then said worriedly.

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law! 95

Seeing the worried expression on his daughter-in-law's face, Liu Qing smiled and comforted: "It will definitely be sold!"5

"I'll get in touch with them now. 35

Liu Qing looked at Lin Qing and continued.

"Best to sell!"

Hearing Liu Qing say this, Lin Qing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then you can contact me here, I'm going to pick vegetables with my parents! 35

Lin Qing looked at Liu Qing with a smile and continued.

"it is good!"

When Liu Qing heard this, he said with a smile.

"However, you can pay attention to safety, daughter-in-law!"

Liu Qing changed the conversation, looked at Lin Qing and then reminded.

"I know, I'm not stupid!

Hearing Liu Qing's reminder, Lin Qing stroked his stomach and responded with a smile.

"Let's go, Xinxin, little jelly, let's go pick vegetables with grandparents! 35

Not far from Lin Qingchao, Liu Xin and Little Jelly, who were still bending over to pick strawberries, then waved.

After all, after eating so many strawberries, the two little guys were already a little tired of strawberries. When they heard Lin Qing's greeting, Liu Xin and Little Jelly immediately stood up and responded crisply: "Come on, Ma Ma. !

Then they saw the two little guys twisting their little butts and quickly ran to Lin Qing, and then the mother and daughter walked to the vegetable greenhouse beside them.

After seeing Lin Qing leaving with the two little guys, Liu Qing took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, found Li Tian's number and dialed it.

After all, having cooperated with Li Tian's Tiantian Orchard so many times, Liu Qing naturally thought of selling the strawberries in the greenhouse in front of him!

After two rings, Li Tian on the other end of the phone answered the phone, and then heard Li Tian laugh and say, "Haha, Brother Liu, is there another good fruit you can sell to me?"

"That's right, Brother Li!"

Hearing this, Liu Qing responded with a smile: "I estimate that there are nearly 10,000 catties of strawberries here, I don't know Brother Li, do you accept them?

"Accept, definitely accept!"

When Li Tian on the other end of the phone heard it, he suddenly became refreshed and nodded hastily in agreement.

"You (ciba) don't know, Brother Liu, I am a decent purchaser here to find the source of strawberries!"

Li Tian then explained in detail.

"Really! 35

When Liu Qing heard this, he immediately said with a smile.

"Haha, of course it's true! Brother Liu!"

As soon as Li Tian heard this, he immediately replied seriously: "This winter strawberry is my father's best product in winter. 35

"So, Brother Liu, you have the best supply there!

Li Tian continued with a smile.

You must know that after working with Liu Qing so many times, the quality of fruit provided by Liu Qing is of the highest quality, so Li Tiancai hurriedly nodded and agreed.

"That's fine, Brother Li, then arrange for someone to come and consign it!"

Hearing this, Liu Qing smiled and said, "I'll send you the address!"

"Okay, okay, I'll arrange for the purchasing manager, finance and trucks to go there now! Brother Liu!"

When Li Tian heard this, he nodded with a smile and agreed.

Then the two hung up the phone, and Liu Qing sent the exact location of the farm to Li Tian via WeChat.

When the message was finished, Liu Qing put away the phone and walked to the vegetable greenhouse beside.

"How's it going? Son! Has it been settled? Are they harvesting these strawberries?"

At this time, in the vegetable greenhouse, Liu's father, Liu's mother, Lin Qing, and others were picking vegetables and came out of it. After seeing Liu Qing, Liu's father quickly asked.

"Well, it's settled, Dad!"

Hearing Father Liu's questioning, Liu Qing replied with a smile, "They are sending a car over there now!"

"That's good! 35

When Father Liu heard this, he nodded with a smile on his face.

"Then let's go, let's go back to cook and eat! 39

Seeing this, Liu's mother looked at Liu Qing and Liu's father urged: "After all, it's going to be busy in the afternoon!"


Upon hearing this, Liu Qing hummed.

While they were talking, Liu Qing's family walked to the villa with the picked strawberries and vegetables, and then made lunch.

time flies.

Three in the afternoon.

When the purchasing manager, finance and consignment vehicles arranged by Li Tian arrived at the farm from Modu, Liu Qing asked the villagers to start picking strawberries after lunch.

After all, there are more than 30 people, many people and great strength. It only took one hour to pick strawberries with several kilograms of output in three greenhouses, weigh them and put them on the car.

Then came the settlement. When the financial officer sent by Li Tian settled the account, and then transferred the money to Lin Qing's bank account, the group left the farm.

Seeing her husband waving goodbye to the purchasing team, and then turning around, Lin Qing suddenly said with a smile:

"Husband, I think this place is actually quite cool!"

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