City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 544 ordinary families 【please order, ask for flowers】

Chapter five hundred and forty fourth ordinary family

"Haha, of course you can, old girl!

Hearing the questioning voice of the old sister Liu Ling, Liu Qing nodded with a smile and agreed.

"Even if you invite all the students and teachers in your class, I don't mind!

Liu Qing smiled and then joked.

After all, there are dozens of cherry trees planted in the orchard of the farm, and it is no problem for everyone to have a good time.

"And if you don't tell me, I forgot to call the two guys, Grasshopper and Meng Fei together!

Liu Qing looked at Liu Ling and finally said.

"And Aunt Gao and Aunt Xie!"

When Liu Xin on the side heard it, he immediately reminded him.

"Yes, and Gao Lu and Xie Fangfei!

Hearing Liu Xin's reminder, Liu Qing hurriedly turned to look at Lin Qing and said, "Daughter-in-law, can you ask your two girlfriends if they want to pick cherries together?

After finishing speaking, Liu Qing looked at Liu Xin and praised: "Haha, Xinxin, it seems that your Aunt Gao and Aunt Xie didn't buy you so many toys for nothing, but you can think of them both!"

"Hee hee, thank you bro!"

Seeing that his "three forty zero" brother nodded in agreement without hesitation, Liu Ling immediately thanked him happily.

"Because they promised the three of them earlier and invited them to go to the farm to pick cherries!

Liu Ling looked at Liu Qing with a smile and then explained.


When Liu Qing heard this, he smiled and nodded, saying he understood.

When Lin Qing heard her husband's reminder, he responded with a smile: "Then I'll give Gao Lu and Fangfei an allusion now and ask them if they want to go tomorrow."

"Well, hit it, daughter-in-law!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing smiled and nodded.

"I'll also call Grasshopper and Meng Fei to see if they have time to pick cherries tomorrow!"

Liu Qing continued with a smile on his face.

Seeing that his brother and sister-in-law were ready to call to inform their friends, Liu Ling hurriedly replied with a smile: "Haha, then I will inform those three guys!

When I saw that he was talking, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to call his classmates.

At this moment, Mother Liu saw this and looked at Liu Qing and Lin Qing with a smile and persuaded: "Son, Xiao Lin, you should make this call later!

"After all, it's better to eat while the food is still hot!"

Mother Liu continued: "Otherwise, the food won't taste good after it's dried!"

"That's right, let's eat first!

When Father Liu heard this, he immediately smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Well, my heart is hungry, Baba, Ma Ma!"

Seeing this, Liu Xin, who had already digested the snacks, touched her belly and answered pitifully.

"Haha, well then, Mom and Dad, I'm on the phone after dinner!"

Hearing the persuasion of his parents, as well as Liu Xin, Liu Qing, who was about to make a call, quickly stopped and agreed with a smile.


When Lin Qing heard this, he nodded with a smile, and then put the phone aside.

As for being at home, Liu Ling, whose family status was only a little higher than Liu Xin and the little Jelly sisters, stuck out her tongue and put away her phone angrily.

"Then let's eat!!

Seeing this, Mother Liu greeted with a satisfied smile.

During the conversation, Liu Qing's family picked up the tableware and started to eat dinner chatting and laughing.

More than 40 minutes later, after dinner, Liu's father and Liu's mother got into the kitchen to clean the dishes, while Liu Ling and Lin Qing went to the living room outside to call Guo Guo, Meng Fei, Gao Lu, and Xie Fangfei respectively. Wait for someone to call.

Of course, Liu Ling was no exception. After greeting Liu Qing and Lin Qing, he went upstairs to his bedroom and made a phone call.

Ten minutes later, Liu Qing, who was the first to make the call, played with Liu Xin and the little jelly sisters with toys for a while, and saw that Lin Qing who was sitting on the sofa also made the call, smiled and reached out to touch Liu Xinhe. Little Jelly's head, then stood up and walked towards the sofa.

Seeing her husband approaching, Lin Qing's pretty face showed a warm smile and asked, "How is it? Husband, are Grasshopper and Meng Fei going to pick cherries on the farm tomorrow?"

"Well, let's go, daughter-in-law!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing smiled and nodded and replied, "When these two guys heard that they were going to pick cherries, they nodded and agreed without hesitation!"

"How about you, daughter-in-law?

Liu Qing looked at Lin Qing with a smile and then said, "Are Gao Lu and Fangfei free to go to the farm to pick cherries tomorrow?"

"The two of them, their reactions are similar to Meng Fei and Grasshopper! 35

Hearing her husband's questioning, Lin Qing covered his mouth and replied with a smirk.

"And I told them, the old place will reconcile!

Lin Qing then added.


Seeing this, Liu Qing smiled and nodded and said okay.

Later, seeing Liu's father and Liu's mother cleaning the dishes and coming out, Liu Qing's family went out for a walk in the park again, and then went home to wash and sleep.

The night passed, and the next day came.

seven in the morning.

Inside Liu Xin and Little Jelly's bedroom.

After finally combing Liu Xin and Little Jelly sisters' hair, Liu Qing and Lin Qing smiled and said: "Okay, Xinxin, Little Jelly, the hair is combed, let's go down for breakfast!


When Liu Xin and Little Jelly heard this, they nodded happily and said yes.

Then the two little guys twisted their little butts and walked downstairs quickly.

When Liu Qing and Lin Qing saw this, they couldn't help but smiled at each other, and then went downstairs.

At the same time, in the dining room downstairs, Liu's father and mother, who had already cooked breakfast, were setting the tableware. When they saw Liu Qing and Lin Qing's husband and wife came downstairs with Liu Xin and Xiao jelly, they hurriedly walked in. He smiled and greeted: "Son, Xiao Lin, you came down just right, let's eat! 39


Liu Qing, Liu Xin, and Little Jelly all smiled and nodded when they heard it.

When Lin Qing saw this, he looked at his mother-in-law suspiciously and said, "Aren't we waiting for Liu Ling to eat together? Mom!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing, who had just put Liu Xin and Xiao Jelly on the chair, couldn't help but look at Liu's mother, and then echoed: "Yes, old girl, mom!

"Didn't she say she was going to the farm to pick cherries together!

Liu Qing went on to say...

It's just that Liu's mother hadn't opened her mouth to answer. When Liu's father, who was standing beside Liu's mother, heard it, he quickly replied with a smile: "Your sister, when you were out for a walk just now, you drove out!"

"Didn't she want to invite her classmates to go to the farm to pick cherries together, so she said hello and drove to the school to pick them up, and said that the old place would be reconciled, so she didn't have breakfast at home!

Father Liu looked at Liu Qing with a smile and then explained.

"Okay! 35

After listening to his father's explanation, Liu Qing smiled and nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Then let's have breakfast!

Liu Qing went on to say.

Immediately, Liu Qing's family started to eat breakfast.

At the same time, in the first cafeteria of the Handan campus, Magic Capital Fuda.

I saw a girl with long hair and light buns, in her early twenties, dressed in youthful and beautiful clothes, looking sleepily at another girl who was sitting across from her and complained, "No, little girl. Lingzi, are we going to pick cherries so early?"

"Yeah, it's too early, I haven't slept enough yet!"

"Well, I still want to sleep!

When the other two girls sitting on the side saw this, they also nodded drowsily in agreement.

"I don't want to either, Liu Yue!"

When the girl named Xiaolingzi heard this, she immediately responded embarrassedly.

"Because our picking place is far away, we have to leave early!

The girl named Xiaolingzi then explained: "And I have told my parents, my mother, my brother and sister-in-law that I will meet him on time!

It turned out that these four were none other than Liu Ling 1.0 and her three roommates.

"Ah, do you want your whole family to go together?

When Liu Yue heard this, she couldn't help being surprised.

"Well. Not only my whole family, but also my brother and sister-in-law's friends are going together, so we can't be late! 99

Seeing the surprised expression on Liu Yue's face, Liu Ling immediately nodded affirmatively and replied.

"I'm going, there are too many people!

Sitting beside Liu Ling, Li Jing, who had short hair and black-rimmed glasses, couldn't help but sigh.

When Zhu Lin, who was sitting next to Liu Yue, heard this, she looked at Liu Ling curiously and asked, "Little Lingzi, what kind of family is your family? So many people go to eat a cherry!"

"Yeah, I also want to know, you are only a freshman, and your brother bought hundreds of thousands of BMWs! 99

Seeing this, Li Jing's eyes suddenly lit up, and gossips followed.

As for Liu Yueyi, who was a native of the magic capital, she did not follow up, but she also waited for Liu Ling's answer with curious eyes.

Seeing the fire of gossip in the eyes of the three roommates in front of him, Liu Ling smiled lightly and replied:

"Our family, our family is just an ordinary family!"

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