City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 545 Shocked classmates [please order, ask for flowers]

Chapter 545: Shocked classmates

"Do not believe!""

After hearing Liu Ling's answer, Liu Yue was the first to smile and shake her head in denial.

After all, Liu Ling's brother bought dozens of BMWs for her when she was in her freshman year. How could this be an ordinary family.

And Liu Yue, who is a native of the magic capital, knows that the richer the person, the more low-key it is, so she naturally doesn't believe the ordinary family Liu Ling said.

"Yeah, I don't believe it either!"

When Zhu Lin, who was sitting beside Liu Yue, heard it, she followed suit with a smile on her face.

"That's right, you little girl is pregnant, we don't believe it!

As for Li Jing next to Liu Ling, seeing this, she also learned Internet language and shook her head with a smile.

The reason why Zhu Lin and Li Jing didn't believe Liu Ling was because they thought about the same thing as Liu Yue. After all, ordinary families just bought hundreds of thousands of BMWs in their freshman year, so what kind of family are they.

"Believe it or not!

Hearing this, Liu Ling, who was drinking porridge with a spoon, hurriedly swallowed the porridge in his mouth, glaring at the few besties in front of him angrily and said.

It's not that Liu Ling doesn't want to tell the truth, but mainly because her family has money, it's all from her elder brother Liu Qing and sister-in-law Lin Qing, and it has nothing to do with her at all.

In addition, Liu Ling didn't want to have a estrangement with the few best friends in front of him because of money, or there was a gap, so usually in school Liu Ling rarely talked about what he did at home.

"Okay, don't gossip about you guys, hurry up and have breakfast!"

Liu Ling saw that the breakfast 28 in front of several best friends hadn't started yet, and couldn't help but urged: "After all, we'll be in the car for more than three hours later!"

"And after breakfast, we have to hurry over to meet my parents, as well as my brother and sister-in-law! 35

Liu Ling finally added.

"Yeah, what kind of family is Xiaolingzi's family? We'll find out later!"

Hearing Liu Ling's urging voice, Zhu Lin, who was sitting opposite Liu Ling, heard a sly look in her eyes and said, "After all, Xiao Lingzi's parents, as well as brother and sister-in-law are here!"

"Yes, yes! 35

Li Jing, who was sitting beside Liu Ling, hurriedly smiled and nodded in agreement.

As soon as they were talking, the two reached out and picked up the chopsticks and the bowl containing the porridge on the table in front of them and started eating.

As for Liu Yue, when she saw this, she looked at Liu Ling with a smile and said, "By the way, Xiao Linzi, is it true that you said that the place where we went to pick cherries is beautiful?"

"And take us to a hot spring at night and sleep in a big bed room?"

Liu Yue continued.

"Of course it's true, why am I lying to you!

Hearing Liu Yue's inquiry, Liu Ling immediately nodded affirmatively and replied, "Anyway, we'll get to the place later, you'll know!"

"Also, bathing suits are required for the hot springs, are you all ready?"

Liu Ling looked at the few besties in front of him with a smile, and then said.

"Hee hee, that's a must!"

Li Jing, who was sitting next to Liu Ling, immediately nodded with a smile and replied, "I heard that you are going to take the three of us to a hot spring. After school yesterday, we went to the mall to buy a set, and they were all on the back of your car. It's in the suitcase in the box!" 5

"Not only that, I heard you say that the cherry picking place is very beautiful, we also specially prepared a few more sets of clothes for taking pictures when the time comes!

When Zhu Lin heard this, she added with a smile on her face.

After hearing that several best friends in front of him were fully prepared, Liu Ling smiled and nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, you guys are ready!

As soon as they were talking, the four of them continued to eat breakfast.

After all, they were all young female college students, and the four of them didn't have much appetite. In ten minutes, Liu Ling and the four had their breakfast.

Seeing this, Liu Ling greeted with a smile: "Let's go, sisters, since we have eaten breakfast, let's go!"


Li Jing, Zhu Lin, Liu Yue and the three of them all nodded in unison when they heard it.

Then the four of them stood up, carried their small bags, and walked out of the cafeteria together.

When she came to the BMW parked outside and saw Liu Ling took out the car key to unlock it, Zhu Lin said first, "I want to take the co-pilot because I get motion sickness!"

Then he quickly ran to the co-pilot's side, reached out to open the door, and sat on it.

When Liu Ling, Li Jing, and Liu Yue saw this, they couldn't help looking at each other and smiling, and then they opened the rear door and the cab door and sat on it.

After seeing everyone fastened their seat belts, Liu Ling smiled and started the car: "Then let's go out!

While talking, Liu Ling drove out of the campus in his car, came to the main road, accelerated and followed the navigation, and drove to the place where he would meet with Liu Qing and others.

The car galloped all the way. After more than 40 minutes, Liu Ling drove the car to the meeting place. At this time, Liu Qing, Meng Fei, Guo Guo, and Gao Lu had already driven to the place, waiting for Liu Ling. came.

When she saw two Alphards with double flashes on the side of the road, as well as an imported white top-spec Mercedes-Benz GISsuv and a black top-spec Range Rover, Zhu Lin, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, asked in confusion. Said: "Little Lingzi, those cars in front belong to your brother, and do they still belong to his friends?"5


Hearing Zhu Lin's inquiry, Liu Ling nodded.

Sitting in the back seat, Liu Yue, who had a lot of research on cars, tilted her head to see the cars and exclaimed, "I'm going, they're all luxury cars!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Yue set her eyes on Liu Ling, and then hummed: "Hey, little Lingzi, you liar, you even said that you have an ordinary family!

Li Jing, who was also sitting in the back row, listened, glanced at the car not far away, looked at Liu Yue in confusion and asked, "Xiao Yue, are these cars expensive?

Because Li Jing didn't know much about cars, she asked Liu Yue.

"Yes, these cars are all luxury cars worth millions, how can they not be expensive!""

When Liu Yue heard it, she quickly said their prices.

"Hey, a million-dollar luxury car!"

After hearing Liu Yue's answer, Li Jing and Zhu Lin took a breath of cold air at the same time.

"Okay, don't be surprised, you guys, my brother is here!

Hearing the exclamations of the three best friends, Liu Ling quickly reminded.

As soon as he was talking, he saw a young man walking towards Liu Ling, who was not Liu Qing.

Seeing this, Liu Ling immediately pressed down the car window and shouted with a smile, "Brother!

Zhu Lin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, Li Jing and Liu Yue, who were in the back seat, saw Liu Qing, and they all smiled and said hello: "Hello, big brother!""


Hearing Liu Ling's shouting, Liu Qing first nodded and nodded, and when he heard Zhu Lin's three greetings, Liu Qing smiled and then responded: "Hello! 99

"Everyone is waiting for you, old lady!

Liu Qing smiled and looked at Liu Ling and finally said: "Since you are here now, let's go!

"Hee hee, good!"

When Liu Ling heard this, she nodded playfully and said well.

Immediately set off as the lead car.

When Liu Qing saw this, he greeted Guo Guo, Meng Fei, Gao Lu and others to drive behind them.

Time flew by, and when it was early eleven in the morning, Liu Qing and his party drove to the farm.

Inside the car, when Zhu Lin, Li Jing, and Liu Yue, who were a little drowsy because of the long ride, saw the beautiful farm with grass and warblers flying in front of them, they were all shocked and exclaimed: " Wow, what a beautiful place! 99

"I can't believe there is such a big and beautiful farm in this mountain!" 340

Looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window, Liu Yue then praised.

And Liu Ling did not speak, but drove behind the car of brother Liu Qing and others, and drove to the farm villa.

A few minutes later, Liu Ling drove to the farm villa.

When the car was parked steadily, Liu Ling suddenly said with a smile: "Okay, sisters, let's get off the car!"

After hearing Liu Ling's greeting and seeing the huge villa in front of her that was integrated with the farm, Liu Yue and others opened the door and got out of the car, and asked suspiciously, "Little Lingzi, this beautiful building is in front of you. Who owns the mansion? And how did you know there was such a beautiful farm here?

You must know that after seeing the car of Liu Qing and others just now, Liu Yue and others inevitably asked again, but Liu Ling was still on guard and did not make any words, but it also made Liu Yue and others understand that Liu Ling is no ordinary family at all.

Hearing Liu Yue's questioning, Zhu Lin and Li Jing quickly turned their attention to Liu Ling and waited for her answer.

However, before Liu Ling could answer, she saw a middle-aged man in his early 40s who was standing at the gate of the villa's courtyard. He was obviously an employee of the farm. After seeing Liu Qing, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile. He went up, greeted him respectfully and said, "Boss, you're here!"

"Boss? 35

Seeing the scene in front of them, Liu Yue, Zhu Lin, and Li Jing couldn't help but look at each other for a while, and then after looking at each other, Liu Yue's eyes widened, looking at Li Jing and Zhu Lin in disbelief and said: "So the This huge farm and this beautiful big villa belong to Xiaolingzi?


Li Jing and Zhu Lin, who had also guessed the result, heard it, and Mu Na nodded in agreement.

Because at this time, the two of them, like Liu Yue, were already shocked beyond measure.

ps: Thanks 150...311 for the monthly vote!!!!.

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