City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 546 sisters love 【please order, ask for flowers】

Chapter five hundred and forty-six sisters love

"Ah ah ah, Xiao Lingzi, it turns out that your family is so rich!

"That's right, you lied to us and said that you are an ordinary family. You little girl is really bad!"

"In the future, we can slaughter the big local tyrant Xiaolingzi!"

As soon as they entered Liu Ling's bedroom, they saw Liu Yue, Li Jing, and Zhu Lin who had suppressed their inner emotions, and they shouted like a volcano erupted suddenly.

It turned out that after knowing that Liu Ling's brother was the real owner of the farm in front of them, the three of Liu Yue, who were shocked, asked Liu Ling with doubtful eyes, saw Liu Ling nodded affirmatively, and then brought them to the villa. After going to his own room, this scene happened in front of him.

Seeing the three buddies in front of them, who were chatting with excitement, Liu Ling gave a sullen look and said, "Okay, you three guys, don't be so exaggerated, okay!"

"My family is just a little better than everyone else, and it's not as exaggerated as you think. For example, the huge farm you see in front of you was actually rented and built by my brother!

Liu Ling then explained in detail.

"Hey, little spirit, we are not exaggerating, we are telling the truth, okay!"

After hearing Liu Ling's explanation, Liu Yue, who was the first to calm down, raised her eyebrows, looked at Liu Ling and retorted: "After all, can this huge farm in front of me be rented for a little money? So beautifully built! 35

"Not to mention what hidden industries are there in your family!

Liu Yue continued, "Is this better than everyone else?"

You must know that, as a native of the magic capital, compared with most people, Liu Yue's family can be considered rich, but the money is fixed, because the family's real estate accounts for more than half.

But compared with Liu Ling's house in front of him, it is nothing compared to that. After all, such a huge and beautiful farm in front of him can't be rented and built for a little money, that's why Liu Yue said that.

"That's right, little spirit, I just didn't mean to see the dove egg-sized wedding ring on your sister-in-law's hand."

Li Jing, who was standing beside Liu Yue, hurriedly echoed after hearing this: "Such a huge diamond ring can't be bought without hundreds of millions!"

Since Li Jing is usually interested in jewelry and often reads related news, she immediately said her price when she saw the diamond ring on Lin Qing's hand!

"More than that, have you forgotten that when you saw Xiao Lingzi's brother coming, she seemed very excited, and then the two big black bears, the two horses, and the two alpacas ran over in a hurry?"

After hearing Liu Yue and Li Jing's narration, Zhu Lin finally reminded with lingering fears: "This is a symbol of the big local tyrants. You must know who can keep bears and horses in ordinary families? And can bear bears and horses? 99

"You know, they can't afford it just for a day's food!"

Zhu Lin went on to add.

It turned out that Xiong Da and Xiong Er, as well as Chasing Wind and Lightning, as well as Douzi and Maizi, suddenly came out and shocked Zhu Lin, Liu Yue, and Li Jing.

But then I saw Xiong Daxiong Er, and the other guys, Zhu Lin, Liu Yue, and Li Jing realized how close Liu Ling's family was. They were all raised by Liu Ling's family, so Zhu Lin That's what I said.

"Wow, that is, if you don't say it, I forgot!

Hearing Zhu Lin's reminder, Li Jing suddenly slapped her forehead and said in retrospect.

"Those two big black bears are so fleshy, they're so cute, little spirit, can you let them take a picture with me later, okay?"

Li Jing hurried in front of Liu Ling, took Liu Ling's hand, and continued talking like a spoiled child.

"Hee hee, I'm going to take pictures with them too, Little Spirit!"

"And me, I'm going to take pictures with them too, Little Spirit!

When Zhu Lin and Liu Yue heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they quickly gathered around, looked at Liu Ling with pleading eyes, and agreed in unison.

No way, because the chubby and chubby bears are really cute, so Liu Yue, Zhu Lin, and Li Jing like them so much.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, Zhu Lin, Liu Yue, and Li Jing, this is the first time they have seen a real black bear, so they want to take pictures with them.

"You three guys!"

Seeing the pleading eyes cast by Zhu Lin, Liu Yue, and Li Jing, Liu Ling couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"If you want to take a photo with Xiong Da Xiong Er, of course you can!

Liu Ling changed the subject and continued: "But I have a request!"

"Wow, it turns out that the two big black bears are called Xiong Da Xiong Er, is it such a kawaii name?

After hearing Xiong Da Xiong Er's name, Zhu Lin couldn't help but praise her.

"What do you want? Little Spirit!"

When Liu Yue heard this, she quickly looked at Liu Ling and asked back.

"This requirement is that you and Xiong Da Xiong Er took a group photo, and don't post it on the circle of friends or other online social platforms!

Seeing the anxious expression on Liu Yue's face, Liu Ling quickly explained with a smile, "Because I don't want to bring any other trouble to my brother!

"Though these two big black bears are legally fed!

Liu Ling went on to say the minister.


Although Xiong Daxiong Er stayed with Liu Qing and didn't leave, private feeding of big black bears in China is strictly prohibited. Liu Ling didn't want to cause trouble to his brother because of the three best friends taking pictures in front of him, so he reminded them.

"Hey, this is definitely fine, little spirit!

After listening to Liu Ling's explanation, Liu Yue immediately swore and assured: "I took a photo with Xiong Da Xiong Er, I will save it in the photo album, I will see it myself, and I won't post it on any social network to show off my beauty! 99

When Zhu Lin and Li Jing heard this, they looked at each other and nodded in agreement with a smile:

"That's right, Xiaolingzi, you are our good sister, we will definitely not cause unnecessary trouble for you and your brother, you can rest assured!!"

ps: Thanks to W...Q bosses for their monthly tickets and flowers, thanks to the bosses for their follow-up and flowers, thank you!.

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