"Be a good person in the next life." Zhao Zheng looked at Wang Heng's frightened expression and said lightly.

After speaking, Zhao Zheng threw out the two chopsticks in his hand.

The moment the first chopsticks broke away from Zhao Zheng's hand, it flew towards Wang Heng with an incomparably terrifying sound of breaking the air.

The second chopstick stayed strangely in mid-air, without moving.


"No... I don't believe it. "

Watching the chopsticks flying, Wang Heng roared.

Then I saw Wang Heng's internal strength erupt, and an incomparably terrifying internal qi erupted all over his body.


The ground around Wang Heng was directly shattered by Wang Heng's internal qi, not only that, but the chairs and stools around him were directly lifted by this internal force.

But in just three seconds, Zhao Zheng's first chopsticks had already flown in front of Wang Heng, and Wang Heng's protective qi that was enough to resist the shell was like tofu, and it was directly broken.

After breaking the strength of the protective body, the strength of the chopsticks was still undiminished, and it directly penetrated into Wang Heng's body.

The moment the chopsticks entered Wang Heng's body, a very terrifying force erupted.

This force directly shattered Wang Heng's Eight Veins of the Odd Meridian.

Wang Heng's dantian was also directly shattered at this moment, and the internal qi in his body instantly collapsed.



The moment the dantian broke, Wang Heng vomited a mouthful of blood and collapsed to the ground.

"Strength is hidden in things, this kind of power can only be done by a great grandmaster, you are really a great grandmaster, impossible, how can you be a great grandmaster when you are so young, how can there be a demon like you in the world?" Wang Heng, who collapsed to the ground, looked at Zhao Zheng and shouted in horror.

"Grand Master?"

When Chen Pei and the others heard Wang Heng's words, they all looked at Zhao Zheng with shocked faces.

They are all from powerful backgrounds, how could they not know the rank of warriors.

Great Master, that is a warrior of one person and one country, the most powerful person in the world.

Zhao Zheng is a grandmaster? How is this possible? Isn't it rumored that Zhao Zheng is not suitable for martial arts?

But will Wang Heng in the later stage of the grandmaster be mistaken? Even if Wang Heng is wrong? Will his current tragic picture be fake?

Do you say? Zhao Zheng is not unable to practice martial arts, but a wizard that has been rare for hundreds of years? A peerless genius comparable to the Chongzhen Emperor?

Han Linger in Zhao Zheng's arms heard Wang Heng say that Zhao Zheng was a great master, and his beautiful eyes froze, and he raised his head and looked at Zhao Zheng a little blankly.


"Impossible, impossible, even if the Chongzhen Emperor is a grandmaster who only achieved it at the age of thirty, your bone age is at most more than twenty years old, how can you have the strength of a grandmaster?" Wang Heng collapsed to the ground, full of disbelief.

"If you can't break the records of your predecessors, how can you surpass your predecessors?" Zhao Zheng looked at Wang Heng and said lightly.

"Beyond the predecessors? I didn't expect that there was such an ancient and shining demon as you in the world, I hated ah, I already felt the threat from you before, but I actually took it as an illusion, the Great Grandmaster in front of ah, I actually dared to rob people in front of the Great Master? I deserve to die." Wang Heng said full of regret.

"Why don't you kill me, with the strength of your Great Master, it only takes one move to kill me, and I can't survive." Wang Heng suddenly looked at Zhao Zheng and asked.

"I said, your eyes and voice scared her." Zhao Zheng said lightly when he heard Wang Heng's words.

After speaking, Zhao Zheng waved his hand casually, and the second chopstick that stayed in the air flew out again.

The second chopsticks were instantly inserted into Wang Heng's temple with lightning speed, and the chopsticks went down the temple and directly penetrated Wang Heng's two eyes.


The two eyeballs and the pain of his temple being penetrated made Wang Heng scream in incomparable pain.

If it were a normal person, he would have died alive and painfully.

But Wang Heng is in the late stage of the grandmaster, although it is said that the dantian has been abolished, but Wang Heng's body is still in the late stage of the grandmaster, and the vitality is more than ten times that of ordinary people, and this injury will not cause death.

"Kill me, kill me."

Wang Heng roared in pain.

Hearing Wang Heng's screaming voice, Han Linger quietly glanced at Wang Heng, but then she was frightened by Wang Heng's tragic situation and buried in Zhao Zheng's arms again.

"Your voice is annoying." Zhao Zheng looked at Wang Heng and said coldly.

After speaking, Zhao Zheng waved in the air, and the chopsticks inserted into Wang Heng's temple flew out instantly.

Then he followed Zhao Zheng's hand and directly penetrated from the top of Wang Heng's head.

Wang Heng's head, throat, at this moment, all shattered.

This kind of injury, the grandmaster can't hold it in the later stage.

Because of the broken throat, Wang Heng could only roll in pain, and after a few seconds, Wang Heng was motionless and completely lifeless.



"Ding... Congratulations to the host for successfully reversing Han Linger's fate and obtaining 3,500 Qi Luck Points. "

With the moment Wang Heng died, a prompt sound appeared in Zhao Zheng's mind to break the dimensional wall system.

Hearing this prompt, Zhao Zheng was instantly overjoyed in his heart.

Reversing the fate of some people in the future world can indeed obtain qi luck points, so to speak, if he reverses Sheng Minglan's fate, he can also get qi luck points, Sheng Minglan is countless times more important in the future than Han Linger, Han Linger can get 3,500 qi luck points, can't Sheng Minglan get 35,000 points? And even more?


"Okay, it's okay, the bad guys are dead." After glancing at the increased qi luck value, Zhao Zheng withdrew from the system, patted Han Linger's back and comforted with a smile.

"Brother Zhao Zheng." Hearing Zhao Zheng's words, Han Linger raised her head and gently called Zhao Zheng.

"Well, I'm in." Zhao Zheng replied with a smile.

"Thank you." Han Linger looked at Zhao Zheng and said gratefully.

Han Linger is from a family of warriors, how can she not know the list of evil people in Daming, other evil people are just that, Wang Heng is different, Wang Heng is a notorious flower picker, and the women who were kidnapped by Wang Heng, without exception, have become dry corpses, that miserable situation, Han Linger is afraid when she thinks about it.

Now that Zhao Zheng saved her and killed Wang Heng, how could Han Linger not be grateful, how could she not be moved?


"Wang Heng, if you dare to touch my granddaughter, I, Han Tianlong, promise to use all means to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces."

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion outside the inn.

PS: The second more sent, rest assured, there will be no such thing as pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, the strength should be used for sure, ask for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes, they are all free to refresh the next day, kneel and beg.

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