"It's Grandpa's voice." Han Linger heard Han Tianlong's voice and immediately turned to Zhao Zhengdao.

In the instant after Han Linger's words fell, two urgent voices came from outside Zhao Zheng's box.

I saw the figures of an old man and a middle-aged man appear outside Zhao Zheng's box.

The old man is Han Linger's grandfather Han Tianlong, and the middle-aged man is Qin Yong, one of the divine trappers of the six doors.

After Han Tianlong appeared at the door, he was relieved to see that Han Linger was safe and sound, but then the scene in the box immediately made Han Tianlong and Qin Yong stunned.

Especially after seeing Wang Heng's tragic situation, he was even more shocked to the extreme.


Han Linger's voice interrupted Han Tianlong and Qin Yong's surprise.

"Ling'er, what's going on here?" Han Tianlong looked at Han Linger and asked with curiosity on his face.

Qin Yong on the side was also full of curiosity.

"It was Brother Zhao Zheng who killed this Wang Heng." When Han Linger heard Han Tianlong's words, she pointed to Zhao Zhengdao beside her.

"Brother Zhao Zheng? You said that this kid from the Zhao family killed Wang Heng? How can it be? When Han Tianlong heard Han Linger's words, his face was full of disbelief.

"Wang Heng is a late Grandmaster, and he has some secret methods, even an ordinary Grandmaster peak is difficult to kill him, he is so young, how can he have the strength to kill Wang Heng?" Qin Yong's face was also full of disbelief.


"Old master, what the young lady said is true, it was Zhao Shao, he killed Wang Heng, and Zhao Shao is the grandmaster of Zhenguo." Just as Han Linger was about to explain, Han Xu, who had fallen to the ground, suddenly opened his eyes and said weakly.

"What? Zhao Zheng, this kid is the grandmaster of Zhenguo? Han Xu, do you know what you are talking about? When Han Tianlong heard Han Xu's words on the ground, his face changed greatly.

Han Linger does not understand martial arts, and there may be fake, but Han Xu's words cannot be fake, let alone deceive him.

"Old master, this is what Wang Heng said with his own hands before he died, there will be no fake." Han Xu said solemnly.

"Wang Heng said it himself?" Han Tianlong's face froze.

Qin Yong's eyes on the side who looked at Zhao Zheng also became extremely solemn.

Then he saw Qin Yong suddenly squatting down and reaching out to press on Wang Heng's body.


When Qin Yong pressed Wang Heng's abdomen, he pressed hard, and two chopsticks flew out one after the other.

Qin Yong reached out and grabbed the two chopsticks in the air.

But the moment he grabbed it, Qin Yong suddenly felt a huge force attack, and this huge force directly made him release his palm.

"Hidden in things, great master means." Qin Yong looked at his flicked palm and looked at Zhao Zheng with horror on his face.

"Hidden in things? Grand Master? When Han Tianlong heard Qin Yong's determination, he also looked at Zhao Zheng with a shocked face.


"Zhao Xiao... Zhao Gongzi, are you really a grandmaster of Zhenguo? Han Tianlong originally wanted to call Zhao Xiaozi, but suddenly thought of Zhao Zheng's uncertain strength of the Great Master, and immediately changed his title.

"Want to test my strength?" Zhao Zheng heard Han Tianlong's words and said lightly.

"No... No need to try, whether you are a grandmaster or not, you have the strength to kill Wang Heng, I am just a mid-grandmaster, and I am still an old bone, how can I make a move with you? When Han Tianlong heard Zhao Zheng's words, he immediately shook his head and said.

After speaking, Han Tianlong looked at Zhao Zheng with a look of amazement on his face and said: "The Zhao family and the Yang family both said that your physique is not suitable for cultivation, and you are destined to rely on pills to forcibly become a martial artist, where you can't cultivate, you are simply a peerless genius at the legendary level, at least the old man has never seen a more demon than you in his life, able to kill Wang Heng, even if you are not a grandmaster, you are destined to be a grandmaster in the future." "

"Young Master Zhao, Qin Yong is not talented, I want to see if your strength is really a grandmaster." Qin Yong suddenly looked at Zhao Zheng at this time and said solemnly.

"Qin Shenchao, what are you doing?" When Han Tianlong heard Qin Yong's words, his expression changed.

"Please also ask Zhao Gongzi to complete it." Qin Yong did not answer Han Tianlong, and once again spoke to Zhao Zheng.


"Okay, I'll fulfill you." Zhao Zheng glanced at Qin Yong and nodded faintly.

Qin Yong's intentions, Zhao Zheng knew.

Qin Yong wanted to see if Zhao Zheng's real strength was a grandmaster, and if it was a grandmaster, Qin Yong would invite Zhao Zheng to join the six doors and become the general worship of the six doors.

The total worship of the six doors can order all the heads of the Ming Dynasty, including the ten great divine catchers of the six doors and the three general headhunters.

It can be said that becoming the total worship of the six doors is equivalent to mastering the institution of the six doors.

It stands to reason that the person who has just been invited to enter the six doors, even if it is a grandmaster, cannot have this right, after all, this right is too great.

But now the six doors do not give this right, although the six doors are still beautiful, but in fact have declined.

Six doors, Jinyiwei, East Factory, West Factory, there used to be a grandmaster sitting in the town, but the grandmaster of the six doors was always enshrined ten years ago unfortunately chased and killed a demon head fell, for ten years, the six doors did not find a new grandmaster to sit, everywhere was pressed by Jinyiwei, East Factory, West Factory.

In this way, all six doors are about to exist in name only.

The Daming Dynasty for the six doors, Jinyiwei, East Factory, West Factory four major institutions are stocked, in addition to the annual distribution of resources, Daming basically does not ask about the internal affairs of the four major institutions, internal struggles, they do not ask, as long as they do not completely destroy that institution.

Over the centuries, all four institutions have had their glory and decline.

Now it's the turn of Six Doors to decline.

The Six Doors were not willing to decline, so they were desperate to find a Grand Master to join the Six Doors, only in this way could they maintain their rights.

In the future, Ye Chen will be able to destroy the Zhao family and the Yang family so easily, relying on the strength of the six doors.

Because inadvertently, Ye Chen strengthened Nie Donglai, another god of the six doors, and after knowing that the six doors lacked a great grandmaster to sit in, Ye Chen introduced his master to join the six doors.

In any novel, the master of the protagonist of the urban stream is obedient.

With the protagonist speaking, Ye Chen's master Tianyangzi naturally agreed to join the six doors.

After joining the six doors, Tianyangzi relied on the strength of the late Grand Master to quickly secure the position of the general offering.

At the same time, he also gave his total offering token to Ye Chen, and Ye Chen used the power and strength of the six doors to kill the Yang family of the thousand-year-old family, and no one dared to help.

The strength of the four major institutions and six doors inherited from the founding of the Daming Dynasty is not something that anyone can afford to provoke.

It can be said that as long as there is a great grandmaster sitting in the town, the four major institutions of Daming are not weaker than the top three families, and there are too many people with high-level strength in the four major institutions.

With such a powerful six doors to deal with the Yang family, who dares to help?

In the end, the Yang family and the Zhao family could only be destroyed by Ye Chen.

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