But now it's different, Zhao Zheng said that he wants to rob Ye Chen of all opportunities.

The six doors will be Ye Chen's biggest help in the early stage in the future, and Zhao Zheng now grabbing the position of the total worship of the six doors is equivalent to changing the trajectory of the protagonist, and he can definitely get a lot of luck points.

Moreover, controlling such a huge force as the Six Gates, what is Zhao Zheng unwilling to do?

Financial power female color is what every man wants, there is no shortage of financial Zhao Zheng, there is no shortage of female color Zhao Zheng, the four beauties of Tianhai City are all in his pocket, is he still lacking?

What Zhao lacks is power.

Although the Yang family's power is good, it is not Zhao Zheng's, and how does the Yang family's strength compare with the six doors?

The power of the six doors is not only spread throughout Daming, but also all over the world.

Controlling the six doors is equivalent to controlling the global power, which is the real awakening of the world's power.

Zhao Zheng controls the six doors, and there is also a very big benefit.

That is, in addition to Ye Chen in the early stage, there are many urban protagonists, and there are six doors, a force all over the world, and it is much more convenient for Zhao Zheng to find these protagonists in the future.

As for the royal family above the six doors, Zhao Zheng can ignore it.

The strength of his Great Master's peak, if he doesn't listen to orders, who can help him?


"How are you going to test my strength?" Zhao Zheng looked at Qin Yong and slowly asked.

"The six doors and ten great divine captures are all the peak of the grandmaster, and at the same time, everyone has a secret method to briefly improve their strength, and I also control a secret method in my hand, once used, I can send out a half-step grandmaster's blow, Zhao Gongzi, if you can take it, then you must be a grandmaster, if you can't catch it..." Qin Yong said here and stopped.

"If you can't catch it, then it's not a grandmaster, you do it." Zhao Zheng looked at Qin Yong and said what Qin Yong didn't finish.

"Young Master Zhao, offended." When Qin Yong heard Zhao Zheng's words, he nodded solemnly.

Then I saw Qin Yong's right hand quickly light several acupuncture points on his body, and these acupuncture points were all dead acupuncture points.

If ordinary people do this, they will die, but Zhao Zheng can feel that Qin Yong is running a special method in his body, and after this method connects these dead holes, a qualitative change has occurred, which can greatly improve his strength, but after being promoted, he will enter a weak state.

"Breaking the Killing Fist."

The moment Qin Yong ran the exercises, the aura on Qin Yong's body began to go berserk.

The next moment, Qin Yong shouted loudly and punched out at Zhao Zheng.

A fist that was like substance struck at Zhao Zheng.


Where the fist went, it rumbled.

"Insect tricks." Zhao Zheng looked at Qin Yong's punch intent and shook his head with a smile.

Then I saw Zhao Zheng snap his fingers, and a burst of energy burst out.


After Qin Yong's fist intent touched Zhao Zheng's strength, it was instantly broken.

After Zhao Zheng's strength broke the fist intent, his momentum continued unabated, and he flew towards Qin Yong.


Feeling the oncoming energy, Qin Yong's face changed drastically, and he resisted with all his might.

But no matter how he resisted, his strength was fragile and was broken by this energy.

Seeing that this energy was about to enter his body, Zhao Zheng waved his hand casually, and this energy instantly dissipated invisible.

The moment the energy disappeared, Qin Yong's face was filled with sweat.

Han Tianlong, who saw this scene on the side, was shocked in his heart.

This is directly hammered.

Zhao Zheng broke Qin Yong's attack so easily, this is definitely the strength of the Great Master.

Han Tianlong glanced at Han Linger, who was intimate with Zhao Zheng, and his heart suddenly was ecstatic.

"Grandmaster Zhenguo who is more than twenty years old, what a talent this is, I'm afraid that the Chongzhen Emperor hundreds of years ago is not as good as him, Ling'er can actually have a good relationship with him, this is simply heaven help my Han family, the son-in-law of the grandmaster, my Han family can be promoted to the family as long as they work a little harder?" Han Tianlong thought with great excitement in his heart.

At this moment, Zhao Zheng's fiancée was also thrown aside by Han Tianlong, or Han Tianlong didn't care at all, Zhao Zheng, a great master who can be called invincible in the world, is not a shame to be a small person, and even a great blessing, after all, those hundred-year-old grandmasters have a lot of superb beauties willing to serve, and even those grandmasters can't look at it.

Zhao Zheng's young talent is countless times stronger than those hundred-year-old grandmasters, and he only has one fiancée, so it is simply worth it to make this kind of person small.


"Thank you Zhao Gongzi's subordinates for showing mercy." Qin Yong took a deep breath, calmed his mood, and bowed to Zhao Zheng.

"My strength, but Grand Master?" Zhao Zheng looked at Qin Yong and asked lightly.

"Young Master Zhao, if you are not the strength of a Grand Master, I am afraid that no one under the sky will dare to call a Grand Master, Young Master Zhao, you should be more than the early stage of a Grand Master, right?" Qin Yong looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

"I am indeed not the early stage of the Great Master, let's say, what is your intention in testing my strength?" Zhao Zheng said lightly.

"Can Young Master Zhao intentionally join the Six Doors? As long as you promise to enter the six doors, you are the chief worship of the six doors, and you can command all the headhunters in the six doors, including the ten god catchers and the three major headhunters. When Qin Yong heard Zhao Zheng's admission, his expression was overjoyed and he said solemnly.

It's not the early stage of the Great Master, that is, the middle stage of the Great Master, this is the best strength in the world, you must know that the total worship of their six doors before is the early stage of the Great Master, if Zhao Zheng joins, their six doors will only be stronger.

Even if Zhao Zheng is so young and is in the middle of the Great Master, will he achieve success in the future?

Qin Yong didn't think about whether Zhao Zheng's strength would be higher, he didn't dare to think that the middle stage of a grandmaster in his twenties was already unheard of, if it was higher, how could it be?


"Qin Shenchao, isn't the total worship of the six doors Lord Qiu Yuan? If I'm not mistaken, the six doors, Jinyiwei, East Factory, and West Factory are all only one total worship, right? When Han Tianlong heard Qin Yong's words, he suddenly frowned.

"Master Qiu Yuan suffered an accident ten years ago, and now I have no total worship for six doors." Qin Yong heard Han Tianlong's words, explained, and then looked at Zhao Zheng.

Looking at Qin Yong's eyes, Zhao Zheng gently knocked on the table in front of him in thought.

Although it is said that Zhao Zheng's purpose is to become the chief worship of the six doors, but the face project still has to sit down, can't Qin Yong invite, he agreed, right? That would be too faceless.

PS: The fourth is more sent, kneeling for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes refreshed every day, and can you come to a big brother to give a tip of a dollar, just enough for a thousand tips, kneel and beg.

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