"After adding your six doors, you can command all the headhunters of the six doors?" After dozens of breaths, Zhao Zheng stopped knocking on the table and looked at Qin Yong and said in a deep voice.

"Not bad, Zhao Gongzi, after you join the six doors, you can order all the heads of the six doors." Qin Yong nodded solemnly.

"Okay, I agree to join Six Doors." Zhao Zheng looked at Qin Yong and nodded.

Hearing Zhao Zheng's agreement, Qin Yong's expression immediately became extremely surprised: "Zhao Gongzi... No, in the future, I will use the title of Lord Zhao, I will inform Lin Hong to catch the head, and after he comes to confirm your strength, Lord Zhao, you can officially become the chief worshipper of my six doors and take charge of all six doors in the world. "

"Before taking office, there is no need to use the title of Lord Zhao." Zhao Zheng looked at Qin Yong and said lightly.

"It's just a matter of time, at most five days, the chief catcher can arrive, and please Zhao Gongzi to wait a bit." Qin Yong looked at Zhao Zhengdao.

"Hmm." Zhao Zheng nodded.

"Let's deal with it here." Zhao Zheng pointed to Wang Heng's body on the ground and the remains of tables and chairs around him.

"Yes." Qin Yong and Han Tianlong immediately nodded.

"Ling'er, your birthday banquet is no longer suitable here, let me take you to other places." Zhao Zheng nodded, looked at Han Linger beside him and smiled.

"Good." When Han Linger heard Zhao Zheng's words, she immediately nodded.

Seeing this scene, Han Tianlong was overjoyed in his heart.

"It seems that it is going to be done, do you want to hint that Zhao Zheng is coming to hire?" No, no, this is too deliberate, or wait for Zhao Zheng to take the initiative, anyway, look at it like this, Ling'er and Zhao Zheng must have become it. Han Tianlong thought secretly in his heart.

"How many of your classmates are you going to take with you?" Zhao Zheng looked at Chen Pei, who was already stunned by the conversation between Zhao Zheng and Qin Yong on the side.

"No thanks." Han Linger looked at Chen Pei and shook her head.

"Good." Zhao Zheng nodded.

"Later, I will trouble you to send someone to send Ling'er, these frightened classmates, back." Zhao Zheng looked at Han Tianlong and Qin Yongdao.

"Don't worry, Young Master Zhao, we will." Qin Yong and Han Tianlong immediately said.

"Hmm." Zhao Zheng nodded, and then pulled Han Linger out of the box.

After Zhao Zheng left, Han Tianhong and Qin Yong's expressions relaxed a little.

Staying with a Grand Master is too stressful.

"Qin Shenchao, several of them are clansmen from several powerful families in Tianhai City, how to deal with them?" Han Tianlong looked at Qin Yong and pointed at Chen Pei.

When Chen Pei and the others heard Han Tianlong's words, their eyes froze and looked at Qin Yong nervously.

For Han Tianlong to know their identities, Chen Pei and them are not surprised at all, after all, the Han family is the only prominent family in Tianhai City, they befriend Han Linger, how can their identities not be investigated? If it weren't for knowing that they had no bad intentions, and wanted to find a few friends for Han Linger to relieve their boredom, I'm afraid that their identities would have been impossible to conceal.

"After you go back, keep silent, until Zhao Gongzi officially becomes the chief worshipper of the Six Doors, you can't tell us about today's events, otherwise, your families will cease to exist." Qin Yong looked at Chen Pei and said in a deep voice.

"Master Qin rest assured, we promise to keep silent." When Chen Pei heard Qin Yong's words, he immediately said.

"My people will say it later, and someone will send you back later." Qin Yong said.

"Yes, thank you, Lord Qin." Chen Pei and several people said respectfully.

"Well, you guys go out and wait first." Qin Yong said.

"Yes." Chen Pei nodded, and then left the box.

After Chen Pei and the others left, Han Tianlong also went to check the injuries of Han Xu and several other clansmen who were knocked to the ground by Wang Heng.

There were no casualties, although some were seriously injured, but as long as they did not die, they were all saved.

A few minutes later, Qin Yong's subordinates arrived.

After these people arrived, they divided into three groups, some sent Chen Pei and them home, and after sending them back, others sent Han Xu and them for treatment, and finally they transported Wang Heng's body away.

After doing this, Qin Yong looked at Han Tianlong and sighed a little: "Elder Han, we can be regarded as witnessing history today, right?" Such a young Grand Master, and at least the existence of the middle stage of the Great Grandmaster, who believes this. "

"If someone tells me that there is such a demon genius in the world, I will definitely not be able to believe it, this is too fanciful." Han Tianlong said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, I want to congratulate you Han Lao, in the future, Han Lao you may have to become in-laws with Zhao Gongzi." Qin Yong looked at Han Tianlong and smiled.

"Haha, these are all things for the future, Qin Shenchao should hurry up and inform the chief catcher of the news." Han Tianlong laughed.

"Don't worry, I have just asked my subordinates to use the exclusive channel of the six doors to notify Lord Lin Hong, and it is estimated that the chief catcher has received the news now." Qin Yong said with a smile.

"That's good." Han Tianlong nodded.



In another place, on the quiet road, Zhao Zheng drove Han Linger in a car.

"Ling'er, where do you want to go for your birthday, I'll take you." Zhao Zheng looked at Han Linger, who was sitting in the co-pilot, and said with a smile.

"Brother Zhao Zheng, can I go to the amusement park?" Han Linger heard Zhao Zheng's words and asked in a low voice.

"Why not?" Zhao Zheng said with a smile.


Half an hour later, Zhao Zheng drove Han Linger to the amusement park.

Han Linger's beauty also made all the men in the amusement park look at Zhao Zheng with extremely jealous eyes.

And the women looked at Han Linger with jealous eyes, after all, Zhao Zheng's appearance was originally handsome, definitely a handsome son, in addition to Zhao Zheng's grandmaster's temperament, that added a lot of points, seeing Zhao Zheng mistake for life This kind of thing may appear.

Fortunately, although Zhao Zheng and Han Linger are famous, they are also famous in the elite, and ordinary people do not know them, otherwise, Zhao Zheng and them would have been surrounded by onlookers.


In the amusement park, Zhao Zheng played with Han Linger for three or four hours before leaving.


"Brother Zhao Zheng, thank you, today is my happiest day." After walking out of the amusement park, Han Linger looked at Zhao Zhengdao with a happy face.

"If you want to come in the future, I can bring you here." Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"No, Brother Zhao Zheng, you will definitely be very busy in the future, and if you can accompany Ling'er occasionally, Ling'er will be very happy." When Han Linger heard Zhao Zheng's words, she immediately smiled and shook her head.

"Good." Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile.

PS: First more.

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