"System, extract Ling Donglai." Zhao Zheng said to the Breaking Dimensional Wall System.

"The extraction is complete, and the identity of Donglai World is automatically set to complete, please check it by yourself."

The moment Zhao Zheng's words fell, the prompt sound of breaking the dimensional wall system system appeared in Zhao Zheng's mind.

"Automatically set your worldly identity?" Zhao Zheng's eyebrows froze.

"If you don't set an identity, it will be considered a smuggling, and the world will erase the extracted characters." Break the dimensional wall system path.

"So it is." Zhao Zheng nodded, and then clicked on Ling Donglai's introduction to his world.

The identity template set by the system for Ling Donglai is still Ling Donglai's original template.

It's just that from the world of martial arts, it has become his world.

In this world, Ling Donglai practiced martial arts at the age of ten, became a grandmaster at the age of fifteen, a grandmaster at the age of thirty, and reached the peak of a grandmaster at the age of thirty-five, and was the number one grandmaster in the world a hundred years ago.

But I don't know what the reason is, after Ling Donglai became the number one grandmaster in the world, he suddenly disappeared, and there was no news for a hundred years.

Therefore, Ling Donglai, the world's number one grandmaster, is not famous, except for the martial artists who remembered Ling Donglai a hundred years ago, and the warriors born within a hundred years did not know the character of Ling Donglai at all.

Warriors do not enter the grandmaster, the life expectancy is basically not much higher than ordinary people, Ling Donglai became famous to be more precise one hundred and twenty years ago, so those who know the name Ling Donglai, without exception, the grandmaster started.

For this identity set by the system, Zhao Zheng is still very satisfied.

With its own background, isn't this satisfactory?

The number one grandmaster in the world, in the future, Zhao Zheng has something to let Ling Donglai do, and Ling Donglai can use his connections in this world to contact some of his old friends in that period.

It can be said that as soon as Ling Donglai comes out, even if Zhao Zheng does not have the cultivation of the peak of the Great Master, there is no need to be afraid of Ye Chen, the protagonist of the genius master.

Ye Chen's master Tianyangzi has extremely large connections in the world because of feng shui physiognomy, and the peak of the great grandmaster must respect three points, but how can it be compared with Ling Donglai?

Ling Donglai is not only the world's number one grandmaster in his personal strength, but also proficient in Yi Xue, which is feng shui phase art in this world, and Tianyangzi's feng shui phase art is compared with Ling Donglai, that is, between Bo Zhong.

In terms of strength, Ling Donglai crushed Tianyangzi, and on feng shui phase art, Ling Donglai was not weak Tianyangzi, or even stronger.

In this way, why didn't Zhao Zheng crush Ye Chen?

But at this time, Zhao Zheng a little regretted recycling the god and ghost feng shui phase technique, in order to make Donglai's qualifications, cultivate the god and ghost feng shui phase technique, it is definitely not weaker than Ye Chen, the protagonist, Ling Donglai is full of loyalty to Zhao Zheng, he cultivated, isn't it equal to Zhao Zheng's cultivation?

But soon, Zhao Zheng was relieved again, after all, if he didn't recycle, I am afraid that he would not be able to break the second dimensional wall and gain Ling Donglai's allegiance.


"System, if you break the dimensional wall to obtain a character, is the identity background set randomly, or how is it set?" Zhao Zheng suddenly asked about the breaking dimensional wall system.

If there are traces to follow, when Zhao Zheng obtains any character in the future, he will directly set a strong and invincible identity, isn't it refreshing?

"According to the template setting of the obtained character in the original world, the original world identity template is powerful, and the identity template in this world is powerful, because the system just copies his identity template and places it in this world." Break the dimensional wall system path.

"It turns out that the world is powerful, is this world powerful? I see. Zhao Zheng nodded when he heard the answer of the breaking dimensional wall system, and then looked in front of him.

At this moment, a phantom appeared in front of Zhao Zheng.

The phantom was slowly solidifying, and in about three minutes, the phantom condensed and turned into an old man of about fifty years old.

The old man was none other than Ling Donglai.

Ling Donglai is worthy of the title of supreme grandmaster, and the grandmaster temperament on his body seems to be natural, and anyone who looks at it will feel that Ling Donglai is extraordinary, and must be a generation of masters.

"Old Immortal Ling Donglai, see master." Ling Donglai looked at Zhao Zheng in front of him and bowed his hand respectfully.

"You don't have to call the master, just call me Gongzi in the future, and I will call you Ling Lao in the future." Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and smiled.

Ling Donglai is a supreme grandmaster, and he is full of loyalty to Zhao Zheng, and Zhao Zheng will still give a little basic respect.

"Gongzi is serious, how can Ling Donglai He De let Gongzi be called Ling Lao?" Ling Donglai looked at Zhao Zheng and said.

"That's it." Zhao Zheng said without doubt.

"Then the old age will be big." Ling Donglai heard Zhao Zheng's words and said with a bitter smile.

"Elder Ling, what is your strength now?" Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and asked.

When Ling Donglai fused the background of this world identity, he also automatically fused the memory of this world identity, cultivating into the realm or something, and Ling Donglai was the door to understand.

"The realm of old immortal is the peak of the great grandmaster, and the combat power is vaguely beyond this realm, and the peak of the ordinary grandmaster, in the hands of the old immortal, will definitely not last twenty moves." Ling Donglai looked at Zhao Zheng and said.

"How does it compare to the one in the palace?" Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and smiled.

The one in the palace is the Chongzhen Emperor, the Chongzhen Emperor is the protagonist of the first revival of aura, it is impossible to die so easily, and he is still alive and well in the Daming Imperial Palace, he is the ancestor of the Daming royal family, and the real pillar of the Daming Dynasty.

However, the luck of the Chongzhen Emperor has almost been used to save Daming and Heaven and Earth and the first to enter the Great Master, and when the second aura was revived, the Chongzhen Emperor fell into the hands of a protagonist because of insufficient luck, and if it were not for the rise of Sheng Minglan at that time, Daming would have been destroyed in that period.

"There is no comparison, but the old age confidence will not be weaker than that person, the old age half a year ago, will fight the heroes of the world, but also defeat the heroes of the world, but unfortunately I was not able to fight with that person at that time, this is my biggest regret in life." Ling Dong came from the letter with a bit of regret.

"There will be a chance later." Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and smiled.

Zhao Zheng's words are not casual, there is a protagonist of the illegitimate child type in the Daming royal family, in the future, Zhao Zheng is destined to face off with the Daming royal family, once it is right, the Chongzhen Emperor, the ancestor of the royal family, a living legend, will definitely make a move, and then Ling Donglai can fight with the Chongzhen Emperor.

PS: The third change, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly tickets, ask for flowers, increase evaluation votes by two thousand, burst more.

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