"Elder Ling, I want to see where my strength is now, you have made a move with me." Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and smiled.

"Okay, Gongzi, you just let it go." Ling Donglai looked at Zhao Zheng and said with a smile.

"Elder Ling, are you sure you want to raise it?" When Zhao Zheng heard Ling Donglai's words, he smiled and revealed a wisp of his own qi.

Ling Donglai was summoned by Zhao Zheng by breaking the dimensional wall, Zhao Zheng is the main and Ling Donglai is secondary, so Zhao Zheng knows everything about Ling Donglai, and Ling Donglai does not know anything other than being loyal to Zhao Zheng and knowing Zhao Zheng's basic information.

If he knew Zhao Zheng's strength, Ling Donglai would not have said something to let Zhao Zheng let go and attack.


"This is the Qi Machine of the Great Master's peak? Gongzi, are you the peak of the Great Master? After Ling Donglai felt Zhao Zheng's qi, he looked at Zhao Zheng's eyes with incomparable shock.

"Why not?" Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"The world says that I made Donglai talented, now it seems that I am not worthy of the name at all, compared with Gongzi, what kind of talent am I, Gongzi, you are only in your twenties to be the peak of the Great Master, and this qi machine is definitely not the peak of the ordinary Great Master, Gongzi, you must have taken that step." Ling Donglai looked at Zhao Zheng and sighed.

"Ling Lao, you are already a legend, I just created a new legend." Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"What Gongzi said is that legends are created by people, Gongzi, where do you and I go to fight?" Ling Donglai looked at Zhao Zheng and said with a smile.

"Right here." Zhao Zhengdao.

"Here? Gongzi, once the strength of you and me collides, the destructive power created will be completely devoid of people and animals in a radius of tens of miles. When Ling Donglai heard Zhao Zheng's words, his eyes froze.

"Of course not fighting here, don't resist, I'll take you somewhere." Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and shook his head with a smile, and then raised his right hand with a high-grade storage ring.

That's right, Zhao Zheng wants to take Ling Donglai into the high-grade storage ring to fight.

Why are high-grade storage rings so rare and precious in the future, only the top bigwigs can have them?

That's because premium storage rings can store people.

Of course, ordinary people cannot enter the high-grade storage ring, because there is no air in the high-grade storage ring and cannot breathe.

Only when you reach the Great Grandmaster, or become a Truth Cultivator, can you enter the high-level storage ring.

Because the Great Grandmaster can already breathe internally, although he can't completely not breathe, it is still enough not to breathe air for ten days.

Zhao Zheng just tried to see what his strength had reached, and it was estimated that an hour or two would be about the same, and this time without breathing was naturally easy for him and Ling Donglai.


"Gongzi, here is it?" After entering the space of the storage ring, Ling Donglai looked around and said in shock.

"This is a strange treasure I got, it contains a huge space, you can think of it as the legendary mustard space." Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and smiled.

"Legend has it that in ancient times there were qi practitioners comparable to immortal gods, and those qi practitioners could refine all kinds of magic weapons, I thought it was just a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true, Gongzi, this exotic treasure of yours should be handed down from that period." Because Ling Donglai fused the background of this world and knew a lot of secrets, he immediately had a guess about Zhao Zheng saying the word exotic treasure.

In the context of this hundreds of novels fusing the world, the world of cultivation has traces to follow a long time ago, many exotic treasures have been handed down, magical powers are evidence, gods and ghosts feng shui phase art is handed down from that period, and the gold fingers of many protagonists in the future are also handed down from ancient times in this context.

These secrets are not secrets when they reach the Great Master.

Many people have been searching for secret treasures from the ancient period when they reach the Great Master, and they all want to go further and become almost immortal qi practitioners in the ancient period.

But unfortunately, no matter how they search, it is impossible to find any traces, not the protagonist, without strong luck, how can they find those powerful magic weapons specially prepared for the protagonist? Even if they found powerful magic weapons and magical powers, it was useless, because as long as the revival of Spiritual Qi did not reach the second time, Heaven and Earth would not allow the true power of surpassing the Great Grandmaster to appear.

"You and my strength can't be shaken in the slightest here, so you and I can rest assured to fight with all my strength." Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and smiled.

"Okay, Gongzi, please." When Ling Donglai heard Zhao Zheng's words, he immediately put away his observation of the space of the high-grade storage ring and said solemnly.

If others had Ling Donglai's strength and knew that Zhao Zheng had this legendary mustard space, they would definitely have ideas, but Ling Donglai was loyal to Zhao Zheng, and no matter how many good things Zhao Zheng had, he would not have the slightest idea, he would only be happy for Zhao Zheng.

"Be careful." Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and smiled.

After speaking, an aura like an ancient beast appeared in Zhao Zheng's body.

"The dragon elephant breaks the sky."

I saw Zhao Zheng shouting loudly and using the A-level martial arts of the Galaxy World.

Zhao Zheng's fusion of Huodan cultivation is the cultivation of a big family in the galaxy world, knowing many high-level martial arts in the galaxy world, but fortunately, if it is fused with the commoner's Hudan cultivation, Zhao Zheng can have a C-level martial art of the galaxy period is not bad, I am afraid that at that time, Zhao Zheng is comparable to an ordinary grandmaster, even if he has the talent of the protagonist of the dragon fist act, it is at most comparable to the middle to late stage of the grandmaster.

It is simply impossible to reach the current peak of the Great Master.



Zhao Zheng punched out, and a divine dragon appeared behind him, and a giant elephant was like a phantom.

An incomparably terrifying force that was enough to break the void blasted towards Ling Donglai.

"Martial Dao I Ching, Heaven-shaking Chapter."

Seeing the power comparable to the dragon and elephant coming, Ling Donglai did not dare to slacken, and directly used the most powerful move in his Martial Dao I Ching.

Shake the heavens, listen to the name, you know that it is to shake the heavens and the earth, although the strength of Ling Donglai cannot shake the heavens and the earth, but dare to call the heaven-shaking chapter, it is absolutely terrifying.



After Ling Donglai's Heaven-shaking Chapter and Zhao Zheng's Dragon Elephant collided with Heaven-shattering Force, they made an earth-shattering noise.

Fortunately, it was in the storage space, and if it were outside, the qi wave generated by the collision between Zhao Zheng and Ling Donglai's forces would be enough to destroy all the buildings within a radius of a thousand meters.


In the following short breath, Zhao Zheng and Ling Donglai attacked more than a dozen times.

"Elder Ling, be careful." Zhao Zheng reminded and used the power of the Shock Fruit.

"The power of vibration? Good means for the owner. Ling Donglai said with a smile after resisting the blow.

"Ling Lao is not bad, there is actually a yin and yang chapter in the Martial Dao I Ching, you can overcome rigidity with softness, four or two thousand catties." Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and smiled.

"Little Doyle, though." Ling Donglai said.

"Go on." Zhao Zheng laughed loudly, and then continued to punch over.

This battle can also be regarded as hearty, since he mastered the cultivation of Huodan, Zhao Zheng has not fully exerted his strength.

It's nice to have a strong enough opponent for him to play now.


PS: The fourth more, brothers, reply to the comment at the top of the book review area, there are more than a hundred replies, he gave the author a tip of 200,000, haha, I want to see if he gives a tip, by the way, ask for another wave of flowers and evaluation votes.

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