About half an hour or so passed, the auction of the Song Chamber of Commerce finally began.

The auctioneer in charge of the auction was a middle-aged man in the late Grandmaster period.

"My name is Song Yan, I am the auctioneer in charge of this auction, and I know that you all come to the auction to buy your favorite items, so I won't talk nonsense and go straight to the point." Song Yan stood on the auction stand and looked at the hall and the upstairs box.


"Grandmaster will be an auctioneer in the later stage? It's really a big deal, only the top five Song family of the family can have such a hand, it is worthy of the family with a grandmaster sitting in the town, I can feel that there is my chance at this auction, and I don't know if my funds are enough, if it is not enough, I can only find Tang Xuan and them to borrow some, if it is not enough, I can only show the favor of the master. "

"Master Zun once had an old relationship with the great master of the Song family, and that one gave Master Zun a token, saying that holding this token can make the Song family do me an unconditional favor, this token Master Venerable gave me before I left, I hope I don't use it, after all, this is a favor of the Song family, and it is too wasteful to use on auction items." After Ye Chen saw Song Yan on the auction platform, he thought secretly in his heart.


Soon, Song Yan took out today's first auction item, which is an ancient ink landscape map, and the year cannot be seen.

"Guys, this ancient ink landscape map was handed down during the Han Dynasty, I don't know who painted it, but this painting is definitely the highest display of the superb painting skills of the ancients, this painting is placed on water, as if alive, the water on the painting will flow, the birds on the painting will fly away, and even the flowers and trees seem to have life."

"After the painting is taken out of the water, everything returns to its original state, and at the same time this painting is also caused by special materials, not stained with water, after taking out from the water, it will not get wet, as if it was not put in the water, the starting price of this painting is 300 million, and the price increase must not be less than 10 million each time." Song Yan pointed to the landscape painting and introduced.

After the introduction, someone also took a square bucket and placed the painting flat in the water.

Sure enough, as Song Yan said, the painting really wanted to come to life.

Seeing this strange sight, many people showed some interest.


"Gongzi, if you can, take a picture of this painting." In Zhao Zheng's box, Ling Donglai suddenly used a sound transmission to say to Zhao Zhengdao.

"Elder Ling, is there any clue to this thing?" Hearing the voice in his ear, Zhao Zheng also asked Ling Donglai in the same way of transmitting the sound into the secret.

Because of the advance of the auction, the items in the auction are not the same as three months later, at least this painting Zhao Zheng did not see in the future memory, so Zhao Zheng did not take it seriously, but Ling Donglai suddenly spoke, then Zhao Zheng showed interest, after all, it is certainly not simple to let Ling Donglai open his mouth and say that the items to be photographed.

"This painting contains a feng shui technique, this painting is put into the water, birds fly, the flow of water, the swaying of flowers and trees, are a special feng shui text, only people who are really good at ventilation can understand, although I don't know the level of feng shui in this painting, but it is definitely much more powerful than the feng shui chapter created by the old age." Ling Dong replied.

"Feng Shui? Sure enough, it is the protagonist, even if the divine and ghost feng shui phase art is seized by me, will it recompensate a feng shui technique because of the protagonist's aura? Although the level may not be comparable to the Divine and Ghost Feng Shui Phase Art, I'm afraid it's only a grade lower, right? At the very least, it is also a top-level exercise, fortunately, Ling Donglai was drawn in the last lottery, otherwise wouldn't he have missed it? When Zhao Zheng heard Ling Donglai's words, he glanced at Ye Chen through the window and thought secretly in his heart.

"Three hundred and eleven million."

"Three hundred and twenty million."


At this moment, there were continuous bids in the auction hall, and the price climbed to 470 million in a short time.

Once this number is reached, it stops.

In the eyes of those who understand it, this landscape painting is worth a lot, but in the eyes of those who do not understand, it is a highly skilled landscape painting with limited value.


"Five hundred million."

After no one raised the price for a long time, Ye Chen in the hall finally called for a price.

"I thought you didn't see the secret of this landscape painting, it seems that I thought too much, just waiting for you to open your mouth and ask for a price." Zhao Zheng heard Ye Chen shouting, and a smile appeared in his heart.

Zhao Zheng has not been asking for a price, just waiting for Ye Chen to ask for a price.

Because his way of obtaining qi luck value is to go against the protagonist, if Ye Chen does not see the clue and does not ask for a price, he will not be able to seize Ye Chen's qi luck value by buying this landscape painting.

But now that Ye Chen opened his mouth and bought the landscape painting, it was related to this landscape painting, and Zhao Zheng could get Ye Chen's luck value by capturing it at this time.

"Six hundred million."

When Song Yan was about to shoot the landscape painting to Ye Chen with a hammer, Zhao Zheng spoke in the box.

Hearing Zhao Zheng's voice, Ye Chen's pupils shrank instantly.

Then Ye Chen's fists clenched, and his face became extremely angry.

It was a voice he would never forget for the rest of his life.

"Destroy my chance, I originally thought that I would be dealing with you in two days, but now you actually dare to appear, and you are against me, and you want to rob me of my chance? Well, it's better to choose the day than to hit the sun, after the auction tonight, I will make you and the Zhao family pay a terrible price. Ye Chen thought incomparably gloomy in his heart.


"It's Zhao Zheng's voice." Tang Xuan, after Li Yu heard Zhao Zheng's voice, he also recognized it immediately.

"Brother Tang, Brother Li, I like this landscape painting very much, I don't have enough funds at present, can you lend me some." Ye Chen looked at Tang Xuan and Li Yu and spoke.

"Brother Ye, talk about whether to borrow or not, you saved my father last night, you have great favors to my Tang family, I have a billion here, you take it and use it, and I have also seen Zhao Zheng unhappy for a long time, Brother Ye, you don't bid, I have to fight with him when I hear this voice, but Brother Ye you like this landscape painting, I won't fight with you, it's all my own brother, it's pointless." Tang Xuan looked at Ye Chen and said with a smile.

PS: Fourth more.

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