"Thank you." Ye Chen heard Tang Xuan's words and said solemnly.

"It doesn't hurt." Tang Xuan shook his head with a smile.

"This matter counts that I Ye Chen owes you a favor to Brother Tang, and I will definitely repay it in the future." Ye Chen looked at Tang Xuandao.

After speaking, Ye Chen looked at the auction table and shouted a price again.

"Seven hundred million."


"A billion."

In the box, Zhao Zheng heard Ye Chen's quotation and did not hesitate to increase the price.

Hearing that Zhao Zheng directly raised the price to one billion, Ye Chen's face turned cold.

"Thirteen billion." Ye Chen glanced at Zhao Zheng's box coldly and quoted the price again.

"1.5 billion." Zhao Zheng said lightly.

After Zhao Zheng made an offer this time, Ye Chen's face became even more gloomy.

When the people at the auction heard that Zhao Zheng and Ye Chen raised a landscape painting to a sky-high price of 1.5 billion, they all looked at the landscape painting and looked at it carefully.

Is there any secret to this landscape painting? Otherwise, how could it have been raised so much in price.

"Zhao Zheng, do you really want to go against me again and again?" Ye Chen raised his head and shouted at Zhao Zheng's box.

"Who are you?" Zhao Zheng's doubtful voice came from the box.

"Who am I?" Hearing Zhao Zheng's voice, Ye Chen immediately showed anger.

"You snatched my sandalwood ancient Buddha statue two days ago, remember?" Ye Chen's voice was cold to the extreme.

"Oh, it's you, think of it, it's really a day like three autumns, last time you were a poor bastard, this time you can take out more than a billion without blinking your eyes? Not bad, I underestimated you. Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"Ye Chen, I like this landscape painting very much, let me, I can get away with what happened last time." When Ye Chen heard Zhao Zheng's words, he forcibly said loudly with anger.

"Blameless in the past? Hmph, wait, when I get this landscape painting, I will let you and the Zhao family pay the price they deserve, and I will never keep my promise to the enemy. Ye Chen thought coldly in his heart.

"I'm sorry, I have a problem with this person, who fights with me, then I must fight him, such as the sandalwood ancient Buddha statue that you fought with me last time, if you don't fight, maybe I am not interested in buying, but you fight, so I bought it, in fact, the sandalwood ancient Buddha statue is so poor, I didn't have the slightest interest at all, not long after I bought it, I threw it in the fire and burned." Zhao Zheng heard Ye Chen's words and said deliberately.

"You burned the sandalwood ancient Buddha statue?" When Ye Chen heard Zhao Zheng's words, his pupils shrank and he showed anger.

No wonder his chance was destroyed, it turned out that the sandalwood ancient Buddha statue was burned, and the sandalwood ancient Buddha statue was reduced to ashes, how could his chance still exist?


"Congratulations to the host for successfully hitting Ye Chen, the son of Qi Luck, and obtaining Qi Luck worth eight hundred points."

Zhao Zheng in the box suddenly had a prompt sound in his mind to break the dimensional wall system.

Hearing the prompt in his mind, a smile appeared at the corner of Zhao Zheng's mouth, not in vain he deliberately hit Ye Chen's mentality, and finally reaped the harvest.

Although eight hundred points is not much, it adds up to a lot.


"Why don't I burn what I don't like? I don't really like this landscape painting, but I hate it when others fight with me, and after I bought this landscape painting, I got tired of it and burned it down. When Ye Chen was extremely angry, Zhao Zheng's voice once again came from the box.

"Zhao Zheng..." When Ye Chen heard Zhao Zheng's words, he could no longer hide his anger and shouted.

"How? After I bought it, the landscape painting is mine, I burn my own things, is there a problem? Zhao Zheng heard Ye Chen's angry voice and laughed.

"Old sir, this landscape painting is a treasure, sold to Zhao Zheng, it will only be dusted by pearls, can you bear to see this treasure destroyed?" Ye Chen suddenly looked at Song Yangdao.

"This son, the rule of the auction is that the highest price wins, although the old man can't bear to burn this treasure and destroy it, but since the distinguished guests in the box have been auctioned, it is his, and he can deal with it as he wants." Song Yan heard Ye Chen's words and shook his head.

"The rule of the auction is that the highest price wins, how? Do you think if you say a few words, someone else will give you the auction items? Who do you think you are? Zhao Zheng taunted Ye Chen in the box.

"Zhao Zheng, you..." Ye Chen heard Zhao Zheng's words, and became even more angry.

"Brother Ye, I still have 500 million here, and Li Yu also has 300 million there, we will borrow you." Just when Ye Chen was about to open his mouth, Tang Xuan suddenly pulled Ye Chen and whispered.

"No need, he can't buy this landscape painting today." When Ye Chen heard Tang Xuan's words, he shook his head and refused.

He saw that even if he had more money, Zhao Zheng would pay a higher price, Tang Xuan Although they have a good family, but money cannot be compared with Zhao Zheng, although Zhao Zheng is the junior of the Zhao family, but he holds thirty percent of the shares of the Zhao Group, Zhao Zheng himself holds hundreds of billions of assets, Tang Xuan they are only the second generation, how can they compare with Zhao Zheng?

"Zhao Zheng, do you really think that you can buy everything with more money?" Ye Chen looked up at Zhao Zheng and said coldly.

"Isn't it?" Zhao Zheng said lightly.

"I'm going to decide on this landscape painting, you definitely can't buy it." Ye Chen said coldly, his tone full of confidence.

"Oh? Then I'll see what you can do. Zhao Zheng said lightly.

Ye Chen's confidence, Zhao Zheng, who has future memories, naturally knows, isn't it a token given to Tianyangzi by the Song family?

But so what? Can a token be compared to the Great Master in front of you? Zhao Zheng didn't even have to go in person, just let Ling Donglai go to Song Jie, the seventh son of the Song family in charge of this auction, to show his strength, how to choose, Song Jie will not understand?

"When Ye Chen is full of confidence, if he is rejected by the Song Chamber of Commerce, he will definitely be able to harvest more qi luck value at that time." Zhao Zheng thought with a smile in his heart.


PS: The first one is sent.

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