"Sir, you recognize this token." Sure enough, shortly after Ye Chen finished talking to Zhao Zheng, he took out a white jade token engraved with the character Song and looked at Song Yandao on the auction table.

"This is?" Song Yan saw the white jade token in Ye Chen's hand, and his face froze.

"Little friend, I wonder if you can hold it in my hand and watch it?" Song Yan looked at Ye Chen and said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Ye Chen nodded with a smile, and then casually threw the white jade token in his hand towards Song Yan.

Song Yan was a master in the late stage of the Grandmaster, and naturally caught the white jade token casually.

After catching it, Song Yan looked at it carefully, then clenched the white jade token and looked at Ye Chen and said, "Little friend, what do you want me to do?" "

"Give me this landscape map and expel Zhao Zheng from this auction." Ye Chen heard Song Yan's words and said with a smile.


The people around who heard Ye Chen and Song Yan's conversation all began to guess Ye Chen's true identity, why could a token make Song Yan like this?

"Little friend, the landscape painting can be sent to you directly, but the one upstairs is a distinguished guest of the Song Chamber of Commerce, I have no right to deal with it, can you wait for a while?" Song Yan heard Ye Chen's words and said solemnly.

"Yes." Ye Chen nodded.

"Everyone, the auction will be postponed for a while, please wait a moment." After Song Yan nodded to Ye Chen, he turned to the people of the auction, and after speaking, he turned and left and entered a room.


Seeing Song Yan's departure, the people present were even more curious about what that white jade token was.

As we all know, those who can stay in the box are all distinguished guests of the Song Chamber of Commerce, and since the establishment of the Song Chamber of Commerce, no one has been directly invited out of the box, is it possible that the first one will appear today?


"Zhao Zheng, do you still think that you can buy everything if you have money? Now that the landscape painting has been given to me, you will be invited out of this auction. After Song Yan left, Ye Chen looked at Zhao Zheng's box and laughed.

"Money really can't buy everything, but today's landscape painting, I dare to say, as long as I pay a lot of money, it is definitely mine, and you should worry about yourself instead of wanting me to be invited out, and the person who is invited out is not necessarily me, it may be you." Zhao Zheng said lightly.

"Okay, then I'll see who is invited out by whom." When Ye Chen heard Zhao Zheng's words, he said with great confidence.

That piece of white jade token was given to her master Tianyangzi by the head of the Song family, and the promise was also promised by the head of the Song family himself, Ye Chen was confident that the person in charge of the Song family at this auction would definitely follow his instructions when he saw the white jade token.

In Ye Chen's heart, Zhao Zheng can enter the box, relying on the Yang family forces, although the Yang family forces are good, but they are completely incomparable to him, as long as the Song family sees the white jade token, they can know who this white jade token is, and at the same time determine his identity, a family without a grandmaster sitting in town, and the only disciple of a grandmaster, Ye Chen believes that the Song family chamber of commerce will definitely make the right choice.

Ye Chen was confident, and Zhao Zheng was more confident than him.

Zhao Zheng didn't even bother to send Ling Donglai out for a walk.

Because it's not necessary.

Just when Zhao Zheng was about to send Ling Donglai for a trip, Ling Donglai used his supreme realm in the Martial Dao I Ching to sense that there was another person in Song Jie's box.

That person was Qin Yong who sent the invitation to Zhao Zheng's VIP box.

With Qin Yong here, Zhao Zheng naturally does not need to let Ling Dong come and go, Qin Yong will definitely tell Song Jie Zhao Zheng's true identity and strength, a clear grandmaster and a great grandmaster's apprentice, Song Jie is the heir of the future Song family, will he not know how to choose?


"Young Master Song, I don't know what that white jade token is?" Inside Song Jie's box, Qin Yong looked at Song Jie and said in a deep voice.

"Qin Shenchao, the person in that box is using your invitation, and it must have a lot to do with you, but this time Song Jie wants to say sorry to you, because if there is no accident, I am afraid that the person who uses your box will be invited out by me." Song Jie heard Qin Yong's words and said solemnly.

"The person in that box, you must not be invited out, otherwise even if you are the seventh son of the Song family, you will definitely not be able to bear it." When Qin Yong heard Song Jie's words, his tone froze.

"Qin Shenchao, your words are a little serious, right? Zhao Zheng in that box, in fact, I know who it is, even if he is behind the Yang family? Even if the head of the Yang family sees me Song Jie, he has to give a little thin noodles, not to mention that he is just the grandson of the head of the Yang family. Song Jie looked at Qin Yong and said lightly.



Just as Qin Yong opened his mouth to explain, Song Yan's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Come in." Song Jie heard Song Yan's voice and immediately said.

"Gongzi, this white jade token is real, but I don't know which one." After Song Yan saw Song Jie, he took out the white jade token and handed it over.

"This white jade token is the Tianji God Calculation Tianyangzi." Song Jie took the white jade token and stroked it a few times, and said in a deep voice.

"Qin Shenchao, that Zhao Zheng I will ask him to leave immediately, Tianyangzi is the strength of the late stage of the Great Master, and he is also a powerful feng shui master and phase master, with a wide range of connections, compared to my Song family, according to the intelligence of my Song family, Tianyangzi has an apprentice, presumably this Ye Chen."

"An apprentice of a great grandmaster, compared with a Zhao Zheng, which is higher and which is lower, I can still tell the difference, not to mention that this white jade token is still a gratitude order from my Song family, only those who have great favors to my Song family will be given by my Song family, and those who hold the token can let my Song family do one thing, even if this Ye Chen is not Tianyangzi's apprentice, I will ask this Zhao Zheng to leave, not to mention that Ye Chen still has this identity." After Song Jie determined the owner of the white jade token, he immediately looked at Qin Yongdao.

"Young Master Song, if you really invite that one out, I'm afraid that disaster will come." Qin Yong looked at Song Jie and said in a deep voice.

"Qin Shenchao? Please also make it clear that if I don't give an explanation, I can't listen to your words and violate my Song family's promise. Song Jie heard the solemnity in Qin Yong's tone, and his eyes froze and asked.

"A Great Grandmaster and a Great Grandmaster Apprentice right in front of you, which is more important?" Qin Yong looked at Song Jie and said lightly.

PS: Second more.

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