"Qin Shenchao, what do you mean?" When Song Jie heard Qin Yong's words, his face changed.

"The Song family will land the auction in Tianhai City, which is not a first-class city, what is the purpose, your Seventh Prince of the Song family will not be unclear, right?" Qin Yong looked at Song Jie and sneered.

"I don't understand what Qin Shenchao said about you." Song Jie looked at Qin Yong and shook his head.

"The battle of the six doors is always enshrined, will your Song family not know?" Qin Yong looked at Song Jie and said coldly.

"The battle for the total offering? Qin Shenchao said and laughed, how can my Song family know about this kind of secret? Song Jie shook his head when he heard Qin Yong's words.

"Don't know? I wonder if your Song family will place this triennial auction in a place like Tianhai City? The purpose of your Song family is nothing more than to win the battle to make good friends with the chief offering as quickly as possible, after all, your Song family's business is basically a channel that connects the six doors, if you do not hand over the newly appointed six doors general offering, if the cooperation is cut off, your Song family will be greatly damaged, and it will be absolutely difficult to recover without twenty years. Qin Yong looked at Song Jie and said coldly.

"Qin Shenchao, my Song family has definitely not spread the news about your six-door total worship dispute, even in the Song family, except for my father, only I know." Song Jie heard Qin Yong's words, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice.

"If your Song family has already spread the news, do you think your Song family's auction can be held in Tianhai City? Moreover, it is useless for the news to spread now, because the battle for the total offering can be settled in these two days. Qin Yong looked at Song Jie and said lightly.

"Qin Shenchao, do you say anything to do with me inviting Zhao Zheng away? Could it be that Zhao Zheng had something to do with that great master in Tianhai City? Song Jie looked at Qin Yong and asked suspiciously.

"It seems that your Song family's intelligence is not complete, and it is not clear who that great master of Tianhai City is?" Qin Yong said.

"The name of the Great Master, who dares to say it easily? My Song family only knows that one of the grandmasters of the six doors in this competition is Tianyangzi senior, the other one does not know, just the name of Tianyangzi senior, or Tianyangzi senior took the initiative to tell me about the Song family, do not hide Qin Shenchao, Tianyangzi senior contacted my Song family yesterday, let my Song family send him to Tianhai City as quickly as possible, my Song family also learned at that time that Tianyangzi senior was one of the grandmasters of this general worship dispute. Song Jie said with a wry smile.

"The one you are going to invite is another great master." Qin Yong looked at Song Jie and said lightly.

"Qin Shenchao? This joke is not funny, that Zhao Zhenggongzi is also more than twenty years old, how can he be a grandmaster, and he is a grandmaster who competes with the Tianji God Tianyangzi? Tianyangzi's predecessor is the late stage of the Great Master, and those who can compete with him must also be at this level, that Zhao Zhenggongzi, at such an age, it is already incredible to be able to reach the grandmaster, and the late stage of the Great Grandmaster, it is simply impossible. When Song Jie heard Qin Yong's words, he looked at Qin Yong with disbelief on his face.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Qin Yong looked at Song Jie expressionlessly.

"That is really a great master?" Song Jie looked at Qin Yong's expression and asked with great shock.

"That's true." Qin Yong affirmed.

"Late Grand Master?" Song Jie asked again.

"Good." Qin Yong nodded.

"Doesn't it mean that this one can't cultivate? How can it be a Grand Master, and still be a late Grand Master? At such an age, he must be the peak of the Great Grandmaster in the future, and it is not impossible to even reach the level of the palace, what kind of talent he is, and how he cultivates. After Song Jie received Qin Yong's affirmative reply, he was shocked.

"If I knew how that one cultivated, I would have been a Great Grandmaster long ago." Qin Yong shook his head.

"Qin Shenchao, thank you for informing Song Jie about this, otherwise Song Jie may cause a catastrophe." Song Jie said with gratitude to Qin Yong.

"If that person knows that I am here and is still indifferent to watch your Song family do stupid things, I'm afraid that the first unlucky person will be me, and I am just for self-preservation." Qin Yong shook his head and smiled.

"No matter what, I still have to thank Qin Shenchao, Qin Shenchao, I wonder if I can inform the end of the total worship dispute?" Song Jie looked at Qin Yong and asked.

"Qin Shenchao, this is my personal jade pendant, although it is not as good as the Song family's gratitude token, but I Song Jie promises, in the future, Qin Shenchao will use this token to find me Song Jie for help, and my Song Jie will definitely help." After asking, Song Jie untied a piece of jade from his waist and placed it in front of Qin Yong.

"The victory or defeat between the two Zhenguo Grand Masters, how can I Qin Yong say clearly? But Young Master Song Jie, do you think that one who can reach the late stage of the Great Grandmaster at such an age can be treated with common sense? What's more, even if Tianyangzi is stronger, what can you do? The one outside is just the apprentice of Tianyangzi, the one in the box is a real grandmaster late, you will offend a grandmaster late stage who is close at hand for the apprentice of a great grandmaster, and it is also very likely to take over as the grandmaster of the six doors? Qin Yong looked at Song Jie and said with a smile.

"I got into a misunderstanding." When Song Jie heard Qin Yong's words, he immediately laughed.

"Song Yan, you take this gratitude token out and return it to that person, just say that this token is not me, it cannot be used, and the landscape painting, cancel the auction, and give it directly to the one upstairs." The next moment, Song Jie handed Ye Chen's gratitude token to Song Yan and said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Song Yan nodded respectfully.

At this moment, Song Yan's face was also full of horror, and at the same time full of happiness, fortunately, he came to ask for instructions, if he made his own claim to invite Zhao Zheng, wouldn't it have caused trouble to the Song family? Even if the Song family can be preserved in the end, he, the initiator, will definitely make amends to Zhao Zheng, the youngest grandmaster in ancient times, and the way to make amends must be to make amends with his life.



In the auction hall, everyone was waiting.

When they saw Song Yan walk out, everyone glanced at the box, then at Ye Chen, and finally at Song Yan, waiting for the Song family's decision.

"Old sir, please give me that landscape painting, and then invite Zhao Zheng out." Ye Chen saw Song Yan walk out, full of confidence, and after speaking, he also glanced at Zhao Zheng's box defiantly.

He expected that the Song family would definitely agree to his request, after all, Zhao Zheng was just the grandson of the Yang family master, he was the only closed disciple of the Zhenguo Grand Master, and he also had the Song family's gratitude token.

"Gongzi, please put away this white jade token, your request, my Song family can't agree." Song Yan heard Ye Chen's words and threw the white jade token towards Ye Chen and said coldly.


PS: The third more sent, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, all are free to refresh the next day, kneel for a wave.

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