"Can't promise? Why? Could it be that my white jade token is fake? When Ye Chen heard Song Yan's words, his face changed in shock.

"The token is real, but you are not the real owner of the token and cannot use this token." Song Yan looked at Ye Chen and said coldly.

For Ye Chen, Song Yan still had a little anger in his heart, almost he was killed by Ye Chen, if he really invited Zhao Zheng away, he would be dead, if before, Ye Chen's identity he would definitely not dare to complain, but it also depends on who to compare with, compared to Zhao Zheng, the late stage of the great master, Ye Chen is nothing.


"Ye Chen, this is what you call asking me out? I don't know where to pick up a piece of token so proud? I really don't know what to say, Song Yan, I'm sitting in a private room now, I'm a guest of honor at the Song Auction, I have a request, I don't know if your Song Chamber of Commerce listens to it? At this time, Zhao Zheng's voice suddenly came from the box.

"Young Master Zhao, you are a distinguished guest, naturally you can make a request, please say." When Song Yan heard Zhao Zheng's words, he immediately said with a respectful expression.

"This Ye Chenhe is annoying, I don't want to see him, invite him out of this auction." Zhao Zheng said lightly.

"Yes." When Song Yan heard Zhao Zheng's words, his expression was pale, but he immediately said respectfully.

This time, Song Yan didn't ask for instructions, because he knew that Song Jie would also make the same choice as him, a great grandmaster apprentice, compared to a real grandmaster, fools knew who was more important.

Offending a great grandmaster apprentice can also be saved, but offending a great grandmaster, then no one has been saved, and it is not an ordinary grandmaster, this is the late grandmaster, and it is still the youngest grandmaster from ancient times to the present, and it is destined to become a legend in the future.

"Ye Gongzi, please, you can't participate in this auction." Song Yan looked at Ye Chendao.

"Do you know what you're doing? There is no rule that this white jade token cannot be used by me. When Ye Chen heard Song Yan's words, his heart was full of anger and said coldly.

"This rule has been added in recent years." Song Yandao.

"Song Yan..." When Ye Chen heard this, he could no longer hide his anger, and looked at Song Yan's extremely gloomy tone.

"Young Master Ye, my Song family knows your identity, are you going to lose your grace here?" Song Yan saw Ye Chen angry and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll go, today's events, I Ye Chen will remember in my heart." When Ye Chen heard Song Yan's words, he wanted to run away violently, but he immediately forcibly put up with it.

"And you, Zhao Zheng, don't be proud for too long." Ye Chen looked up at Zhao Zheng's box again and shouted.

After speaking, Ye Chen directly turned around and left, walking towards the outside of the auction.

"Brother Ye, let's go with you." After Tang Xuan and Li Yu saw Ye Chen leave, they couldn't sit down, and immediately followed behind and left.

"Am I proud? And what can you do? When Ye Chen left, Zhao Zheng's indifferent voice came from the box.

Hearing Zhao Zheng's voice, Ye Chen paused, but then walked out without looking back.

"I really don't know what it is, a Great Grandmaster disciple can be so arrogant and proud? That real grandmaster is not as arrogant as you, and you probably don't know who you offended. Song Yan saw Ye Chen's back leaving, and sneered in his heart.



"Ding... Congratulations to the host for successfully suppressing the protagonist of Qi Luck and obtaining 7,800 Qi Luck points. "

As Ye Chen left, Zhao Zheng in the box finally received a prompt to break the dimensional wall system.

7,800 points of luck value, not bad, quite a lot.

But it's normal, after all, Zhao Zheng plundered Ye Chen's new chance this time, and after Ye Chen left the auction, the Tianji Array Map and Ye Chen were completely lost, and the two added together, reaching 7,800 qi luck points is too normal.


"Being plundered by me again and again, it is estimated that you will be impatient to do something to me tonight, right? It's okay, tonight I will abolish you casually, and then wait for your master Tianyangzi to arrive, killing Tianyangzi and ruining the last hope in my heart, at that time, your qi luck value should have been almost all plundered by me, and I don't know if I can save enough qi luck value to break the dimensional wall three times. Zhao Zheng thought secretly in his heart after Ye Chen left.


"Young Master Zhao, since you like this landscape map, how about my Song Auction House send you?" Not long after Ye Chen left, Song Yan looked at Zhao Zheng's box and shouted.

"No need, just bid." Zhao Zheng refused.

Song Yan sent him the landscape map, it must be because Qin Yong had already told the Song family that he was a grandmaster, at this time, he wanted to follow, wouldn't that be equivalent to accepting the Song family's kindness and owing a favor?

His favor is casually owed to people, if the landscape map is not for sale, since he can spend money to buy, Zhao Zheng naturally will not be stingy, money this thing, he is not lacking now, and it is even more impossible to be in the future.

Become the total offering of six doors, the channel of control, the annual benefits are trillions to calculate, Zhao Zheng is the total offering, can monopolize half, with this as a dependency, how can Zhao Zheng care about money?


"Well, someone just deliberately raised the price, Zhao Gongzi, your price is not suitable, let's bid again with the starting price." Song Yan heard Zhao Zheng's refusal and immediately said.

"Yes." Zhao Zhengdao.

In the end, Zhao Zheng came out with 300 million, and no one competed.

It's not surprising that Zhao Zheng even invited a Ye Chen who seemed to have a very high status to leave, the origin must be extraordinary, who dares to fight?



At the same time, Ye Chen, who walked out of the Song family's auction house, could no longer hide the anger in his heart, and thought angrily in his heart: "Zhao Zheng, Zhao Zheng, you must have an identity in addition to the background of the Yang family, otherwise it is impossible for the Song family to offend me, but so what?" You cut off my chance again and again, if I Ye Chen does not take revenge, will I still be a man? Tonight, I want you to be in your home. "

"Tang Xuan, do you know where Zhao Zheng's family lives?" Ye Chen looked at Tang Xuan who came out behind him and asked.

"I know." Tang Xuan looked at Ye Chen's eyes full of anger, and immediately did not dare to slacken, and said Zhao Zheng's address.

"Thank you, you guys go back first." Ye Chen heard Tang Xuan's words and nodded.

"Brother Ye, be more careful." When Tang Xuan heard Ye Chen's words, he immediately knew that Ye Chen wanted to take revenge.

"Don't worry." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Then we'll leave." Tang Xuan looked at Ye Chendao, and after speaking, he left with Li Yu.

After watching Tang Xuan and Li Yu leave, Ye Chen thought with a gloomy face in his heart: "Zhao Zheng, you never know the end of offending a feng shui master, I will go to your house now to lay a yin and bloody array, as long as you go back, you will die at home tonight, even as long as your parents come back, they will also die in the family, I want your whole family to die, this is the price of robbing me of my opportunity." "



PS: The fourth is more sent, asking for free flowers and evaluation tickets.

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