In the Song Chamber of Commerce, after Zhao Zheng auctioned the landscape painting, the auction continued.

The items auctioned below, Zhao Zheng was not interested.

They are all normal antique calligraphy and paintings, and the most precious one is a book of exercises that can be cultivated to a grandmaster.

Although it was said that it could only be cultivated to the early stage of the grandmaster, this exercise was directly sold for a sky-high price of tens of billions.

This is not surprising, the martial artists in this world are the real people, a family, if there is no powerful warrior to sit in, no matter how big the industry will sooner or later be embezzled by others, this grandmaster exercise may create a family where the grandmaster sits, those rich businessmen who do not have a warrior to sit in the town naturally buy it at all costs.

Time passed quickly, and more than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, seventy or eighty auction items have been auctioned.

These seventy or eighty auction items Zhao Zheng did not call a price, Zhao Zheng was waiting, waiting for the appearance of the Tianji array.

Just when Zhao Zheng and the others were bored, the items taken out by Song Yang on the auction table made Zhao Zheng's eyes light up.

It is a palm-sized compass with certain bizarre symbols carved into it.

Zhao Zheng, who had future memories, could see at a glance that this compass was Ye Chen's strongest magic weapon in the future, the Tianji Array Map.

"Gongzi..." After Ling Donglai saw the compass, he was also touched, and he transmitted a voice to Zhao Zheng.

But before Ling Dong finished speaking, Zhao Zheng replied in secret: "Don't worry, Ling Lao, I will take this compass." "

Hearing Zhao Zheng's words, Ling Donglai nodded respectfully and looked at the auction table.


"Gentlemen, this compass is from the Zhou Dynasty, it is a very ancient object, and the starting price is 40 million." Song Yan stood on the auction platform, pointed to the compass in his hand, and said with a smile.

Hearing this starting price, Zhao Zheng sighed in his heart that the protagonist's luck was too good.

Normally speaking, the Tianji array map can be seen as long as it is a relatively powerful feng shui master, although the Song family does not invite a top feng shui master like Tianyangzi, but those senior feng shui masters second only to Tianyangzi, the Song family is still not lacking, but those feng shui masters after seeing the Tianji array map, as if blind, they only feel that this Tianji array map has nothing special except that it was transmitted from the Zhou Dynasty.

It is precisely because of this that the Song family will take out the Tianji Array Map for auction, and then pick up leaks for Ye Chen.

It can be said that the Tianji Array Map is specially prepared for Ye Chen, and if Ye Chen does not get it, the powerful feng shui master will become blind, and he will not be able to see the power of the Tianji Array Map.

But now, Ye Chen's protagonist Qi Luck has made a wedding dress for Zhao Zheng.


In the end, Zhao Zheng took a picture of the Tianji Array for 80 million.

At the beginning, many people were competing for the Tianji Array Map, after all, antiques from the Zhou Dynasty, many people felt that there was a rising value.

But after Zhao Zheng spoke, no one bidd.

No way, Zhao Zheng gives everyone the feeling that the background is large, even the Song family has to give face, at this time, who will be okay and Zhao Zheng to raise the price?


After the Tianji Array Map was bought by Zhao Zheng, there were still three items left in the auction that were not auctioned.

These three items can be regarded as the finale items, and each one is no less than the Grandmaster Exercises auctioned earlier.

However, Zhao Zheng was not interested, Zhao Zheng was waiting for the auction to end, he got the landscape painting and the Tianji array map and left.


Finally, another twenty minutes later, the auction ended.

Shortly after the auction ended, there was a knock on the door outside Zhao Zheng's box.


Zhao Zheng said lightly.

Soon, the door was pushed open.

Three people walked in, one was auctioneer Song Yan, Song Yan held two exquisite boxes in his hand, needless to say, he also knew that there were landscape paintings and heavenly machine array diagrams inside.

Next to Song Yan was an extraordinary young man and a middle-aged man in a green suit, none other than Song Jie and Qin Yong.

"Song Jie, I have seen Zhao Gongzi." After Song Jie saw Zhao Zheng, he immediately bowed his hand respectfully.

"No need to be polite." Zhao Zheng shook his head lightly.

"Zhao Gongzi, this is the landscape painting and compass you photographed." Song Jie gave Song Yan a look, and Song Yan immediately sent the two gift boxes over.

When Ling Donglai sent Song Yan the landscape painting and compass, he walked over and took it casually.


"Huh?" Song Jie looked at Ling Donglai, who took over the landscape painting and the Tianji Array Map, and his eyes froze.

"How do you think you've seen him somewhere? The more you look at it, the more familiar it becomes. Song Jie looked at Ling Donglai and thought secretly in his heart.

"Swipe your card." Zhao Zheng interrupted Song Jie's thoughts and threw over a bank card.

"Young Master Zhao, this is even if it was given to you by my Song Clan Auction House, anyway, it is two worthless gadgets." Song Jie heard Zhao Zheng's words and said with a smile.

"No thanks." Zhao Zheng shook his head.

"Good." When Song Jie heard Zhao Zheng's refusal, he didn't dare to say more, he said too much, what if he provoked unhappiness?

"Young Master Zhao, return it to you." After Song Jie swiped the card, he didn't dare to throw it away like Zhao Zheng, if only the others were okay, Zhao Zheng was a great master, how dare he.

After casually receiving the bank card returned by Song Jie, Zhao Zheng spoke: "I still have business, so I won't stay." "

"Yes." When Song Jie heard Zhao Zheng's words, he immediately nodded respectfully.

Originally, he also wanted to talk with Zhao Zheng to enhance the friendship between Zhao Zheng and the Song family, but now that Zhao Zheng is leaving, he can only wait until next time.

"Let's go." Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and Lu Zihao.

After speaking, Zhao Zheng walked towards the outside of the box.

Ling Donglai and Lu Zihao followed behind.



After Zhao Zheng left, Song Jie stood motionless, as if in deep thought.

"Song Gongzi, what's wrong with you? Isn't it just that you didn't have a relationship with that person? Don't worry, as long as your Song family rules are enough, that person will definitely not jam your Song family. Qin Yong looked at Song Jie and said with a smile.

"I remembered." Song Jie was shouted by Qin Yong, and suddenly remembered something, revealing an extremely shocked expression.

"What do you remember?" Qin Yong asked curiously.

"Qin Shenchao, I vaguely know why Young Master Zhao can reach the late stage of the Great Master at such an age." Song Jie looked at Qin Yong with an extremely solemn expression.

"Oh?" Qin Yong looked at Song Jie curiously.

"As we all know, no matter how talented a person is, but if there is no famous master to guide him, it is difficult to achieve, first of all, the practice is a heavenly level, without powerful exercises, it is simply difficult to cultivate to a higher realm, Zhao Gongzi he can cultivate the late stage of the Great Master, the cultivation exercises must be the top exercises in the world."

"The entire Daming, no, there are very few people or families in the world who have this level of exercises, the Yang family behind Zhao Gongzi absolutely does not have this kind of exercises, Zhao Gongzi can have this kind of exercises, there must be a powerful inheritance." Song Jie said in a deep voice.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Qin Yong was speechless.

"I saw Zhao Gongzi and his master, did the old man next to him see it?" Song Jie said.

"See." When Qin Yong heard Song Jie's words, he immediately thought of Ling Donglai.

"I once saw his portrait in the clan, and he was Ling Donglai, who was regarded as the number one grandmaster in the world by the warriors of the world one hundred and twenty years ago." Song Jie said incomparably solemnly.

PS: The first one is sent, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes.

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