Because the six doors are in Tianhai City, it is easy to deduce that it was Wang Heng, after all, those who are good at picking up this evil skill, and those who have the strength of the grandmaster level, and who are also haunted in Tianhai City, except Wang Heng, there is no one else.

Wang Heng's end was also very miserable, was cut by a thousand cuts, the old master of the Han family had kindness to a great grandmaster when he was young, in order to avenge Han Linger, the old family of the Han family took the initiative to use this kindness to invite the great grandmaster, the grandmaster shot, naturally it was extraordinary, in a short time, Wang Heng was caught and abolished martial arts and handed over to the Han family.

The old master of the Han family invited Master Ling Chi, who had the best technique, and cut Wang Heng alive with 10,000 knives before Wang Heng broke his breath.


"Zhao Shao, you won't really forget Han Linger's birthday, I still want to find you to learn from the scriptures, ask what gift you gave, now it seems to be blind, you even forgot her birthday, it is estimated that the gift has not been prepared." On the phone, Lu Zihao saw that Zhao Zheng had not spoken for a long time, and said helplessly.

"No, I was just thinking about things, I naturally haven't forgotten the birthday of the little princess of the Han family, as for the gift, let's not say it, if the two are the same, then what's the point?" Zhao Zheng heard Lu Zihao's words, put away his memories, and said with a smile.

Zhao Zheng forgot Han Linger's birthday, but Zhao Zheng's predecessor did not forget ah, and he had already prepared a unique gift for Han Linger.

"Zhao Shao seems to be confident, but brother, my gift is not bad, I just have a lot of gifts, I don't know which one to give, tonight's birthday dinner of the little princess of the Han family, my gift is absolutely outstanding, maybe let the little princess of the Han family fall in love." Lu Zihao said with a smile.

"Not necessarily." Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"Zhao Shao, you won't have this idea too, right? You already have Liu Xue, one of the four beauties, do you still want to take down the little princess of the Han family? You are too greedy, but even if you are willing, the Han family is not willing, after all, the little princess of the Han family is the pearl in the palm of the Han family, how can she be willing to let her marry you to be a child? "

"If Han Linger is allowed to become bigger, then the Liu family cannot be willing." Lu Zihao heard Zhao Zheng's words and said with a smile.

Because the Ming Dynasty did not die, there is no monogamy at all, as long as you have the ability, if the woman does not object, you can still have three wives and four concubines, and there are groups of beautiful women.

Of course, ordinary people are still monogamous, because in ancient times this system was also this, ordinary people have no ability, no identity, and are not allowed to marry a second wife at all, not at all some people imagine going back to ancient times, as long as they have money, they can marry ten eight wives and concubines, in fact, it is not at all, just having money and no identity is not enough.


"You don't have to worry about this Lu Shao." Zhao Zheng shook his head with a smile when he heard Lu Zihao's words.

What is Zhao Zheng's identity now? He has the strength that can be called invincible in the world, although his strength is currently unknown to anyone, but sooner or later it will be exposed, even if others do not know that he is invincible in the world, but as long as he knows that he has the strength of a grandmaster, and he is still such a young grandmaster, who does not please?

Let Han Linger make him small, it is simply the luck of the Han family's three lives, how can the Han family disagree.


"Zhao Shao, you really have ideas, okay, then we will compete fairly, I won't let you." Lu Zihao heard Zhao Zheng's words and said with a smile.

"You're not qualified enough." Zhao Zhengdao.

"Zhao Shao, you are a little contemptuous, wait, I'm going to hit you in the face, don't say anything, hang up." When Lu Zihao heard Zhao Zheng's words, he hung up the phone a little angrily.

Looking at the shield that ended the call, Zhao Zheng showed a smile on his face.

He said that Lu Zihao was not qualified, but he didn't say it casually, even if Zhao Zheng didn't use his current strength to compare, just use what his predecessor had, Lu Zihao couldn't compare with him.

In terms of family lineage, although Lu Zihao is the son of the prefect, but Zhao Zheng is supported by the Yang family, a thousand-year-old family, and the prefect is not a big official in the Yang family, and the governor who rules a province, the Yang family has three.

In a province, there are at least dozens of prefectures, with the Yang family as a dependency, and a prefect son in the district compares with Zhao Zheng.

By the way, it is worth mentioning here the size of the azure star.

The Azure Star is many times larger than the Earth, and the provinces of the Ming Dynasty are also hundreds of times larger than the Earth.

Even the current size is temporary, and in the future, with the revival of Reiki, Azure Star will expand, until it reaches a large world.

What is a big world? Only those who barely reach half the size of the universe can be called a big world.


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