In the evening, an hour before Han Linger's birthday banquet, Zhao Zheng drove a sports car from the villa to Han Mansion.

Han Linger's birthday banquet is actually divided into two venues, one is held in the highest-star hotel in Tianhai City, and the other is held in the Han family's ancient residence.

The people who participated in the hotel's birthday banquet were some ordinary dignitaries in Tianhai City, to put it simply, the level was not enough to participate in the real birthday banquet.

The birthday banquet held by the Han family's ancient mansion, without exception, are the real upper-class people in Tianhai City, and the worst are only qualified to enter with a net worth of more than three billion.

In about forty minutes, Zhao Zheng drove to the outside of the Han family's ancient mansion, and after finding a location to stop, Zhao Zheng walked towards the gate of the Han family's ancient mansion.

There are people at the gate of the Han family ancient mansion who are specially responsible for entertaining guests, and everyone who enters the Han family ancient mansion needs to take out an invitation letter.

These invitations come in different colors, some are white and some are black.

The color of the invitation represents different levels, with the lowest status of having a white invitation, followed by black, and gold above black, the kind that only the true top families of Tianhai City can receive.

Zhao Zheng's golden invitation.

It stands to reason that Zhao Zheng is only the identity of a junior, and he can't receive a golden invitation, but one of Zhao Zheng's parents went to other provinces to talk about business, and the other went back to the Yang family to visit relatives, only Zhao Zheng was alone in Tianhai City, Zhao Zheng represented the face of the Zhao family and the Yang family, how could the Han family not give the highest level invitation.


"Zhao Shao, you are here, please come in." When Zhao Zheng walked to the door, without waiting for Zhao Zheng to take out the invitation, the people at the door recognized Zhao Zheng.

No way, the names of the four princes of Tianhai City are too loud, as long as they enter the circle of powerful people a little, there is no one who does not know, the Han family guards the door are all Han family members, all of them are from powerful people, how can they not recognize Zhao Zheng, the head of the four princes of Tianhai City.

"Hmm." Zhao Zheng nodded to the Han family at the door, then casually handed over the golden invitation and walked into the Han family's ancient mansion.

"Zhao Shao, please over here."

After Zhao Zheng entered the Han family's ancient mansion, a good-looking maid led Zhao Zheng to the place where the banquet began.

That's right, because the Ming Dynasty did not die, large families have the habit of raising maidservants, and the larger the family, the more maids and servants.

The Yang family maids and maids behind Zhao Zheng's mother added up to tens of thousands.

Of course, the Han family must not have so many, and it is not bad that the Han family's maids and maids can add up to thousands.


Following the maid, Zhao Zheng came to a large building.

This building is the place where birthday banquets are held, and in the past, it should be the place where the Han family held the ancestral hall assembly, and it was more than enough to accommodate one or two thousand people.

The building is brightly lit at this moment, and people come and go, which is very lively.

"Zhao Shao, do you need me to stay and serve?" After the maid took Zhao Zheng into the building where the birthday banquet was held, she looked at Zhao Zheng and asked respectfully.

"No thanks, stand down." Zhao Zheng said lightly.

"Yes." The maid heard Zhao Zheng's words and saluted respectfully, and then retreated.


"Zhao Shao, why did you come so late?" Just as Zhao Zheng was about to look around to see if there were any acquaintances, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

When he turned around, he saw a young man in his twenties walking towards Zhao Zheng.

The man was not a bystander, it was Lu Zihao, who had spoken with Zhao Zheng before.

"The Lord has not arrived, the banquet has not officially started, why did you come so early?" Zhao Zheng saw Lu Zihao come over and said with a smile.

"That's what I said." Lu Zihao nodded when he heard Zhao Zheng's words.

"Lu Shao, what kind of gift did you prepare for the little princess of the Han family, I am out of drama, and now I can only rely on you to find the scene." Lu Zihao suddenly remembered something and looked at Zhao Zheng and asked.

"Get back the field? What's the situation? Zhao Zheng heard Lu Zihao's words and asked with a smile.

"It's not that Tang Xuan and Li Yu compared me with the gifts they prepared, no, Li Yu's doesn't count, the gift he prepared and mine is between Bo Zhong, mainly Tang Xuan, he doesn't know where to get a faceplate-sized imperial green jade, and he also found a carving master to carve the jade into the appearance of the little princess of the Han family, I looked at the photos he showed off, the jade man is completely natural, with God King Green is simply the best in the world."

"Why don't I have such good luck to meet such a large piece of imperial green jade, if I do, I can also buy it and carve it into a jade man." Lu Zihao said a little angrily.

"Tang Xuan? Li Yu? Hearing these two names in Lu Zihao's mouth, Zhao Zheng's mind immediately appeared the introduction of these two people.

Tang Xuan and Li Yu were the other two of the four princes of Tianhai City, and unlike Lu Zihao, Tang Xuan and Li Yu had never dealt with Zhao Zheng very much.

The main person who does not deal with is Tang Xuan, and Li Yu is at most the same as Lu Zihao, who helps Tang Xuan.

Tang Xuan has always been unconvinced by the position of the first of Zhao Zheng's four princes, and the reason is also very simple, Tang Xuan feels that his background is no worse than Zhao Zheng.

In fact, it is really not worse than Zhao Zheng, and the Tang family where Tang Xuan is located is a branch of the Tang family of the Tang Gate.

The Tang Sect was definitely a behemoth in the Daming Dynasty, no worse than the Yang family, and even beyond.

Because the Tang family is most famous for its dark weapon, there are many grandmasters who died on the Tang family's dark weapon, and even ordinary grandmasters are afraid of the top dark weapon of the Tang family.

If you use the family level to divide it, the Tang Sect has at least the strength of the top fifteen, and the strength of the Yang family is only between seventeen and eighteen.

But the strength of the Tang Gate is strong, and it does not mean that the Tang family in Tianhai City is also strong.

The Tang family in Tianhai City only inherited some of the middle and lower level dark weapons of the Tang Gate, and the strongest one can threaten the weak Grandmaster Early, and there are too many divisions of the Tang Gate, and Tang Xuan's Tang family is at most one of the higher rankings.

In terms of importance, it really can't compare to Zhao Zheng's importance to the Yang family.

In terms of bloodline, Zhao Zheng is the real lineage of the Yang family, and in the future world, the Yang family is willing to fight for Zhao Zheng and Ye Chen, and almost exterminating the clan can show the importance of Zhao Zheng to the Yang family.

Therefore, Tang Xuan's ranking in Tianhai City was lower than that of Zhao Zheng.

However, Tang Xuan actually has a hidden identity, that is, Tang Xuan's father is actually the illegitimate son of the Tang Gate Master, and in the future world, he will inherit the Tang Gate and become the Tang Gate Master.

From this point of view, Tang Xuan's true identity is actually a little higher than Zhao Zheng, after all, he will be the ironclad heir of the Tang Sect in the future.

But the outside world didn't know this, so no matter how Tang Xuan competed for the ranking, he was still lower than Zhao Zheng.


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