"Zhao Shao, what are you thinking? Tell me what kind of gift you are preparing, if you can't compare Tang Xuan, then we will be embarrassed this time." Lu Zihao saw that Zhao Zheng did not speak, thinking that the gift prepared by Zhao Zheng could not be compared, and immediately said with some loss.

"Shame? Inexistent. Lu Zihao's voice woke Zhao Zheng from his memories.

"Huh? Zhao Shao, do you say? When Lu Zihao heard Zhao Zheng's words, he looked at Zhao Zheng with some excitement.

"Although the imperial green jade man is rare, it is nothing compared to me." Zhao Zheng shook his head.

"What the hell, it's all this time, Zhao Shao, do you still want to hide and not tell me?" Lu Zihao hurriedly asked.

"Phoenix feather streamer, have you heard?" Zhao Zheng looked at Lu Zihao and said lightly.

"Phoenix feather streamer? The one that lives naturally? When Lu Zihao heard Zhao Zheng's words, his eyes froze and he asked in disbelief.

"Could it be that I can still get an imitation?" Zhao Zheng looked at Lu Zihao's disbelieving eyes and said with a smile.

"No, Zhao Shao, how did you get the phoenix feather flowing skirt, this is a super treasure that can only be produced by the three major embroidery masters of natural residence, once it flows out, it will basically be treasured in the palace, rarely flowing out, once it flows out, it is absolutely sky-high, the second-rate wealthy family in Tianhai City may not be able to afford it, Zhao Shao, are you sure you got the genuine product?" I heard that there are many imitations of phoenix feather streamer dresses now. "

"Don't be a fake, otherwise you will lose people, and I am afraid that you will become the laughing stock of Tianhai City in the future." Lu Zihao looked at Zhao Zheng and reminded.

"The phoenix feather streamer dress is my mother's dowry, do you think it will be a fake?" Zhao Zheng looked at Lu Zihao and said lightly.

"It's my aunt's dowry, so it's definitely fine." When Lu Zihao heard Zhao Zheng's words, he was immediately relieved.

How could there be a fake in the dowry of the eldest lady of the Yang family?

"No, Zhao Shao, you won't steal this, right? In case the aunt pursues it. Lu Zihao suddenly looked at Zhao Zheng and reminded.

"It's okay, this is what my mother personally gave me before she left Tianhai City." Zhao Zheng shook his head.

Of course, to say so, in Zhao Zheng's memory, this was the predecessor who begged Yang Xiuyi for I don't know how many days, Yang Xiuyi took it out painfully.

This is not surprising, the phoenix feather streamer skirt, such a heirloom product, all the circulating together will not exceed twenty pieces, even if it is Yang Xiuyi, in fact, there is only one piece, how willing to take it out.

However, Zhao Zheng's parents in this life are the same as in their previous lives, although their identities have changed, they are still almost responsive to Zhao Zheng's needs, and although Yang Xiuyi is reluctant, he still took it out under the pleading of his predecessor.

However, these Zhao Zheng himself knows it, and it is definitely impossible to take the initiative to say it.


"Zhao Shao, Lu Shao, how are you." Just as Zhao Zheng was talking to Lu Zihao, two more young men came over.

These two people were not others, it was Tang Xuan and Li Yu.

"Tang Xuan, Li Yu, why are you here? Aren't you enjoying the popularity of others over there? Lu Zihao saw Tang Xuan and Li Yu coming and sneered.

"How can they compare to Zhao Shao and Lu Shao, my main opponent today is you, I don't know what gift you prepared for the little princess of the Han family?" It's good to say it and let us see it for a long time. Tang Xuan looked at Zhao Zheng and Lu Zihao and laughed.

"Tang Xuan, you came over on purpose to show off, right? I'm afraid that others won't know that you have prepared a statue of the imperial green jade man, right? Lu Zihao looked at Tang Xuan and sneered.

"It turns out that Lu Shao knows ah." Tang Xuan said with a smile.

"You're almost written on your face, can I not know?" Lu Zihao said coldly.

"Good things are not afraid of people knowing, Zhao Shao, what have you prepared? I wonder if you can tell us and open our eyes? Tang Xuan looked at Zhao Zheng and said with a smile.

"What have we prepared, why are we telling you? We're not the kind of people who put a lot of noise on our faces. Lu Zihao didn't wait for Zhao Zheng to speak, so he said loudly.

If he didn't know what gift Zhao Zheng prepared before, Lu Zihao would definitely not say so, but after knowing the phoenix feather flowing light skirt, Lu Zihao began to borrow Zhao Zheng's majesty.

Although his is not as good as Tang Xuan's imperial green jade, Zhao Zheng's is comparable, and it is too comfortable to hit Tang Xuan when Tang Xuan is most proud.

"It seems that the gifts prepared by the two are not simple, and they are reluctant to take them out." Tang Xuan heard Lu Zihao's words and said with a smile.

"Tang Shao, I think the gift prepared by Zhao Shao and Lu Shao is a little shabby, can't take it, right? That's right, compared with the imperial green jade people, it is really impossible to take it, after all, such a large flawless imperial green is rare to see in a few years. Li Yu said with a smile at this time.

"Li Shao, can't you say that, what are the identities of Zhao Shao and Lu Shao? How could it not be done? We will wait to see the gifts of the two young men, it will definitely be shocking. Tang Xuan heard Li Yu's words and said deliberately.

After speaking, without waiting for Lu Zihao to speak, Tang Xuan took the initiative to leave and said, "Okay, Zhao Shao, Lu Shao, we still have business, let's go first, and we will meet later." "

After speaking, Tang Xuan and Li Yu left.

"Bah, these two guys who look down on people, Zhao Shao, this time I am lucky to have you, otherwise, I will be compared by them this time, I don't know how long I will be ridiculed by them." Lu Zihao looked at Zhao Zheng after Tang Xuan and the two left and said with a smile.

"It's just a jumping beam clown, don't take it to heart." Zhao Zheng looked at Lu Zihao and said with a smile.

At this moment, he already has the almost invincible strength in the world, and his vision has long been different, and the little battle between them with Tang Xuan is actually not taken to heart.

Of course, this is a winning situation, not paying attention to it does not mean not caring, if Zhao Zheng's gift is really not comparable to Tang Xuan's gift, then Zhao Zheng may have to write a picture as a gift.

The words of the peak of the Great Grandmaster contain a trace of the Great Master's understanding, which is much more precious than any bells and whistles.

Why is the phoenix feather flowing light dress precious, isn't it because there is a trace of grandmaster understanding of the embroidered clothes grandmaster on it? The three embroidered grandmasters of the natural residence are all the peak of the grandmaster, or the half-step grandmaster, and the phoenix feather streamer skirt they have done their best to make is not only beautiful, but also contains a trace of their understanding, although it is far worse than the grandmaster's perception, but the grandmaster below and ordinary grandmasters are very effective.

Of course, because they are women, the benefits of phoenix feather streamers can only be enjoyed by women, and men are not blessed.

If you want men to have an effect, it's disgusting to think about, and big men wear skirts and panic.

Because the phoenix feather streamer dress was absolutely outstanding at the Han family's birthday banquet, Zhao Zheng didn't need to waste his pen and ink.

PS: The second more, the minimum four more guarantees every day, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for comments, kneel and beg.

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