
"Boss, you let Liu Sisi, who I secretly protected, leave Shangjing. When Liu Sisi left Shangjing with a number of chefs from Yipinju, a man whose strength had reached the late stage of Grandmaster made a call abroad.

"Li Cheng, I asked you to protect her, not to let you spy on her, she left, you secretly followed. A man's voice came over the phone.

"Boss, I can't keep up, once I follow, I'm afraid I will be discovered." Li Cheng said with a wry smile.

"Well, in terms of concealment kung fu, few people in the entire mercenary union surpass you, ordinary grandmaster peaks can't find you, Liu Sisi, she is at most the early stage of grandmaster, and the Fubo of Yipinju is only the late stage of grandmaster, where can I find you?" the man wondered.

The man on the other end of the phone was not someone else, it was Xiao Mad, who founded the mercenary union.

"Boss, how can I not be discovered in this situation, Liu Sisi, she left with the people of the six doors. Li Chengdao.

Could it be that among the people accompanying Liu Sisi were god-level headhunters?" said Xiao Mad suspiciously.

"Six divine catchers, two chief catchers, it can be said that the top people in the entire six doors stay with Liu Sisi, in this case, I am afraid that I will be found just after following it, not even me, even if it is the boss, you may not dare to say that you will not be discovered." Li Cheng said in a deep voice.

How is it possible, and why would they go with Liu Sisi?" asked Xiao Mad.

"It is said that they went to Tianhai City to attend the inauguration ceremony of the new chief of the Six Gates, and Liu Sisi was invited to cook for the succession ceremony. Li Chengdao.

When did the Six Doors appear as the General Offering, and why was there no information transmitted to me?" Xiao Mad said in a deep tone when he heard Li Cheng's words.

For the total worship position of the six doors, Xiao Mad has always had ideas, his enemies are huge, although the mercenary union he created has some doorways abroad, but compared to his enemies, it is a small witch, and the six doors are different, except for the absence of a grandmaster, the six doors are crushing his enemies in all aspects.

Xiao Mad knew that the six doors did not have a total offering, he went back, if he could join the six doors and become the total worship of the six doors, his hope of revenge would come, but now that the position of the total offering was actually taken first, how could he be willing.

"Boss, you have wronged me, I have already sent you the information today." Li Chengdao.

"Why did you just send it to me today?" said Xiao Fan's tone coldly.

"Boss, the news of this chief enshrinement only came out a day or two ago, our mercenary union is not a top force in Daming, and it is impossible to be the first person to get information." Li Chengdao.

"Tell me the information about this general offering. Xiao said wildly.

"This six-door soon-to-be chief worshipper is really a peerless demon, to be honest, if it weren't for the true things that came out, I wouldn't believe in such a demon person in the world, boss, do you know how old he is this year? Twenty-four years old, twenty-four years old he reached the late stage of the Great Master, and even more killed the Tianji God Tianyangzi to ascend to the position of chief offering. "

"Now the top forces of Daming are saying that this general offering is likely to become a new legend in the future. Li Cheng said with a bit of shock and exclamation.

"Twenty-four years old, late grandmaster, and killed Tianyangzi? There are indeed some doorways, okay, if you can't keep up, you don't have to follow, anyway, Liu Sisi and the head hunter of the six doors and the god capture stay together, there will definitely be no problem with safety." Xiao Mad turned to Li Chengdao.

"Okay, boss. Li Chengji nodded.

Soon after, the phone hung up.


"According to the information that Li Cheng gave me before, Sisi should know that I injured his father, and now she is going to participate in the succession ceremony of the Six Doors General Offering, I am afraid it is not as simple as simply cooking. "

"The late stage of the Great Master? is indeed a peerless demon that has never appeared since ancient times, I hope you don't do anything stupid, otherwise I really want to see what you are capable of this peerless demon, the late stage of the Great Grandmaster who died in my Xiao Mad hands is not one or two, even if it is the peak of the Great Grandmaster, I Xiao Mad is not afraid, although your qualifications are high, but the strength does not depend on the realm. Xiao Mad thought coldly in his heart after the phone call.



Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, another day passed.

"Sheng Minglan will fall off the cliff in the future at three or four o'clock this afternoon, it's time to go to Qipan Mountain, just take this opportunity to see the inheritance of the female immortal emperor, if the Qi luck value is high, I can exchange it for Qi luck value, anyway, Sheng Minglan will become my woman in the future, I can't let her have low strength, no matter how many times Reiki is revived, I can let her stand at the top of Reiki revival." At eight or nine o'clock in the morning, Zhao Zheng carefully inquired about the future memory and determined the time when Sheng Minglan fell off the cliff and thought secretly.

Sheng Minglan fell into the cliff of Qipan Mountain, Zhao Zheng actually went to it not long ago.

But it is also for nothing, no matter how Zhao Zheng looks at it, Qipan Mountain is an ordinary mountain, not like a place that contains any inheritance at all.

It was also this time that Zhao Zheng determined that the inheritance place was different from other chances.

If it is a magic weapon or something like that, Zhao Zheng can seize it with foresight.

But if it is a place similar to inheritance, it is not the corresponding person, and it is impossible to open and enter.

Whether it is Sheng Minglan or other protagonists, the luck on their bodies is equivalent to the key, the key to open the inheritance, and others, unless their strength exceeds the person who created the inheritance place, it is impossible to find the inheritance land.

But this is nothing, anyway, the location of the inheritance place Zhao Zheng knows, in the future, with which protagonist to match, Zhao Zheng will wait in that place in advance, after the protagonist opens the inheritance, he will forcibly plunder, at most it is a little trouble.


PS: The first more sent, tomorrow at noon this book will be on the shelf, tonight the author all night codeword, tomorrow on the shelf will break out ten changes, should be from eleven noon to twelve o'clock first send five changes, and then wake up, at night in the outbreak of five changes, are all sent out at one time, not one by one, tomorrow a day will update ten changes, I hope everyone supports the author at noon tomorrow, give a subscription, give the author a little motivation, if the results are good, at least six more guarantees every day in the future.

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