Just when Zhao Zheng was practicing to kill time and was about to go to Qipan Mountain at noon, Lu Zihao suddenly called Zhao Zheng.

"Zhao Shao, congratulations on your upcoming appointment as the chief worshipper of the six doors, it took so long to call you to congratulate you, don't be surprised, the main thing is that this is too shocking, my brother who has been with me for more than ten years, suddenly one day told me that he became the grandmaster of the Zhenguo University, and will also become the boss of the six doors, I am still ignorant, which is also fortunate that my heart is good, otherwise, I am afraid that I will have to delay for a few days." Lu Zihao's voice came from the phone.

"Okay, don't pretend, I don't know you yet, you are shocked at first, but it won't take long to accept, say, why did you call me today?

"Sure enough, I can't hide Zhao Shao's fire eyes, okay, I have a showdown, Zhao Shao, do you want a wife?" asked Lu Zihao to Zhao Zheng.

"Well, what do you mean?" Zhao Zheng frowned, revealing doubt.

"Literally, Zhao Shao, you understand. Lu Zihao said.

"Your vision, I don't believe, so don't. Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

Zhao Zheng actually guessed the real purpose of Lu Zihao's call, but Zhao Zheng couldn't be too straightforward, so he lost his identity.

"Zhao Shao, this time is a recognized beauty. Lu Zihao said.

"Is your sister?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile.

"Zhao Shao, how do you know?" said Lu Zihao in surprise.

"With your little way, who else can you know be the recognized level of the big beauty besides your sister, and your father asked you to come to me?" asked Zhao Zheng to Lu Zihao.

"You know again?" Lu Zihao was surprised again.

Your father just knows the relationship between you and me, so he wants your Lu family to marry me, so that your Lu family can go further. Zhao Zheng said lightly.

"Zhao Shao, my father he..." Lu Zihao wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Zhao Zheng.

"No need to explain, Zihao, you and I are both from a family, and I have long understood this aspect, I can understand. Zhao Zhengdao.

"Zhao Shao, what are your thoughts?" asked Lu Zihao.

"I don't like Huang forcing others. Zhao Zhengdao.

"Zhao Shao rest assured, I talked to my sister, my sister she does not object, even my sister still admires you, after all, you are twenty-four years old is the late stage of the Great Master, if I were a woman, I might also admire you." Lu Zihao said with a smile.

"You forget it. Zhao Zheng shook his head.

"Zhao Shao, give me a quasi-letter, do you like my sister?" said Lu Zihao seriously.

"I personally am not opposed to marriage, your sister I also know some, virtuous and virtuous, proficient in Qinqi calligraphy and painting, definitely a generation of beauty, can be regarded as a good match, my father and mother they will come back in the next two days, if your Lu family has this tendency, you can talk to my father and mother." Zhao Zhengdao.

Lu Xiaoyu was originally one of Zhao Zheng's goals, and now that Lu Xiaoyu took the initiative to send it to the door, how could Zhao Zheng miss it.

What's more, Lu Xiaoyu is also one of the female partners, and she contains a lot of luck, marrying Lu Xiaoyu, that is, changing Lu Xiaoyu's fate, the luck value obtained at that time plus Zhao Zheng's remaining more than 7,000 villain values, it is estimated that they can break the dimensional wall once.

At the same time, Zhao Zheng also wants to help the Lu family, even if it is to return the kindness of the original future line.

In the original future line, Lu Zihao in order to help Zhao Zheng, that was Ye Chen is better than death, at that time period, Zhao Zheng has fallen, and Ye Chen also released words who helps Zhao Zheng is against him, at that time, Lu Zihao dares to help him, this is definitely a real brother.

Take Lu Xiaoyu, the Lu family is one of his relatives, as long as Lu Xiaoyu is there, the Lu family will definitely receive the greatest care, which can be regarded as a reward for Zhao Zheng to Lu Zihao.


"Zhao Shao, do you agree?" said Lu Zihao with a bit of surprise when he heard that Zhao Zheng did not object.

"I agree, but it doesn't mean that it will definitely work out in the end, maybe your sister's side will regret it." Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"Zhao Shao, you can agree, my sister can't repent, will I change your name to Zhao Shao as a brother-in-law in the future?" said Lu Zihao with a smile.

"Whatever you want. Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"Still don't call first, I'll get used to it first, and I'll shout when it's officially settled, Zhao Shao, then I won't bother you first, I'll talk to my father and them now." Lu Zihao said.

"Okay, go ahead. Zhao Zheng nodded.

Soon, the phone hung up.


"The four beauties of Tianhai City, I have already got three ah, although Han Linger's side only has a good impression of me, but if you really want to get married, Han Linger will definitely not refuse, the Han family wants to impact the family so much, it will definitely not miss this opportunity, now if I am taking Sheng Minglan, I will gather the four beauties of Tianhai City, after this I rebelled to become the emperor, Tianhai City gave birth to four favorite concubines at one time, maybe it will be a good story." Zhao Zheng thought with a smile in his heart.


At noon, after Zhao Zheng had lunch, he left the villa and went to Qipan Mountain to prepare for Sheng Minglan's arrival.

In fact, this method is stupid.

But there is no way, although Sheng Minglan founded Tianxiang Pavilion in Tianhai City, she has not always settled in Tianhai City, her whereabouts are very mysterious, and few people know it.

In the future memory, there is no place where Sheng Minglan settled, there are only scenes of Sheng Minglan falling off the cliff, otherwise, Zhao Zheng will directly go to the place where Sheng Minglan settles and wait.

Zhao Zheng also didn't want to let the six doors go to find out where Sheng Minglan was, but in the end Zhao Zheng gave up, in case it caused some butterfly effect, Sheng Minglan didn't go to Chessboard Mountain today, then it had to be lost?

Miss today, who knows how Sheng Minglan will get the adventure.


PS: The second change will be sent, tomorrow between eleven and twelve o'clock at noon, the first five changes will be sent, and then the five changes will be updated in the evening, a total of ten changes, kneeling and begging everyone to give a first order.

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