"What do you mean by meeting Zhao Gongzi?" Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zheng puzzled.

"What is your purpose in coming to Chessboard Mountain?" said Zhao Zheng looking at Sheng Minglan.

"This..." Sheng Minglan's beautiful eyes froze.

"There's no need to hide it, because you hide it, and I can let you say it. Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"It's okay, Zhao Gongzi wants to hear it, then Minglan said, Minglan brother was killed by the prince, Minglan has always wanted to take revenge, Minglan came to Chessboard Mountain, just think that Chessboard Mountain may give Minglan the ability to take revenge." Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

"Didn't you meet someone who gave you the ability to take revenge now?" said Zhao Zheng as he looked at Sheng Minglan and smiled.

If you want to win Sheng Minglan's heart, simple heroes are not enough to save beauty, Zhao Zheng has already compiled a full set of reasons based on Sheng Minglan's dream.

For example, Sheng Minglan's dream was originally to guide Sheng Minglan to obtain the inheritance of the female immortal emperor, and now, Zhao Zheng's words made this dream become a guide for Sheng Minglan to find him.

Sheng Minglan wants to take revenge, doesn't Zhao Zheng have the ability to help Sheng Minglan take revenge?

Then after some conversation, Zhao Zheng inadvertently took Sheng Minglan to discover the place where the female immortal emperor inherited.

This is equivalent to Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan discovered together, which can hint at Sheng Minglan, under all kinds of coincidences, are you afraid that Sheng Minglan will not take the bait?


"Zhao Gongzi, don't laugh, Minglan and you are not related, why do you want to help me? And Ming Lan's enemies are not those who have no background, he is the prince of Daming, the future emperor of Daming, even if Zhao Gongzi you are peerless in talent and powerful, but once you kill the prince, this crime, Zhao Gongzi you can't afford it." Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zheng and smiled bitterly.

"This Chessboard Mountain is my practice place for a long time, and you come to Qipanshan again and again, to be honest, there are only two possibilities, one is that either your dream is fake, you know that Qipanshan is my place to practice, and then make it up to attract my attention, one is that your dream is real, and I am the purpose of your dream guiding you. Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan lightly.

"Young Master Zhao, I Sheng Minglan can swear that what I just said is true. Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zheng and said seriously.

"If what you say is true, then your dream has no other possibility except to guide you to find me, after all, on the chessboard mountain, only I have the ability to help you take revenge, and if I really want to help you take revenge, a prince, I Zhao Zheng really does not put it in my eyes." Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and said lightly.

"Zhao Gongzi, dreams are always untrue, this is just a coincidence, I can't burden you, my hatred, I will repay myself." Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zheng and said solemnly.

"Your so-called revenge is to enter the palace and marry someone you don't like?" said Zhao Zheng lightly as he looked at Sheng Minglan and said lightly.

"I..." Sheng Minglan heard Zhao Zheng's words, and her beautiful eyes froze.

"Well, what's hanging around your neck?" Just as Zhao Zheng continued to speak, suddenly Zhao Zheng saw something shining inside Sheng Minglan .

"Inside my neck?" Sheng Minglan heard Zhao Zheng's words, and immediately took out the pendant in her arms.

This is a white pearl, and the pearl exudes a soft white light at the moment.

"I am a pearl I bought from the night market after I came to Tianhai City, how can it shine?" said Sheng Minglan holding the pearl in surprise.

"I don't know. Zhao Zheng shook his head.

In fact, Zhao Zheng deliberately did not know, so obvious, how could Zhao Zheng not know, Sheng Minglan was able to obtain the inheritance of the female immortal emperor, it must be because of this pearl.

But knowing that Zhao Zheng also has to be regarded as not knowing, otherwise don't you wear help?



A few seconds later, Sheng Minglan let out an exclamation, only to see Mingzhu suddenly break free from her hand, fly towards the edge of the cliff, and finally stay in the mid-air of the cliff of Qipan Mountain, and after stopping, a strange scene appeared in mid-air.

It is as if it is a picture of a paradise, shining out from within the pearl.

Sheng Minglan, who ran to the edge of the cliff, saw this scene and was full of surprise.

When Zhao Zheng saw this scene, he immediately knew that the inheritance land of the female immortal emperor was opened.

In the future, Sheng Minglan will directly fall off the cliff and then enter the secret realm, and now, Sheng Minglan is good, it will definitely be impossible to jump off the cliff.

At this time, you need Zhao Zheng's help, after all, Zhao Zheng goes down alone, and it is likely that he will not be able to enter the Female Immortal Emperor Inheritance Secret Realm, but if he takes Sheng Minglan with him, he will definitely be able to enter.


"Do you want to go down and take a look?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile as he looked at Sheng Minglan and said.

"Below this is a cliff, this special image is likely to be a mirage, jumping down?" Sheng Minglan heard Zhao Zheng's words and looked at Zhao Zheng speechlessly.

But after speaking, Sheng Minglan suddenly reacted to Zhao Zheng's identity.

Zhao Zheng is a grandmaster of Zhenguo, don't say ten thousand zhang cliff, even if it is a hundred thousand zhang, then it is easy, the skill of the great grandmaster, can already travel in the sky, although it can't fly for too long, but jumping off without hindrance is definitely not a big problem.

"Reaction?" said Zhao Zheng looking at Sheng Minglan and laughing.

"Young Master Zhao, you are the grandmaster of Zhenguo, it is naturally okay to jump down, it is Ming Lan who said more. Sheng Minglan said.

"Do you want to go down and see it together? Zhao Zhengdao.

"I..." Sheng Minglan just wanted to say no, but a strong feeling suddenly appeared in her heart urging her to think that if she refused, she felt that she might regret it for the rest of her life.

"Then trouble Zhao Gongzi to take Minglan down with him. Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zhengdao ghostly.

"Well, that's offended. When Zhao Zheng heard Sheng Minglan's words, he grabbed Sheng Minglan's shoulder and jumped down.

"Zhao Gongzi. Sheng Minglan Xiang's shoulder was grabbed by Zhao Zheng, and her face turned red.

This world follows the ancient system, men and women are not intimate, it can be said that Sheng Minglan is so big except for being held by her father when she was a child, Zhang is so big, no man has touched her body, Zhao Zheng is the first.

Zhao Zheng can actually use his strength to hold up Sheng Minglan, Zhao Zheng did this on purpose, only in this way will Sheng Minglan's first impression of him deepen.

Sheng Minglan has gone far in the future, and there are too many qi luck values contained in his body, and Zhao Zheng must accept it, only in this way can he obtain Sheng Minglan's qi luck value.


PS: Second more.

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