Soon, Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan arrived at the place where the pearl emitted a strange scene.

The moment they arrived, a strong suction force appeared in midair, and Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan were instantly sucked into it.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan disappeared in mid-air, and the pearl disappeared directly into the void after Zhao Zheng and them disappeared.


After reappearing, Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan appeared in a peach forest that looked like a fairyland on earth.

Seeing the surrounding scene, Sheng Minglan's face changed in shock, and she looked at Zhao Zheng with some fear: "Zhao Gongzi, where is this?"

"This should be some inheritance secret realm, I have heard that in ancient times, there was a group of star-chasing and moon-chasing powers, and those powers opened up space by their own strength, I think it was those powerful spaces that opened up." Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and said.

"Isn't that something that only exists in mythical stories?" said Sheng Minglan in surprise.

"Isn't the Great Grandmaster like an immortal god to ordinary people, the Great Grandmaster can exist, what about the existence of a real immortal god in ancient times?" said Zhao Zheng looking at Sheng Minglan and laughing.


"This seat is the rain of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor Palace, here is the Taolin Wonderland opened up by the main seat, there are destined people, you need to survive in the Taolin Wonderland for 10,000 years, in these 10,000 years, there will be various trial illusions, those who are not strong-willed, will surely die, if the will is strong, through the trial, you can obtain the will not to be afraid of any difficulties, and also be eligible to obtain the supreme inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, and become an immortal ancestor in the future." "

"People of fortune, you can choose to withdraw now, you can also choose to stay, choose to quit, immediately cut off your memory, kick out of the Taolin Wonderland, if you stay, you need to stay for ten thousand years, either die or get inherited." "

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly appeared in the sky without the slightest emotion.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan's faces changed.

If it is true, then isn't it that by the time we leave, there will already be nothing outside, and we can't live to be 10,000 years old." Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zhengdao.

"One day in the outside world, three thousand years in Taoyuan Wonderland, ten thousand years, but only three days, in the same way, the life you consume is only three days. The Weiyang Immortal Emperor seemed to hear Sheng Minglan's doubts, and his voice appeared in the sky again.

"Weiyang Immortal Emperor, Young Master Zhao, this may really be the land of immortal gods, do you want to stay?" asked Sheng Minglan looking at Zhao Zheng.

"What about you?" Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and said.

"I want to stay, I'm not to become a Buddha and an ancestor, I'm here to take revenge, if I can get the immortal inheritance, the prince, I want to kill it." Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

"I'll stay with you, you are a woman, if you want to survive this 10,000 years alone, it is comparable to ascending to the sky, maybe you will die in the process, having someone to accompany you, maybe you can increase the hope of surviving 10,000 years." Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and smiled.

If it's really 10,000 years, then Zhao Zheng will definitely not stay, even if Sheng Minglan gets along day and night, Zhao Zheng will not stay, a beautiful face, if you really look at it every day, it will be tired.

It's not Zhao Zheng's reality, but 10,000 years is too long, although it is three days of work for the outside world, but for Taoyuan Immortal territory, that is the real 10,000 years, Zhao Zheng has the heart to hold the dan, and he feels that he can't hold it.

To be honest, it is difficult for Zhao Zheng to imagine how Sheng Minglan survived, in the original future line, Sheng Minglan survived 10,000 years and was inherited.

It is no wonder that Sheng Minglan can rise, the mortal period can survive the trial of 10,000 years, or the trial set by the Immortal Emperor, such a heart, Sheng Minglan does not rise, who rises?

Zhao Zheng chose to stay because he had just asked about breaking the dimensional wall system.

Breaking the dimensional wall system said that spending five thousand qi luck value can directly allow Zhao Zheng to accelerate the process of 10,000 years, and the time of 10,000 years can be shortened to three minutes.

In three minutes, Zhao Zheng would experience everything for 10,000 years.

Everything that happened in this ten thousand years will appear in Zhao Zheng's mind, and the system only speeds up Zhao Zheng's perception.

Although the five thousand qi luck value is quite a lot, compared to the inheritance of an immortal emperor, Zhao Zheng still knows the trade-offs.

After saying that, once he stays, Zhao Zheng believes that when he leaves again, Sheng Minglan will fall in love with him to death.

10,000 years of getting along day and night, supporting each other, any woman, it is impossible not to dislike each other.

Sheng Minglan completely liked him, that is, he completely changed Sheng Minglan's fate, and the qi luck value obtained by Zhao Zheng must be more than five thousand qi luck value several times.

And if Zhao Zheng chooses to withdraw, the loss of qi luck will be more.

Zhao Zheng needs to spend all his qi luck points to leave Taoyuan Wonderland intact.

The words of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor are a trap, if someone really gives up the trial, it is not at all to strip away the memory, that is, it is certain death.

From the moment Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan entered the Taoyuan Wonderland, the trial had already begun, and asking them whether they withdrew was to test whether they were firm in their hearts.


"Young Master Zhao, have you really thought about it, it's still too late to regret now, it's 10,000 years long. When Sheng Minglan heard Zhao Zheng's words, she said with some emotion.

"I never regret what Zhao Zheng decides. Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and said lightly.


"No one quit and the trial officially began. At this moment, the voice of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor appeared in the sky again.

After the voice of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor disappeared, Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zheng and smiled bitterly: "Young Master Zhao, now you can't leave if you want to, it seems that you can only stay here for 10,000 years." "

With a beauty like you, I believe that 10,000 years is nothing to me. Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and smiled.

"Young Master Zhao, don't tease Minglan anymore. Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zheng and smiled bitterly.

"What I said is true. Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and said seriously.

After speaking, Zhao Zheng did not waste time, and directly shouted in his heart to break the dimensional wall system: "System, accelerate this ten thousand years." "

"Deduct five thousand qi luck value and start accelerating time. As Zhao Zheng's words fell, breaking the dimensional wall system deducted Zhao Zheng's five thousand qi luck value.

The next moment, countless pictures appeared in Zhao Zheng's mind.

PS: Third more.

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