In just a few tens of seconds, Zhao Zheng had hundreds of years of memories in his mind.

In these hundreds of years of memory, Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan got along day and night.

There have also been many calamities in the territory of Taoyuan Immortal.

For example, the torrential rain for a hundred years flooded the entire peach forest, and Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan survived for hundreds of years on a lone boat made of peach wood before the rain receded.

Because of the particularity of Taoyuan Wonderland, although Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan will have hunger, they will not starve to death, which is why Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan can survive.

In addition to the heavy rain disaster, there are also various disasters such as the storm disaster.

The most difficult calamity is the love disaster after 8,000 years.

The way to crack the love robbery is either to fall in love with each other completely and do anything for the other person, or to kill the other person.

Sheng Minglan chose the former, because of eight thousand years of getting along, Sheng Minglan's heart has long been filled with Zhao Zheng, after all, this is eight thousand years of getting along, eight thousand years of companionship, how can you be indifferent?

Zhao Zheng also saw this fragment and knew why Sheng Minglan got the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor and would go to the palace.

It turned out that if this love robbery was two people in the Taoyuan Immortal Territory, and they happened to be a man and a woman, they would let them have love for each other.

If not, it will automatically sketch a person as a love robbery.

Because Sheng Minglan is an imperial princess, the illusion automatically sketches Emperor Ming as a love calamity.

But now, Emperor Ming rolled aside, Sheng Minglan is his.


In just three minutes, Zhao Zheng experienced ten thousand years in his mind.

10,000-year scene, lifelike.


"10,000 years have passed, congratulations on passing the 10,000-year trial in the Taoyuan Wonderland, and now you can obtain the inheritance of this seat. After Zhao Zheng digested the 10,000-year memory in his mind, the voice of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor suddenly appeared in the sky.

At the same time, a spatial crack also appeared in front of Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan .

Inside the spatial crack is a palace that is not like the one that can be built in the world, and the palace is luxurious to the extreme.


"Zhao Lang, unconsciously ten thousand years have passed, this ten thousand years, thanks to your company, otherwise Minglan will definitely not be able to last. With the appearance of the spatial crack, Sheng Minglan appeared next to Zhao Zheng and looked at Zhao Zhengdao with love.

Seeing Sheng Minglan, to be honest, Zhao Zheng is quite admiring in his heart, he is open, three minutes spent 10,000 years, but Sheng Minglan is a real 10,000-year time, with this perseverance, Sheng Minglan can not rise in the future, Zhao Zheng is not believed.

"You and I have already decided to have three lives, why should I say thank you?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile as he looked at Sheng Minglan and said.

In ten thousand years, after Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan spent their love calamity, they had already settled on three lives, and Sheng Minglan's title for Zhao Zheng was directly changed from Gongzi to Zhao Lang, if it weren't for Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan not officially worshiping heaven and earth, I am afraid that the current title is Fujun, Xianggong and the like.

"Minglan, I still have a fiancée who has been engaged to me in the outside world, although I have been with you for ten thousand years, she is always in front and you are behind..." Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and said with a difficult look to speak.

"Zhao Lang, you and I have been getting along for ten thousand years, don't you still know me, Minglan is not a person who likes to fight with others, as long as Zhao Lang has Minglan in his heart, who is big and who is small, Minglan does not care, and is not willing to fight. Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zheng and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, after entering the door of my Zhao family, I Zhao Zheng will treat them uniformly, and I will definitely not favor one over the other. Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and assured.

"Hmm. Sheng Minglan nodded.

"Zhao Lang, the inheritance land of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor has been opened, can we go in and obtain the inheritance of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor?" Sheng Minglan pointed to the spatial crack in front of him and smiled.

"Of course you can. Zhao Zheng nodded, and then pulled Sheng Minglan into the spatial crack.

Unlike before, when Zhao Zheng pulled Sheng Minglan to jump off the cliff before, Sheng Minglan's body was very restrained, and now Sheng Minglan is very intimate and leans on Zhao Zheng.


After entering the spatial crack, Zhao Zheng saw the panoramic view of the palace.

This palace is indeed extravagant to the extreme, and it looks natural.

In the center of the palace, there is a white jade statue.

The statue is a woman of extreme beauty, even Sheng Minglan who is naturally charming is a little inferior to it.

These points of inferiority are not inferior in appearance, but inferior in temperament.

This is also normal, this statue is the statue of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor, the temperament of the Immortal Emperor, how can it be comparable to the mortal Sheng Minglan ?


"Zhao Lang, is this statue the Weiyang Immortal Emperor? Sheng Minglan looked at the statue of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor and sighed.

"In the future, when Ming Lan becomes an immortal, you will definitely not be inferior to her. Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"Even if there is an immortal inheritance, it is definitely not so easy to become an immortal, Zhao Lang, you see that there seems to be something behind that statue. Sheng Minglan suddenly pointed behind the statue of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor.

"Go check it out. Zhao Zheng pulled Sheng Minglan over.

I saw a jade book behind the statue of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor, and the four words "Central Immortal Recipe" were written on it.

"Zhao Lang, could this Central Immortal Technique be the inheritance of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor?" Sheng Minglan said with some surprise as she looked at the Central Immortal Recipe.

"If there are no accidents, it should be. Zhao Zheng nodded.

"System, check the qi luck contained in the Central Immortal Technique, and how many Qi Luck values can be queried for the drawbacks after cultivating the Central Immortal Technique?" said Zhao Zheng in his heart as he broke the dimensional wall system.

Since discovering that breaking the dimensional wall system can speed up the flow of time, Zhao Zheng has asked if there are any other functions of the dimensional wall breaking system.

In the past, Zhao Zheng thought that breaking the dimensional wall system could only break the dimensional wall to obtain items, but after accelerating the time flow rate, Zhao Zheng found that breaking the dimensional wall system should have other functions.

With this question, Zhao Zheng felt that he was a bit bloody.

It turns out that as long as it consumes qi luck, the protagonist's divine skill magic method, he can also cultivate.

For example, the divine and ghost feng shui phase technique, Zhao Zheng can spend qi luck and directly practice the god and ghost feng shui phase technique.

But of course, if you can really cultivate, Zhao Zheng will not cultivate, you must still choose to recycle the gods and ghosts feng shui phase technique, recycling the god and ghost feng shui phase art brought Zhao Zheng 16,000 qi luck points, Zhao Zheng wants to cultivate the god and ghost feng shui phase art to Dacheng is 106,000 qi luck points.

A full ten times the gap, Zhao Zheng felt that it was a loss, Zhao Zheng used 100,000 qi luck values to break the dimensional wall, maybe he could directly obtain a stronger ability than the divine and ghost feng shui phase technique.

In addition to using Qi Luck Value to cultivate exercises, Zhao Zheng can also use Qi Luck Value to identify certain unknown treasures and the like.


PS: Fourth more.

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