"It takes two thousand points to identify the Central Immortal Technique. "Break the dimensional wall system.

"You're watching my villain value deduction, right? Just leave me a balance of seven hundred points? Zhao Zheng was speechless when he heard the prompt of breaking the dimensional wall system.


"Identification complete. "

Name: Central Immortal Technique (Fragment of the Three-Body Divine Recipe. )

Level: Shangpin Immortal Emperor-level exercises (The complete three-body divine technique is a god-level exercise. )

Origin: The method of cutting three bodies from the divine world was divided into three volumes by the Weiyang Immortal Emperor, one upper Yang immortal recipe, one central immortal recipe, and one lower Yang immortal recipe.

Disadvantages: Those who practice the Central Immortal Technique and the Lower Yang Immortal Technique will become the Shangyang Immortal Secret cultivators, and all their future cultivation and perception can be absorbed by those who cultivate the Shangyang Immortal Technique.

Implied luck: 67,000 points.


No wonder when the future immortal world appeared, Sheng Minglan suddenly disappeared, I thought that Sheng Minglan was not the protagonist, there was no specific missing picture, now it seems that Sheng Minglan directly made a wedding dress for the Weiyang Immortal Emperor, and all the cultivation was absorbed. After reading the introduction of the Central Immortal Technique, Zhao Zheng thought secretly in his heart.

"Zhao Lang, look quickly, words appear on this jade statue. Just as Zhao Zheng was pondering, Sheng Minglan suddenly pulled Zhao Zheng and pointed to the jade statue of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor.

I saw two lines of words appear on the jade statue of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor.

"After the Central Immortal Technique is started, you can open the passage to leave the Taoyuan Wonderland. "

"You have to cultivate the Central Immortal Technique before you can leave the Taoyuan Immortal Realm? Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zheng.

"Minglan, do you believe me?" said Zhao Zheng as he looked at Sheng Minglan and said in a deep voice.

"Zhao Lang, you and I have been together for ten thousand years, of course I believe you. Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zheng and said solemnly.

"If I don't allow you to cultivate the Central Immortal Technique, are you willing?" said Zhao Zheng.

"If Zhao Lang doesn't let me cultivate, I won't cultivate, I believe Zhao Lang, you must have your intention in doing this." Sheng Minglan said without hesitation.

"There are drawbacks after the Central Immortal Technique is cultivated, and you can't cultivate. Zhao Zhengdao.

"Then don't practice, but Zhao Lang, if you don't practice, how can you leave this Taoyuan Wonderland?" Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zhengdao.

"I had my own way to leave. Zhao Zhengdao.

"It's good to leave. Sheng Minglan nodded.

"Ming Lan, even if you don't practice this Central Immortal Technique, with the will you have honed over thousands of years, you can easily become a grandmaster by practicing any exercise, and it is easy to find the prince to take revenge, and I don't need you to take revenge, your revenge, I will help you avenge, the prince I will help you kill, whoever blocks who dies." Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and said in a deep voice.

"Husband, revenge is not in a hurry, the power of the royal family is still very strong. Sheng Minglan persuaded.

"My power is not weak, do you know Ling Donglai?" said Zhao Zheng.

"You know, the number one grandmaster in the world a hundred years ago. Sheng Minglan said immediately.

"Ling Donglai is for my use, as for what reason, I will tell you in the future, Ming Lan, you only need to know that Ling Donglai can go to the soup for me." Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and smiled.

"Zhao Lang, are you serious?" Sheng Minglan asked with some disbelief.

"Nature is true. Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile.

"With the support of the world's number one grandmaster behind the husband, I will rest assured, let alone kill a prince, even if you kill the emperor of the current dynasty, the royal family will definitely not dare to go against Zhao Lang." Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zhengdao.

"When you leave, I'll help you get revenge." Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and assured.

"Thank you Zhao Lang. Sheng Minglan said gratefully.

"Between you and me, there is no need to say thank you. Zhao Zheng shook his head with a smile.

"Zhao Lang, how are we going to get out of here now?" said Sheng Minglan .

"Right away. Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"System, recycle the qi luck carried by the central immortal recipe. Zhao Zheng said in his heart to break the dimensional wall system.

"The recovery is complete, congratulations to the host for obtaining 67,000 Qi Luck Points. "

As the prompt sound of the breaking dimensional wall system appeared, the central immortal technique in Zhao Zheng's hand began to fragment like glass.

Seeing the Central Immortal Technique turn into smashing, Sheng Minglan was a little surprised.

"This thing harms people, there is no need to keep it. Zhao Zheng explained.

"Hmm. Sheng Minglan nodded.

"I'll take you away now. Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and said.

After speaking, Zhao Zheng spent a thousand qi luck to directly use the dimensional wall breaking system to open a passage to the outside of Taoyuan Immortal.

Other functions, breaking the dimensional wall system charges are more expensive.

But breaking barriers and the like, then it's cheap, because this is the old way to break the dimensional wall system.

Breaking the dimensional wall can easily break the world barrier, let alone a fairy land opened up by the Weiyang Immortal Emperor?

"Ming Lan, let's go out. After Zhao Zheng saw the passage appear, he put his arm around Sheng Minglan and flew out of the passage.

In the instant after Zhao Zheng flew out of the passage, the passage disappeared.

At the moment when the passage disappeared, the statue of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor suddenly opened its eyes.

"Cut off all cause and effect, what a terrifying power? Who are you? Why can you be present when the aura of heaven and earth is revived for the first time? Fortunately, you are only a mortal now, although you have the power that mortals cannot have, but you can't find the divine thoughts I reserved on the statue. "

"Damn, I spent a lot of effort in the Taoyuan Wonderland, just to create the central body, and now it has all been destroyed by you, it seems that I can only wait for the fifth revival of Aura to forcibly break the bottleneck of the immortal world and send the central immortal trick down. "

"It's really hateful, I finally found a person who can perfectly cultivate the Central Immortal Technique, and I have to rearrange and find it again, I hope your real identity is stronger, to let me know that you are just a son of luck who can be born in advance by chance to obtain some Destiny plus body, and the real strength is not as good as mine, then don't blame me for being unkind to you." The statue of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor was full of complaints.

After speaking, the statue of the Weiyang Immortal Emperor closed its eyes.

At the moment when the Weiyang Immortal Emperor closed his eyes, the Taoyuan Immortal Realm directly collapsed and turned into nothingness.

PS: Fifth more.

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