"Zhao Lang, are we out?" Under the chessboard mountain, Sheng Minglan looked at the scene around her and smiled at Zhao Zheng.

"yes, it's out. Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile.

"Zhao Lang, I have a very strange feeling now, I feel that I am now very strange to the world outside Taoyuan Immortal. Sheng Minglan looked at Zhao Zhengdao.

"You and I have experienced 10,000 years in the Taoyuan Immortal Territory, it is not strange to feel this way, after all, in the outside world, how many years have you and I experienced?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile.

"Hmm. Sheng Minglan nodded.

"Okay, Ming Lan, don't sigh, let's go back, when the succession ceremony comes, I will help you take revenge, this time the royal family sent to participate in the succession ceremony is the crown prince Zhu Xu." Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"Zhao Lang, I really don't need to be in such a hurry, I have endured it for three years, there is no need to rush for a while, we have a 10,000-year trial in Taoyuan Wonderland, with Zhao Lang's talent, you will soon be able to break through to a higher realm." Sheng Minglan heard Zhao Zheng's words and immediately said.

"Minglan, didn't I tell you that I still don't put a royal family in my eyes?" said Zhao Zheng as he looked at Sheng Minglan and smiled.

"Zhao Lang, even though you have the world's number one grandmaster behind you, the royal family also has that real mythical Chongzhen Emperor, in addition to the Chongzhen Emperor, the royal family has other masters, what if the royal family really wants to deal with Zhao Lang you?"

"Ming Lan, since you have already settled with me for three lives, there is no need to hide some things from you, in fact, my cultivation has long reached the peak of the Great Master, or in other words, I and the Chongzhen Emperor and Ling Donglai are at the same level of the realm, I have competed with Ling Donglai, the battle of life and death, I will win." Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and said in a deep voice.

"Zhao Lang, are you serious?" Sheng Minglan said in disbelief when she heard Zhao Zheng's words.

"After ten thousand years of getting along, don't you still know me, have I ever told you lies?" said Zhao Zheng looking at Sheng Minglan and laughing.

"Zhao Lang, it's not that I don't believe you, I'm just too surprised, Zhao Lang, you are not a late grandmaster, but the same legendary realm as the Chongzhen Emperor, if this is spread, the whole world will be shocked." Sheng Minglan said.

"So you put your heart in your belly, the royal family really wants to fight against me, I don't mind slaughtering them, except for one Chongzhen Emperor, the other grandmasters of the royal family are all chickens and dogs in my eyes, and I can kill them at will." Zhao Zheng looked at Sheng Minglan and said confidently.

"Well, thank you Zhao Lang. Sheng Minglan looked at the confident Zhao Zheng and thanked with a smile.

"All said, the relationship between you and me, no need to say thank you. Zhao Zheng smiled and put his arm around Sheng Minglandao.

"Hmm. When Sheng Minglan heard Zhao Zheng's words, she nodded solemnly.



"Still haven't found Zheng'er?" an old man in Tianhai City, in Zhao Zheng's villa, looked at several people in front of him and asked in a deep voice.

This old man was Zhao Zheng's grandfather Yang Xuan, and the people in front of Yang Xuan were Zhao Zheng's parents and two uncles.

"No, Zheng'er's mobile phone has been turned off, and it can't be reached at all, dad, do you want to let the six doors find out where Zheng'er is?" said Yang Xiuyi with some worry.

"Father-in-law, Xiuyi, you don't need to worry, Zheng'er is no longer the former Zheng'er, Zheng'er is now the grandmaster of Zhenguo, and occasionally realizes, it is normal to retreat for ten days and eight days. Zhao Tianming on the side heard Yang Xiuyi's words and immediately said.

"Brother-in-law is right, Zheng'er is now the grandmaster of Zhenguo, it is too normal to cultivate for a few days occasionally, there is no need to look for it with great fanfare, anyway, there are still ten days before the succession ceremony, it's still early, there is no need to be in such a hurry to find Zheng'er, in case it disturbs Zheng'er's cultivation, wouldn't it be good?" agreed Zhao Zheng's second uncle Yang Bo.

"You're right, I'm a little too worried. Yang Xuan nodded.


"Grandpa, father, mother, second uncle, third uncle, I have only disappeared for three days, you are so worried, if I disappear for a few months in the future, won't you turn Daming over?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the villa, followed by two footsteps, and I saw Zhao Zheng walking into the villa with Sheng Minglan .

"Zheng'er, you're back? Where have you been in the past three days, calling you and turning off the phone. Seeing Zhao Zheng's figure, Yang Xiuyi immediately came over and asked worriedly.

"Something. Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"Zheng'er, this is the Minglan girl from Tianxiang Pavilion?" Zhao Tianming asked with a twinkle in his eyes when he saw Sheng Minglan who was somewhat intimate with Zhao Zheng next to Zhao Zheng.

"Good. Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile.

"You guys are?" Zhao Tianming frowned.

"Dad, as you can see, Minglan will be my wife and daughter-in-law of the Zhao family in the future. Zhao Zheng looked at Zhao Tianming.

"What, Zheng'er, do you know the true identity of the Minglan girl?" Zhao Tianming's face changed when he heard Zhao Zheng's words.

Yang Xiuyi on the side also froze his eyes.

"I know. Zhao Zheng nodded.

"Zheng'er, do you know that you still want to marry Miss Minglan and do you know the consequences of doing this?" said Zhao Tianming in a deep voice.

"I know. Zhao Zheng continued to nod.

"Know you still want to do this?" said Zhao Tianming in a deep voice.

"I have my thoughts, Dad, needless to say. Zhao Zhengdao.

"Xiuyi, you bring Miss Minglan upstairs, I have something I want to talk to Zheng'er. Zhao Tianming heard Zhao Zheng's words and looked at Yang Xiuyi beside him.

"Dad, if there is anything to say, you can directly say that Minglan is not an outsider. Zhao Zhengdao.

"Zhao Lang, I'd better go upstairs with my aunt. Sheng Minglan suddenly spoke at this time.

"Good. Zhao Zheng heard Sheng Minglan's words and nodded.

Dozens of seconds later, Sheng Minglan followed Yang Xiuyi to a room upstairs.


"Zheng'er, what do you think, there are so many beautiful women in the world, with your current identity, if you want beautiful women, that is a matter of a word, you can say how much and how much, why must this Sheng Minglan be? He is an imperial princess, if you marry him, won't you slap the royal family in the face?" After Sheng Minglan and Yang Xiuyi left, Zhao Tianming looked at Zhao Zheng worriedly.

"A royal family is not to be afraid of. Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"Zheng'er, although you have the strength of the late stage of the Great Master at a young age, the strength of the royal family is not as simple as it seems, and the myth that saved the Great Ming from fire and water is not dead. Zhao Zheng's second uncle Yang Bo also opened his mouth to look at Zhao Zhengdao.

PS: The sixth change, first update this change, and then around eleven o'clock at night, update four changes at once, make up for ten changes.

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