"Zheng'er, are you really going to marry that Minglan girl?" asked Yang Xuan when he suddenly looked at Zhao Zheng.

"Naturally. Zhao Zheng nodded, now it is a kick in the door to reverse Sheng Minglan's fate, how can he not marry.

"Zheng'er, grandpa knows that you have a good relationship with the world's number one grandmaster Ling Donglai, if that one is willing to help you, a royal princess, the royal family will definitely not dare to really take what you do, but I am afraid that the one who does not want to offend the royal family, you honestly tell your grandfather, how good is the relationship between that world's number one grandmaster and you, will he be willing to endorse you against the royal family?" Yang Xuan looked at Zhao Zheng and said solemnly.

"Even if I let him kill Emperor Chongzhen, he will not hesitate to go. Zhao Zheng looked at Yang Xuan and said.

In this case, Grandpa did not object. Yang Xuan heard Zhao Zheng's words and nodded.

Of course, Yang Xuan did not think that Ling Donglai was really willing to kill Chongzhen for Zhao Zheng, Yang Xuan thought that this was an exaggeration, but since Zhao Zheng could say this, the relationship was definitely not much worse, and it was certainly not difficult to endorse Zhao Zheng.

"No, I object, Zheng'er, you can think clearly, even if you have the world's number one grandmaster behind you, you will definitely be hated by the royal family, for a woman, it is not worth it." Zhao Tianming looked at Zhao Zhengdao.

"Dad, in fact, if I don't marry Sheng Minglan, I will also face off with the royal family sooner or later. Zhao Zheng looked at Zhao Tianming.

"Reason. Zhao Tianming said in a deep voice.

"How can the eldest husband live under the people for a long time, and it is enough for the Ming Dynasty to be established for more than 600 years. Zhao Zhengdao.

"Zheng'er, do you know what you're talking about?" Zhao Tianming's face changed greatly when he heard Zhao Zheng's words.

"Zheng'er, you must not have this idea, and you must not have it. Yang Xuan also said with a startled face.

"Are you afraid of the power of the royal family, or father, grandfather, and second uncle, third uncle, you are all your own family, there are some things I won't hide from you, my real cultivation is not the late stage of the Great Master, I am the peak of the Great Master, or I have surpassed the Great Grandmaster in half a step, my realm is equal to Ling Donglai, Emperor Chongzhen." "

"I have reached this point at a young age, and to be honest, I really don't know what else is worth fighting for besides rebellion. Zhao Zheng looked at Zhao Tianming, Yang Xuan and the others said in a deep voice.

"Zheng'er, what did you say?" Zhao Tianming and they looked at each other and looked at Zhao Zheng with shocked faces.

The peak of the Great Grandmaster, no, and the Chongzhen Emperor, Ling Donglai is the same as surpassing the level of the Great Grandmaster? Zhao Zheng is the Great Grandmaster in the late stage, they have already been shocked, and now Zhao Zheng said that he is Ling Donglai at their level, they are really hard to imagine.

"I said that I and Emperor Chongzhen, Ling Donglai and they are one cultivator. Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

After speaking, Zhao Zheng released his coercion a little.

Yang Xuan was the head of the Yang family, and he had felt the coercion of the peak of the Great Grandmaster up close, and he obviously felt that Zhao Zheng's coercion was far more than the coercion of the peak of the Great Grandmaster.

"This coercion really surpasses the peak of the Great Master, Zheng'er, your strength has really reached the point where Ling Donglai is there?" Yang Xuan looked at Zhao Zheng and said in shock.

"Naturally. Zhao Zheng nodded.

"Father-in-law, you are not mistaken, right?" said Zhao Tianming as he looked at Yang Xuan and said in a deep voice.

"Great Grandmaster coercion, it is difficult to forget after feeling it once, Zheng'er's coercion is indeed beyond the peak of the Great Grandmaster, but whether it is the Chongzhen Emperor and their level, I don't know, but Zheng'er said so, there should be no fake, after all, far beyond the coercion of the peak of the Great Grandmaster, except for surpassing the Great Grandmaster, there is no other possibility." Yang Xuan nodded.

"Zheng'er, your strength does have that capital, but unfortunately, we dragged you down, if you really want to seek that position, the strength is enough, but the strength of one person is limited after all, although my Yang family is a big clan, but it is up to the sky to provide you with an army of 100,000 people, and the royal family can control more than five million elite soldiers casually, it is almost impossible." "

"And Zheng'er, in addition to the Chongzhen Emperor from the royal family, there are many grandmasters and many grandmasters, in this regard, we can't help you much at all. Yang Xuan then looked at Zhao Zheng and smiled bitterly.

"Who said that I am the only great master on our side?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile.

"Zheng'er, you said Ling Donglai, will he help you?" said Yang Xuan's brows.

"Ling Donglai is my person, he has already surrendered to me, as for what reason he surrendered to me, this involves some secrets, I don't want to say more, Ling Donglai had nine named disciples a hundred years ago, and today, those nine people without exception, must be great grandmasters, one Ling Donglai, plus nine great grandmasters, plus me, our side is eleven great grandmasters." "

"And the most important thing is that there is only one Chongzhen Emperor, his combat power, our side has Ling Donglai and me, I and Ling Donglai join forces, Chongzhen Emperor will definitely die." Zhao Zhengdao.

"Zheng'er, is this true?" Yang Xuan said in horror when he heard Zhao Zheng's words.

"Naturally, seriously. Zhao Zheng nodded.

PS: Seventh more.

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